Group Chat

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Tony Stark was walking through the lounge on the 89th floor of the tower, heading to his newly restocked bar when Jarvis startled him, "Mister Stark, someone is trying to access your private Vid-Con." A voice of a teenage boy was heard in the common area, "Mister Stark?" Tony entered the common area and saw the Vid-Con had been taken over by a teenage boy, "Kid, how did you hack into my systems? Who are you?" Tony heard the elevator doors open and saw the others step into the lounge. They were joining Tony for a drink when they saw what was going on. The boy introduced himself, "My name is Landon. I do apologize for hacking into your Vid-Con. It was kind of an emergency."

Almost every member of the Avengers was in the lounge now. Bruce Banner stood a few feet from Tony, "What kind of emergency?" Everyone's mind was racing, as well as standing around the room in defensive positions. "My girlfriend, Hope, contacted me and asked to get ahold of you. And once I do, I am going to relay the Vid-Con to her so she can explain." Landon didn't wait for anyone to say anything as he connected Hope to Stark's Vid-Con.

"Hullo, sir. I'm Hope Mikaelson. You may know my twin, Lily. She was brought to the Abattoir earlier tonight." Hope walked over to Lily. She slowly revealed Lily's left shoulder without exposing too much skin. Keeping the iPad camera on Lily, Hope recapped what happened from when they found her until the video-con started, "She's so exhausted from the pain, my aunt and I had to use magic to alleviate some of it so she could rest. Unfortunately, the spell will wear off soon and the pain will return full force. I thought if anyone could figure this out it would be Mister Stark." She was hoping to appeal to his ego.

Tony ran through some solutions in his head, "Jarvis." "Yes, Mister Stark?" His AI replied. "Send the first half of this Vid-Con to Shuri in Wakanda, then patch her into the call." Tony already knew Shuri would want to speak with him and Hope. The Avengers had met the people of Wakanda during the Sokovia Accord, and Tony learned that Shuri is just as smart, if not smarter, than him. T'Challa initially wanted nothing to do with the Avengers and he wanted to kill Bucky, however, Hydra was proven to be the villain. On occasion, Tony and Shuri would exchange ideas and materials including Vibranium. Which they both knew Hydra had mined and stolen quite a bit from Wakanda. So when Tony saw Lily's metal arm, he knew Shuri would need to be involved.

Sure enough, Jarvis patched Shuri in, "What the hell am I looking at?!" Hope answered before Tony could, "Apparently, Hydra wanted my sister and Bucky Barnes to have matching accessories." Shuri gave an unladylike snort while watching the recorded part of the call and listening to Hope at the same time. "Mister Stark? I thought Hydra was eliminated?" Shuri angrily questioned.

Steve Rogers stood in the back with his arms crossed, "No, ma'am, unfortunately, it's living up to its namesake." The room watched Hope walk out of Lily's room to join her family in the courtyard. Hope went and stood between Bucky, Elijah, and her father. She cleared her throat, "Bucky? I have Mister Stark on Vid-Con." She turned the iPad around so the three men could see the screen. "Hey, Stark." Bucky greeted the billionaire. Shuri announced herself, "I'm here too."

The group came up with a plan to help both Lily and Bucky. Klaus, Elijah, Bucky, and Lily were going to fly to Wakanda using their private jet. Once there, Elijah and Klaus can learn all they can about Bucky without Lily interrupting. The Mikaelsons have lost so much time with Lily that they don't want to risk losing her if they chase *cough Kill cough* Bucky away. Klaus is selfishly thinking about turning Bucky just so he could dagger him, essentially keeping him close to Lily without being too close to his Little Flower. Thankfully, Elijah shut that idea down and suggested they get to know Bucky. And maybe throw in a few subtle threats into the conversation.

Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Thor were heading to Mystic Falls, Virginia. Tony wanted to interrogate the kid who hacked his systems. Everyone else was going to meet the kid and keep the peace. Hope would be returning to school that morning. Now that lily has been found, Hope could return to the Salvatore Boarding School. She had messaged Landon, the Saltzman twins, and the Headmistress to let them know she was returning to school and she'll tell them everything in person. Marcel and the rest of the Mikaelsons would concentrate on locating every Hydra base using their supernatural contacts.

Klaus was woken up in the early morning hours with a sense of dread. He felt something was wrong and when he opened his eyes he didn't see Lily laying in the bed. He jolted up so fast that the uncomfortable chair he was sleeping in knocked over. Klaus looked around the room, turned on the bedside lamp, and became even more panicked when he still couldn't find Lily. He took two long strides to the door and opened it so quickly it slammed against the wall, "Where is she?!" He didn't care if his yelling woke the whole French Quarter, he was worried about Lily.

Bucky had been standing next to her door like a sentry, wanting to stay near Lily to protect her without agitating her father. When the door slammed open Bucky knew Lily had hidden. He moved past Klaus into Lily's room to see if he was right. Klaus plus the rest of the newly woken Mikaelsons watched as Bucky dropped to the floor and shimmied himself halfway underneath the bed. The Originals could hear Bucky speak softly to Lily, "Hey doll, why don't you come on out? You're safe here."

Lily was too far into her own mind to move. She had woken up from a terrible nightmare, her mind still racing with the images that haunt her every night to the point she didn't feel safe. So she crawled under the bed, curled up into the fetal position with her back to the wall, and tried to calm down enough to go back to sleep. Lily heard her father yelling and became even more scared to come out. She barely registered Bucky finding her under the bed. He slowly moved to grab her hand, not wanting to startle her more than she was. She could see multiple sets of feet standing in the room, so she pulled her hand back, "Too many."

Of course, everyone heard her so they slowly trickled out of the room, only leaving Bucky, Klaus, and Hope. Both of them have laid down on the floor to look under the bed but have not moved any closer. Klaus wanted to try and coax his scared little girl out from under the bed, "Sweetheart, laying under the bed can't be comfortable. Why don't you lay on the bed?" Her quiet voice gave an answer that broke everyone's heart, "I don't deserve a bed. Not after everything I've done." Kol tried to lighten the atmosphere in the Abattoir, "Well, if that's the case, I should be sleeping outside in the dirt." Nobody found humor in that but agreed with the sentiment.

Hope had stayed quiet and just observed her twin. She noticed Lily was starting to sweat, and her body was shaking violently now. "Hey, let's get you something to drink, and then we can sit and talk. You can tell me all about the places you've been." Hope watched Bucky and Lily share a look before Lily nodded her head. Klaus and Hope got up and went into the hall as Bucky helped Lily out from under the bed. Bucky stayed behind Lily to make sure she didn't lose her footing as she descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Freya had a kettle started to brew some tea for the twins when the group walked into the room.

Even though everyone wasn't in the kitchen, they were listening to the conversation. They listened as Lily told Hope about traveling the country after leaving Hydra. They all noticed she would avoid the places she traveled to on missions but they were grateful just to hear her talk and not stay withdrawn into herself. Bucky would chime in with his own part of the travels. Klaus, Freya, Hope, and everyone else listening could tell that Bucky cares for Lily and vice versa.

Soon it was time to get ready to leave. Everyone who was leaving had their bags packed and loaded into different vehicles. Those staying were coming together and devising a plan to help take down Hydra and their affiliates. Lily had to be sedated with magic again, the pain was becoming unbearable again. So she was carried by Klaus with a pouting Bucky trailing behind them climbing into the black SUV. Elijah climbed into the driver's seat and they left for the private airstrip where their jet was waiting.

Hope had said goodbye to everyone earlier in the morning before being driven back to Mystic Falls by one of Marcel's vamps. She was going to meet some people at the gate of the school when she got there. She quietly laughed, just imaging Alaric's reaction to the guests she's coming back with.

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