24 - Symptoms.

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Harry's POV

It was amazing to be able to go out in public with Alia again and not worry about someone seeing. We had met up less than an hour after Simon gas given our relationship the all clear. I knew he was mad at me...I could hardly remember what for though. Had I said something to him before I left?

"Harry, are you okay?" I felt my girlfriend place a hand on my cheek and I smiled, catching and holding it there.

"Better now." I answered, causing her to blush. "You do that a lot."

"Do what?" She asked, frowning in confusion.

"Blush." I told her, grinning as she did it again.

"Only with you." She muttered, burying her face in my chest. I sighed when my vision was interrupted by the flashing of cameras.

"Let's go, yeah?" I suggested, grabbing Alia's hand and leading her into the coffee shop. To my great annoyance I saw that it was packed with young girls most of whom sported some kind of One Direction merchandise. "Actually, how would you feel about dinner?"

We ended up at a Chinese restaurant a couple streets down. It was pretty sketchy, and looked on the brink of being closed down by a health inspector. There weren't any other diners though, so at least we were alone.

The next 45 minutes were a nice mix of talking, laughing and sesame chicken with brown rice and fried vegetables. When the waiter came with the bill, I payed and we left immediately before anyone could recognize us.

"I had a great time." Alia said when we reached the hotel where she was staying. "Thanks Harry."

"Maybe we can do this again tomorrow night?" I asked, grinning hopefully. She laughed.

"You have a concert tomorrow night!"

I frowned.

"I don't remember..."

"Liam told me."

I felt an unpleasant feeling inside of me. Was it anger at Liam? No it couldn't be. Liam's one of my best mates. It definitely wasn't jealousy. I knew he loved Danielle more than anything on the planet. Whatever. I'd figure it out later.

"Will you be there?" I asked. She nodded, smiling. "I'll see you then."

I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips before drawing away and watching her walk through the hotel doors. I headed back to the flat, feeling happier than I had in quite a while. Little did I know what would happen next.

Liam's POV

I awoke to the sound of the front door opening. It must be Harry. I gently pushed Louis away, trying not to wake him as well. He didn't have to see this unavoidably ugly interaction between Harry and myself.

"Hey Li!" The younger boy greeted me happily. I raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall and watching Harry put his coat in the closet.

"Hello." I said calmly. Harry must have detected something in my voice and looked up at me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I decided to be honest with him.

"Harry, when you left Simon's office the first person you went to was Niall. Then you didn't talk to any of us on the ride back. Then you left almost immediately to go see Alia. Then you stay out hours later than you told us you would. All this time you haven't even tried to connect with your supposed best friend. You know how Louis feels about you and you didn't even seem to consider how he's feeling right now!"

Harry's eyes went dark and his expression cold. I was startled to say the least. I had only seen him like this twice before ; when a fan had come up to Niall and listed everything she hated about him before proceeding to flirt with Harry and when he had come out of the office this afternoon. I didn't like it.

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