Goodbye Lily

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The Mikaelsons stood on the front porch of the house where the twins reside while in hiding. They could hear two giggling children chase each other in the tall grass on the other side of the dirt driveway. The grass could be seen swaying and parting as the girls ran through it. Klaus looks around for Hayley, finding her inside the house not really paying attention to the girls. They continue to watch the twins play until a car comes speeding up the driveway, kicking dirt and pebbles up.

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Before the dirt cloud settles the car doors open. The Mikaelsons are concerned these people may be enemies of the family. They were not wrong but weren't right either. A smartly dressed woman and two burly men in suits get out of the car. Hayley comes outside to greet them, "Melina. Glad you could make it." "Of course. Shall we?" Melina states with a fake smile and cold eyes. The Mikaelsons saw this and stiffened. Hayley opened the door for them to step inside. She held back and called, "Hope. Lily. Time to come in." Before closing the screen door behind her.

The twins slowly walked out from where they were hiding in the grass. Lily turns to Hope, "I have a bad feeling about this." Hope nods her head, "About them." Freya tilts her head, looking at the twins, "They know. They're getting bad vibes from those people." They enter the house, looking into the living room where the adults were sitting. Hayley tells the girls, "Why don't you head upstairs and freshen up?" The girls look down at their outfits and see they are covered in dirt. "Yes, mama." They said together as they went upstairs. Lily and the Mikaelsons saw Hayley give Lily a hateful glare. Klaus narrowed his eyes at both the memory-Hayley and present-Hayley standing with them. She just ignored it.

The group followed the twins upstairs. The twins had cleaned themselves up and were wearing matching pajamas, laying on the floor coloring. "Hope? I'm scared. What if they're here to hurt us?" Lily was trying not to cry. Hope had noticed the way their mother would treat the two of them differently. She noticed Lily would get ignored or glared at by their mother, while she was treated like a princess. "I don't know Lily. I saw mom give you a mean look. She does it every time she looks at you. If they are here to hurt us, we should run aw..." Hope was interrupted by their mother calling Lily downstairs. They looked at each other and the both of them got up and went downstairs.

Again the group followed the twins. They all caught the end of Hayley and Melina's conversation, "She will make a fine addition to our organization." Melina said with her plastered-on fake smile. Hayley turns to the stairs when she hears footsteps. Seeing both of the girls, she tells Hope to go back upstairs. Hope shakes her head no. The Mikaelsons watch as Melina gives a signal to one of the men. He walks up to the twins and picks up Lily by the waist and starts to walk out the door, but Hope hasn't let go and is being dragged along the hardwood floor.

Memory-Hayley picks up Hope by the waist with one arm, using her free hand to try and pry them apart. All the while, the twins are screaming for the adults to put them down. Every time one of their hands would come unclasped they would reclasp their hands and grip tighter. Klaus and Elijah want to intervene but can't since it is a memory. The second guy came up to his partner and pulled a syringe out of his coat pocket and injected the sedative into Lily's neck. The little girls struggled to keep a hold of each other until the drugs kicked in. Lily's body went limp and her hands lost their grip. Hayley was able to pull Hope away. Hope had not stopped screaming only now it was, "Lily! Lily! LILY!" Her loud screams echoed as the car with her twin sister and best friend drove away.

The memory changes to them back inside the house the next day. (This part is what Hope remembers now.) Hayley was sitting in one of the armchairs talking to a witch none of the Mikaelsons or Marcel recognized. Hope sat on the couch with red, puffy eyes looking exhausted. The very petite witch sat next to Hope, speaking to Hayley, "So you want me to change her memory of yesterday?" Hayley nods her head, "Yes. Replace it with the memory we discussed." The witch nodded her head and began to cast the spell to alter Hope's memory of what happened to her twin.

Once the witch was done, Hayley took Hope upstairs to lay down. Hayley then came back downstairs, vamp speeding over to the witch and snapping her neck. She then took the witch's body and set it in the girls' playroom. The burnt remains would be mistaken for Lily. She gathered Hope into her arms and took her to the already packed car, and buckled her in. Hayley went back inside with several gas cans, pouring the contents everywhere, and lighting a match. She stood outside and watched as the house started to burn with a true, pleasant smile on her face.

The Mikaelsons and Marcel were pushed out of the memory and back into the hall of doors. None of them said a thing, too angry and upset at Hayley for her betrayal. The second door could be heard unlocking. Elijah was closest. He turned the knob and they were pulled in.

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