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The design of the second to the last door was an interesting one. The door looked like polished steel with an anvil, a blacksmithing hammer, and a burning forge in the center with racks of weapons in the background. Finn, Elijah, and Klaus were very curious about this memory. They were hoping it was a good one. Finn was the one to open this door.

They could see that another month or so goes by, Tony and Bucky have been circling each other like vultures until Lily, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Steve, Happy, and Pepper locked the two in a room until they have worked through their issues. Needless to say, Tony had broken both his hands, his favorite shades, and tore his designer suit. Bucky had two black eyes, a broken nose, a busted lip, and bruised ribs because he never fought back. Afterward, Tony and Bucky came to an understanding and tolerated each other in order to work together to destroy Hydra.

Before that happened, Tony had met Lily but learned very little about her. Everyone could see she didn't trust anyone besides Bucky. However, from what they could see, Tony didn't get along with most of the Avengers either. But Tony was still a generous host and housed the Avengers in the tower he built.

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Tony had even given Lily a space for herself. And this is where the group found themselves as they followed behind Tony and Bucky. Tony was curious to see what Lily had done with the space since Jarvis keeps saying, "With the amount of heat this space is generating, the two surrounding floors will not need heating." Bucky just wants to check on Lily, make sure she is alright and has eaten because she forgets sometimes. Which is why he was carrying a plate with her favorite fruits. The women of the group gushed over the fact Bucky genuinely cares for Lily.

Lily had turned the space into her metalworking shop since the room had a small balcony for a portable forge that needed proper ventilation. The Mikaelson men admire the beautifully crafted pieces that lined the wall on racks. Finn was eyeing a Viking-style long sword, wanting so badly to feel it in his hands.

Tony, Bucky, and the rest of the group ventured further into the room, following the sound of a blade grinding against a rough stone was heard on the far side of the room. Lily was currently hunched over her workbench, sharpening the second dagger of the pair she forged as a gift to Loki, whenever she saw him again.

Bucky walked over to one of the cleaner surfaces and set down the plate of fruit. "Hey, doll. Why don't you take a break and eat something?" He gestured to the plate of strawberries, blueberries, and sliced peaches, with a dipping bowl of sweet cream. Lily set the sharpening stone aside and straightened up rubbing her lower back from standing like that for so long. "I lost track of time again. I'm almost done with these new daggers for Loki. Do you think he'll like them?" Lily asked both the men in the room.

Kol became really excited when he heard Lok's name. He was reminiscing about the times he pulled pranks and dedicated them to the trickster. He felt it would be an honor to meet the god of mischief. Kol's siblings grew worried about the mischievous glint in Kol's eyes. Finn knew that look all too well, "Let's hope Kol and Loki are not left without supervision." Elijah rubbed his forehead, thankful for his inability to age or he would have prominent frown lines and grey hair from dealing with his siblings' shenanigans.

Bucky gently took her hand and directed his wife over to the fruit, "He'll love them. Nobody can deny your craftsmanship. Even the techno-nerd." Bucky nudged his head in the direction of the racks on the walls where Tony had pulled off a short sword and was swinging it like he was an expert swordsman. A decision not made wisely as Tony swung the short sword and lopped off a chunk of wood from a nearby table. He carefully put the sword back, his cheeks red with embarrassment. The three of them are oblivious to the laughter coming from the Mikaelsons, and the male body hiding in the vents.

This memory was a nice change from the others. It was very light-hearted and showed how much Bucky cared for Lily, as well as the friends she made while living in the tower. However, towards the end of the memory, it became heavy with sadness.

The memory shifted to the day of Hope and Lily's birthday. The whole group, especially Hope, watched as Pepper, Happy, Clint, Steve, and Tony were setting up a surprise party. Javis' voice came over the intercoms, "Sir, Mister and Misses Barnes are approaching the building." The rest of the Avengers were on their way to the lounge for the party. Once they arrived, everyone hid around the room with the lights dimmed.


"SURPRISE!" The Avengers jumped out from where they were hiding. The lights turned up a little brighter, and balloons, streamers, and confetti fell from the ceiling.

The celebrating quieted down when they saw Lily crying in Bucky's arms. Pepper came over to her, "Lily? Are you alright?" Lily wiped her tears away, "I'm okay. This was unexpected that's all. The last time I celebrated my birthday was with my sister." Fresh tears streamed down both Hope and Lily's face, "I'm okay. I'm okay. Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate it."

Both Pepper and Bucky hugged Lily a little tighter. Her muffled laugh could be heard, "Alright. Let's not let the party go to waste. I'm sure Tony is pouting that he is not the center of attention for five minutes." The whole room laughed, except Tony, who huffed but didn't deny it. There was still tension in the room but not as bad as the party came in full swing.

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The party ended with Bucky slow dancing with Lily, "Happy birthday, Doll." The smile Lily gave Bucky was breathtaking, "Thank you, my love." They continued to sway to the slow, love song as the memory faded out and the Mikaelsons found themselves in front of the last door.

AN:  A nice filler chapter and memory.

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