Fifteen Years Later

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Hope, her boyfriend Landon, and the Saltzman twins were heading to class when Hope was struck by a vision. Hope sees a girl who resembles an older version of her dead twin sister standing in front of her. The girl is badly beaten, wearing an all-black super-suit, and could barely stand on her own. The girl speaks to Hope, "I'm sorry. I need someone to remember even if it's not me." The girl raises her hands to either side of Hope's head and bombards her mind with memories. Hope's eyes turn milky white and she screams in pain and falls to her knees from the sudden intrusion. When the pain subsides still clutching her head, Hope whispers one word before becoming catatonic, "Lily."

Hope is led to the headmistress' office by Landon

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Hope is led to the headmistress' office by Landon. The Saltzman twins ran and got Caroline and told her what happened. She then calls Klaus. Caroline informs him Hope is not doing okay when he asks, "What's wrong?" Saying Hope appears to be catatonic after seeing a vision. Klaus is worried, "Anything else you can tell me?" Caroline sighs, "Landon said she only spoke one word before withdrawing into herself." "And what was this word?" Caroline looks at the blank, emotionless face of Hope and repeats, "Lily."

Klaus brings Hope home to New Orleans to have her recover and pull her out of this state she has been in since he picked her up several hours ago. When Hope walks into the compound and sees her mother she snaps out of her catatonic state, gets violent, and attacks her. With her hands wrapped around Hayley's throat, "It's your fault. I blamed myself for Lily's death for fifteen years, only to find out that part of my life was fake! I remember everything!" The entire Mikaelson family plus Marcel and Davina watched as Hope was pulled away from Hayley by her father and Elijah. "I remember everything," Hope speaks quietly as she sheds angry, hot tears.

Hope calms down enough to tell everyone what she remembers, and what the vision was about. "I could've sworn she was really standing in front of me. It was Lily. She apologized then put her hands on either side of my head and that's when all these memories flooded in. My head feels like it's going to explode." Hope has tears streaming down her face.

Klaus held his daughter and made a suggestion, "Maybe if we see these memories, the pain will lessen?" Freya nods her head, "I'll get everything ready." Between Hope, Freya, and Davina they cast a spell so the whole family could see the memories. The group appears in a hallway of doors, each depicting an event. Before opening the first door, Lily appears in front of the Mikaelsons and Marcel. They all stare at Lily with various expressions of sadness and guilt.

Lily is just an image(recording), "I'm sorry Hope. I need someone to remember even if it's not me. These memories are too important to lose. When I sent them to you I was being prepped to have my mind wiped. I won't even know my own name." The family gasps in shock when she says this. Lily's image turns to look at the doors in the hallway. Hope and Klaus could see a blue crescent moon tattooed on Lily's neck behind her right ear. Klaus wanted to reach out and hug his daughter tightly, but he knew she wasn't really standing there. Lily faces the group again, her expression holding a deep sadness, "If you see me and I don't recognize you, you run." Lily's eyes glow a light blue before she vanishes and the first door unlocks.

"  Lily's eyes glow a light blue before she vanishes and the first door unlocks

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