Supernatural School

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Supernatural School

Alaric had just sat at his desk when Hope came into his office without knocking. "I'm back. And I brought guests." Hope sheepishly shrugged. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, "What guests?" Tony Stark struts into the office, "Tony Stark, billionaire, philanthropist, playboy... and friends." Tony was joined by four others, each introducing themselves. "So, what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit from half of the Avengers?" Alaric already felt the headache developing. Tony shoved his hands into his pockets, "Well, it seems one of your students hacked into my tower. I'd like to speak with him."

Alaric shook his head, "Landon Kirby. He's been known to hack a few things, I never thought he would go after Stark Industries." "Ah, it's kind of my fault. I asked him to because we found Lily and she needed help outside of what any of us could do." Hope interjected. Tony felt he needed to clarify, "He's not in trouble. I'm impressed and I want to ask how he did it." Alaric nodded to Hope, "Bring Landon to my office." Hope left the Avengers and headmaster to retrieve her boyfriend.

They all took a seat around the room. "What is this place?" Clint asked bluntly. "It's a school for the supernatural. We house and educate various species such as werewolves, witches, vampires, and a few others. The students are taught how to control their abilities, as well as a basic education. Landon is actually a human/Phoenix hybrid. Hope is a Tribrid, part vampire, part werewolf, and part witch. She and her twin are the only ones in existence."

Natasha asked, "You said you house the students?" "Yes, some of the students are orphans or have been disowned by their families when it's discovered they are not "normal". This school gives them the opportunity to learn and adapt so they could live somewhat normal lives." Thor looked to be deep in thought before he excused himself. He had felt the immeasurable amount of magic once he grew closer to the school.

Thor went outside and looked to the sky knowing Heimdall could see him, "My friend, can you please have my mother and Loki join me?" Instantly, the ground in front of Thor was now scorched from the Bifrost closing, Frigga and Loki stood in its place. "Welcome brother. Mother." Frigga smiled at her son, "This is a pleasant surprise. What's the occasion?" Thor returned her smile and took her hand, leading them both inside. "It seems this is a center where Midgardian children learn about magic. I thought you both would like to see it." They entered the school's foyer as the rest of the group joined them from Alaric's office, excluding Landon and Alaric.

A blonde woman was leading the group, "Perfect timing. We were just about to tour the school. I'm Caroline Forbes-Salvatore, the headmistress. I'll be your guide." Frigga looked into one of the common areas and gasped, "Magnificent." Everyone followed her line of sight to a couple of girls conjuring balls of light while sitting on the ceiling. Caroline smiled, "That it is. Those two came to us a few months ago from an unfortunate situation. This school is a safe place for children like them. We do our best to prepare them for the outside world, but there are some things you can't teach. Most learn early on how cruel the world could be when you're different. The Salvatore Boarding School was built for supernaturals to have a place they could learn and feel safe."

Loki walked alongside his brother noticing he kept looking at two students that were with the group. Loki observed the twin girls, realizing something about them felt familiar. "You feel it too?" Thor asked Loki. "Valkyries who have not awoken," Loki acknowledged what Thor felt. Both Thor and Loki spoke quietly to Frigga, she too, could feel the dormant Valkyries. "We must speak with them before returning to Asgard," Frigga thought to inform the Warriors Three before informing her husband. Odin can be such a stubborn fool.

The tour continued, ending in the library. Throughout the tour, Tony would ask about after graduation. Caroline answered to the best of her ability, "In the beginning of their last year, the students would sit down with a counselor just like in high school. They would go over transcripts and come up with a plan for future employment. Most of which correlate with their abilities. For example, one student will be furthering their education in Zoology, he is more attuned with his wolf side than human. He wants to focus on endangered species and their preservation."

After the tour was over, Thor, Loki, and Frigga pulled Caroline aside before she could get back to her research about the Gemini Merge her twins will most likely have to endure. "Lady Caroline, a moment of your time?" Thor asked politely. "Oh, of course. Follow me to my office," Caroline escorted the three Asgardians to her office that she shares with Ric. Caroline takes a seat behind her desk, "How can I help you?" Frigga smiled and spoke, "We noticed during the tour there were two amongst the group that carry a familiar magic." Caroline was intrigued, "Oh? Which two?" "The two that walked beside you," Loki answered.

Caroline thought about the group and realized who they were talking about, "My twin daughters, Elizabeth and Josette, but we call them Lizzie and Josie. They're Siphon Witches. Is that a familiar magic on Asgard?" Loki was confused, "What are Siphon Witches?" Caroline smiled, "They are unique. They can practice magic, but they do not have their own, so they essentially absorb magic from other sources. That can be anything from a supernatural being or magical object. They currently wear bracelets that Hope imbues with some of her magic, so they don't accidentally siphon from someone or something they are not supposed to."

Frigga sat forward in her seat, "Oh how intriguing. However, the magic we are speaking of is even more unique and quite rare. Your twins seemed to be unawakened Valkyries. Women who are destined to fight along Odin in times of battle. They are essentially considered Asgardian once their Valkyrie has awoken." Thor was watching Caroline during his mother's explanation, and he could see she was overwhelmed, "Are you alright, Lady Caroline?" Caroline blinked owlishly before clearing her throat, "That's a lot to process."

Caroline opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out a grimoire that belongs to the Gemini Coven, "I just...Before you stopped me, I was getting ready to leave. I have been traveling all over the world to try and find a loophole in what to come." Caroline didn't know why she was revealing this information to the Asgardians, but she felt like she was at the end of her rope when it came to the Merger. "My girls are nearing their 21st birthday. When they reach their 22nd birthday, they have to participate in what is called, "The Merger." She turned the grimoire to face them on the pages describing the ritual, "They essentially have to fight and the one with the strongest magic absorbs the other. The winner becomes leader of the Gemini Coven, and the loser dies." Caroline whispered the last part, trying her best to stay composed.

Frigga and Loki had finished reading the entry in the grimoire. Loki continued to scan the pages while Frigga spoke to Caroline, "Have you found anything?" Caroline shook her head, "Not really. I was told one of the girls could sacrifice her magic but that may also kill her. I'm at my wit's end." Loki closed the grimoire after sneaking a copy, "Well, if they so choose to become Valkyrie that would no longer be Midgardian, so this Merger would not apply to them."

Caroline sat back in her chair and thought for a moment, "Could I speak to the twins before making any dec..." The twins were snooping outside the door and came barging in, "Yes, we'll go!" "Yes, please!" The twins both answered at once. Thor stood up and laughed at their exuberance, "Myladies, speak with your mother first. It is best if you make this decision together. If you agree, you'll be leaving for Asgard and may not be back for quite some time."

Frigga and Loki stood as well. Frigga hugged Caroline and the twins, "We'll take our leave now. When you are ready Thor will know how to reach us. I will be speaking with the Warriors Three upon our return." The Asgardians left the three to talk about everything and returned to Asgard. Caroline and Ric essentially lost the argument a few days later. The last remaining Gemini twins will be leaving for Asgard.

That was part of the excitement that day, Landon Kirby received an invitation for an apprenticeship with Stark Industry. Which will also give the Avengers and Fury time to observe the Phoenix. Natasha and Clint were also quite observant and made it a point to have SI/Pepper Potts take a tour and possibly sponsor the school. If Landon is to work alongside the Avengers, the spies know it would be a matter of time before SHIELD tries to sink their claws in them. This way, the Avengers can intercept SHIELD so as not to disturb the supernatural's way of life.

AN: Lily will be back in the next chapter. I have taken my creative license to the extreme. Lizzie and Josie will not have to do the Merger.

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