Pepper Potts' On A Mission

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One cannot say when it happened, or who it was initially directed at, but Pepper Potts was furious. Her heels could be heard clicking heavily down the hall of her floor as she fumes. The latest meeting forgotten, the newest portfolio gripped tightly in her hand, unread. Angry thoughts of homicide running through her mind. And only one man can incite this reaction, her husband, Tony Stark.

Pepper had forbidden the man from wearing his suit for the next week as it was their anniversary week. They were supposed to be in their private jet on their way to their private island in the Caribbean. But...No! Tony had to suit up, and for what? For what?

Pepper slowed her steps and took a deep breath, "JARVIS?" "Yes, Miss Potts," The AI answered. "Where is Tony?" Pepper set down the portfolio and shook out her hand. "Iron Man is currently in Sokovia with most of the Avengers, along with some Supernaturals," JARVIS replied. "Supernaturals?" Pepper wondered. "Yes, Mrs. Barnes' family are assisting in taking down Hydra, as well as the Red Room. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are recuperating in Wakanda." "Thank you, JARVIS," Pepper plopped into her seat in a very unladylike manner.

She opened the portfolio and found it was a report from Clint and Natasha in regards to a school for the supernatural. They propose that SI sponsors the school to keep it out of SHIELDs' hands. She read through the report and realized the two spies were right. Pepper sighed, closed the report, and rubbed her temples. She got up from her desk and moved to leave her office. Pepper was going to go pack a small bag, "JARVIS, alert Happy and have our private jet ready for take-off to the closest airport to Mystic Falls, Virginia." "Right away, Miss Potts," JARVIS happily obliged.

Soon, Happy and Pepper arrived at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Gifted. Pepper noted, "Beautiful. It's very welcoming." Happy agreed, "It is. Tony spoke about it briefly. That new intern for next year is studying here." Pepper looked at Happy, "The one that hacked into Tony's vid-con?" "That's the one," Happy held the door open. Since their visit was unscheduled there was no adult to meet them.

Happy stopped the first kid that crossed their path, "Excuse me? We're looking for Caroline Forbes-Salvatore? Can you direct us to her office?" The little boy nodded excitedly, "Yes, sir. It's right this way." Pepper and Happy followed the little boy up the stairs and to the door marked 'Admin Office'. Pepper smiled, "Thank you." Happy knocked on the door.

A feminine voice says, "Enter." Happy and Pepper enter the room and approach Caroline at her desk. She stood to meet the guests, "Hello, how may I help you?" Pepper introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Pepper Potts and this is Happy Hogan. We're with Stark Industries. I believe you met my husband and his band of misfits." Both Happy and Caroline snickered at that. "Yes, we did. Alaric met them first and spoke with Mr Stark about Landon and his recent hacking incident. Is this pertaining to that? Please, have a seat." Caroline moved around her desk and sat back down.

Pepper and Happy took a seat as well. Pepper cleared her throat, "No, not entirely. We're here to put it bluntly, make sure Nick Fury and SHIELD don't try to recruit your students. And that is putting it nicely." "I see. So, we're on the government's radar now?" Caroline was smarter than she looked. Happy answered, "Supernaturals have been on not just SHIELD's radar since Mrs. Barnes had been taken into the Red Room 15 years ago. Hydra had been looking into Supernaturals since their conception, but capture was futile until Mrs. Barnes." Caroline slumped into her seat, "So, what should be done?"

Pepper brought out the contract she wrote on the jet, "Stark Industries would like to sponsor the school. Through these channels we would be legally able to contribute to the children's safety. It would provide a means for us to establish extra security measures without being called into question. It's worded in a way that Stark Industries has first rights to any graduates that may want to intern with us. And even if they don't SI can provide resources to point those who deny the internship in the right direction. Full background checks and disclosures from other offers will have to be cited before the graduate can make a decision to also ensure their safety. It may seem like a violation of privacy but as of right now, we don't know how deep Hydra or even SHIELD goes."

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