Welcome to the Red Room

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TW:  Mentions of torture, whipping, and blood.

Once the group enters, they look around. Marcel pivots towards what looks like docks, "I know where we are. It's the shipyard." They all turned towards the sound of metal scraping on metal, like a rusted latch is closing. It was a shipping container. The car from earlier driving away from the shipping container. It was then lifted by a port crane. As it passed over them, several loud screams of children could be heard before it was set down on the deck of a ship.

The group is pulled into the shipping container. They can see multiple little girls ranging in age from 4 to 10. Finn spots Lily curled up in a ball against the wall starting to wake up. He pointed to her, "There she is." The look on Lily's face was pure panic. She doesn't see anyone she knows, and she is surrounded by little girls who are crying.

Lily tucked her knees into her chest and hugged her legs. She couldn't hold back her own tears, "I want my daddy." Her voice cracked as she whispered it, but they all heard her and their hearts broke. Klaus was trembling with anger, his hybrid face on full display, his fists clenched tightly. His little girl was scared and wanted him, needed him, and he wasn't there. She continued to cry until she exhausted herself and fell asleep.

The scene changes to a room filled with beds, every one of them occupied by a girl. They were next to Lily's bed and watched as a woman came up to it and unlocked her handcuffs. "Are you kidding me? They chain them to the beds!" Rebekah yells at nobody in particular.

AN:  Please ignore the date

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AN:  Please ignore the date.

Lily sits up and rubs her wrists. She has been here for a few days and had hoped her family would find her. She starts to cry as she loses hope. The girl on either side of her sees her crying. The girl on the right turns away. The girl on the left speaks quietly, "Hey. It's going to be okay. My name is Bianca." Lily rubs her eyes to clear the tears before she is caught, "Lily." Bianca reaches under her pillow and brings out a dinner roll that she pilfered from the dining hall. She splits it in half and shares it with Lily.

Marcel and the Mikaelsons are pulled into another part of the memory. They watch as Lily puts on a uniform and goes into a classroom. It was a typical classroom where Lily and the other girls were indoctrinated and brainwashed through films they were forced to watch and learn by heart. The films, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs served a double purpose, as they showed the behavior a woman should show to not raise any suspicions, and also, through subliminal messages embedded in the movies.

The group watched in horror as Lily and the rest of the girls were being brainwashed. Elijah paid attention to the film his niece was watching. With his vampiric vision, he was able to catch a subliminal message, "There's Subliminals all throughout the film. They're in Russian." He peers at the film again, "Instill Fear." The girls continue to watch the films for several more hours.

As the girls leave the room, the Mikaelsons follow. Stepping over the threshold into another room instead of the hallway. It was a ballet studio. Lily was in a line in front of a mirror with four other girls performing in sync. The male instructor was heard saying, "Again." He walks the line correcting each girl. When he got to Lily, "Nadenka, your form is almost perfect." The Mikaelsons are confused by the name he called Lily. Again, it was Elijah who put two and two together, "They changed her name. Nadenka means Hope in Russian." Hope felt like both she and Lily were slapped in the face.

They all follow Lily as she enters the open-bay dorm room. She sees Bianca and couldn't help but smile. That was a mistake she will learn the hard way. One of the women saw the smile and walked over to Lily with a scowl on her face. The smile on Lily's face dropped, she tried to back up but her back hit another woman. Lily was roughly dragged out of the room, through the hall to a set of stairs nobody noticed, and dragged down several corridors into a cell in the basement. Everyone could see shackles and chains line the furthest wall from the door, the concrete floor stained with blood, and several whips hanging on a different wall. Lily was thrown inside so hard she fell face first and split her bottom lip.

Lily slowly sat up and looked around the room. Lily became even more scared. She could see the woman talking to a rough-looking man. The woman left, the clicking sound of her heels fading away as the man came into the room. He looked at Lily with disgust. Everyone watches the man in horror as he picks up Lily, who is sobbing loudly and chains her to the wall. He spun her around so her back was facing him, and tore her top open, leaving her back bare. His loud, booming voice, thick with a Russian accent told Lily, "Need to understand to show emotions is a sign of weakness. This is punishment for showing your weakness."

Klaus remembers saying something similar to his siblings, those words hurt to hear again. The man walked over to the wall of whips and chose one that would cause a fair bit of damage and scarring. He lifts it off its hook and unravels it, "The longer you show emotion, the longer the punishment will last."

Everyone but Hayley stood frozen as the man flicked his wrist, causing the whip to make a "Crack" sound as it left a long, bleeding slash across Lily's back. Klaus moved to stand in front of Lily, trying to protect her from the lashings, only to remember he's in Lily's memory.

He kneeled and was facing his 'Little Flower', watching and flinching as each lash tore her skin open further with each whip. Her screaming and crying died down eventually, the pain and blood loss causing Lily to pass out.

Klaus was still kneeling in front of where Lily was chained moments after she was removed and carried out, his jaw clenched shut so tight his teeth are at risk of breaking, tears streaming down his face as he vows to hunt each and every person who...

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Klaus was still kneeling in front of where Lily was chained moments after she was removed and carried out, his jaw clenched shut so tight his teeth are at risk of breaking, tears streaming down his face as he vows to hunt each and every person who has hurt Lily down. He didn't realize Lily's time in the Red Room was only going to get worse.

Marcel hesitantly approached Klaus and got his attention with a hand lightly touching his shoulder. Klaus didn't even turn towards Marcel. He just stood up and walked out of the cell and into the hall of doors awaiting the next horror they were sure to witness.

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