Bad Moon Birthday

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The image of the door that unlocked next depicted a full moon with a broken birthday hat sitting on top.  The number five was formed using craters on the moon's surface.  Below the bright yellow moon was the body of a girl in a puddle of blood, a howling wolf could be seen in the shadow of the moon.  All Klaus could think to himself as he opened the door was, "Don't let this be what I think it is." 

They were pulled into the dining hall this time.  The sound of heavy rain could be heard hitting the curtain-drawn windows.  Lily was sitting next to Bianca as they ate.  There was barely any expression on her face.  Lily slowly lifted the fork to her mouth, her arms and back sore from yet another punishment.  This time she had gotten frustrated with herself for failing to beat her old lap-time on the obstacle course while concentrating on suppressing her magic.  Nobody but Bianca knew about her magic or other abilities in the Red Room.  However, it was getting harder and harder to contain. 

Bianca quickly looked around the dining hall for any of the adults before leaning over to Lily and whispering in Russian, "Happy Birthday Lily."  Lily has officially been at the Red Room for a year and can speak, read, and write in Russian.  That is on top of the Latin she was learning for magic spells with Davina and Freya before she was taken.  Lily bowed her head to try and hide the small smile.  Neither girl paid attention to the girl sitting across from them.  The same girl whose bed was on the other side of Lily's.  The girl's face was emotionless except for her eyes, it's almost like you could see the smirk. 

Before leaving the dining hall, Bianca and Lily were stopped by the director, General Dreykov, and his guards.  There was no need for words as the girls were escorted outside into the training courtyard.  Dreykov stood on the stairs looking down at the two girls standing with their hands behind their backs in parade rest.  A guard was holding an umbrella over Dreykov, as Bianca and Lily(Or Nadenka) stood in a short sleeve, black shirts, and matching gym shorts getting soaked to the bone.  The two little girls were trying not to show how cold they felt.  Dreykov continued to look at the girls in disappointment. 

The Mikaelsons standing with the girls in the freezing downpour, a sinking feeling in their guts.  They are getting just as soaked as the children but it doesn't affect them as badly.  Elijah broke the silence, "General Dreykov, a high-ranking Soviet Armed Forces officer.  He is a powerful political figure, and now we know who runs this place."  The family figured Elijah would be the one to know who's who in the political world.

They turned their attention back to the director as he spoke, "Any kind of relationship that is developed in someone's life, whether it is friends, significant others, or even family is considered a weakness.  There is no place for weaknesses here."  He gives a slight nod to the guards.  The guards spread out and form a ring surrounding the girls.  Dreykov would instruct some of the hand-to-hand combat training, so Bianca and Nadenka knew what to expect and wanted nothing more than to run.  On his command, "Begin."  Bianca and Nadenka take a fighting stance and circle each other. 

Both girls knew how to fight pretty well after training for a year.  It was Bianca that made the first move.  She delivered a harsh blow to Nadenka's ribs.  Nadenka didn't have time to catch her breath before another hit came her way, and was immediately blocked and retaliated with a kick of her own. 

The family watched as the two girls fought for close to an hour.  During this time the rain had stopped and the clouds were dissipating, showing a bright, full moon.  The last punch Nadenka threw cracked several of Bianca's ribs.  The girls stepped away from each other, breathing heavily.  Bianca was bent over as she held her side where the ribs were broken.  Nadenka turned her gaze to the director.  He came closer to the two girls, he looked back and forth between them before turning to Nadenka, "Finish her."  Everyone watching has given up on holding back their tears, their anger, and frustration as they watched their "Little Flower" break her werewolf curse.

Nadenka's chin quivered for a brief second before the cold, indifferent mask fell back into place.  Bianca tried to stand up straight but the pain was too intense.  Using Bianca's moment of weakness, Nadenka quickly placed the girl in a chokehold from behind.  In this position, Nadenka's mouth was next to Bianca's ear, "I'm sorry."  With one sharp twist of her arms, Nadenka broke Bianca's neck.  She let go of Bianca, stood up, and watched as her best friend's limp body fell to the ground.

Being away from her family, her hybrid father, and werewolf mother for so long she forgot what happens when a werewolf makes its first kill.  Nadenka faced the director.  His eyes widen when he sees Nadenka's eyes change to a bright yellow.  Then the screaming began as her bones started to break and shape-shift.  Nadenka fell to the ground when the first bone broke.  The sounds of bones breaking, and rebreaking could be heard along with Nadenka's screaming.

Marcel, Elijah, and Klaus knelt by Lily, surrounding her as she shifted into her wolf form.  Klaus never took his eyes off his Little Flower.  Marcel kept looking back and forth between Lily, Klaus, and a stone-faced, uncaring Hayley.  Elijah would peer at Dreykov every so often, noting the director's reaction.  A small upcurve of the General's lips, his eyes filled with wonder with this new development.

Nearly two hours later, a beautiful black wolf with bright blue eyes lay panting where Lily once stood.  The sound of several firearms readying to fire drew everyone's attention.  Lily stood on four shaking legs.  The family admired how beautiful she was.  "She's the opposite of me.  Ying and Yang," Hope's voice cracked from how much she has been crying.

The courtyard was filled with tension, waiting for the wolf to make a move

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The courtyard was filled with tension, waiting for the wolf to make a move.  The sky is now mostly clear of clouds.  The light from the full moon shined down on Lily.  She stood at her full height, tilted her head to the moon, and howled a very loud but sad howl.  A few of the guards lifted their firearms and had their fingers on the trigger ready to fire.  Before any shots could be fired, a tranquilizer dart struck Lily in the chest.  Her howling was cut abruptly as the sedative took her consciousness.  The memory ended with Dreykov giving orders, "Put Nadenka in a cell.  When she wakes as a human, one-hundred lashes for disobeying.  And it seems we have found our candidate for the improved serum."

The air in the hall of doors feels heavy with tension.  They heard the next door unlock.  Before grabbing the doorknob, Klaus turns to Hayley, his face cold and unkind, "She was five years old.  I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!"

He takes a few deep breaths with his eyes closed.  Then he steps closer, looks Hayley in the eyes, and says, "When we leave here, you will have one hour to pack your belongings and get out of New Orleans and out of our lives."  She looked at Elijah and saw just as much anger as the rest of the family, even Marcel.  Hayley put her head down and could only nod, her face showing absolutely no guilt or regret. 

Klaus steps next to Hope, pulling her into a hug, "How do you feel?  Do you want to keep watching or finish after getting some rest?"  "I think it might be best if we take a break.  Give time to rest our magic, and Hayley time to leave.  I don't want her here anymore." Hope spit her mother's name like it was poisonous.

Shortly after the spell ended, Hayley was escorted out of New Orleans by several of Marcel's French Quarter vampires.  The rest of the family took that time to go over what they have seen so far.  Elijah and Finn sat with a pen and paper, writing down any names and details they could use to try and find Lily.  Davina and Kol went to their room to rest and cried some more.  Hope called Landon and Josie, she told them what happened.  They told her to be safe and keep them updated and they will inform the headmistress.

Klaus has locked himself in his room with an expensive bottle of whiskey and proceeded to destroy everything in his room.  He is blaming himself for not trusting his instincts.  Instead, he took Hayley's word that the burnt remains, which looked too big to be a child's, was in fact his Little Flower.

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