3 - Pink Elephants...In Panties (No Letters This Week?)

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The sound of Paul laying it on the mini-van's wheel was finally what woke Zayn up from where he was sleeping across mine and Niall's laps. He jumped and hit his head off of the low ceiling...of course, being the wonderfully supportive friends that we are, the whole vehicle burst into laughter at his expense.

Zayn glared at Louis, who was at the moment imitating him smashing his head and crying like a baby. Liam, Niall and I were in stitches about the entire thing.

"Boys, boys be nice!" Paul called from the front seat, glancing back at us.

"But Paaaauuuuul!" Louis whined "You're not being any fun, and all we have to laugh at is Zaaayyyyn!"

Paul tsked disapprovingly at Louis, but I saw his smirk in the mirror. He never could stay mad at us....no-one ever could.

Liam suddenly looked over at me.

"Hey Harry, have you gotten any other letters from that girl...what was her name...Alyssa?"

"Alanna." I corrected him. "And no, not since the one I got after Alan Carr's interview."

A devilish look appeared in Zayn's eyes.

"Hey Liam, you got any yummy-gummies in your back pocket?

Liam blushed. Yet another dirty joke at our expense that Alan had aired on the show. Aw, poor Liam, usually they were about me! Scratch that...poor me!!

Paul looked back again.

"Zayn! I told you to leave Liam alone about that, this is the fifth time!"

Zayn rolled his eyes, but relented.

"What's this about letters?" Niall asked, narrowing his eyes as he tried to make a decision between eating his chocolate pudding cup or my ham sandwich.

"Just eat both Niall" I sighed. "And they're from this girl, Alanna. She sends them to me every week...she's going through a tough time and I think writing to me helps her feel better. But I haven't got one yet this week...it's Saturday and I usually get them on Wednesday so I'm a bit worried."

Louis, suddenly serious, reached over the seat to put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Hazzaboo," he soothed "You'll get another one soon, she'll be okay."

I leaned into his words. Louis was often the only person who could comfort me, including either of my parents or my stepdad. I guess that's what best friends are for, right? Even though people seemed to think there was more romantically between us, it was absolutely untrue! We are closer than...Harry Potter and Ron Weasley...Franklin and Bear...Meredith and Christina...what? I can quote kids' shows and Greys Anatomy! Well anyways, we're as close as you can get without being one person.

Paul pulled into the hotel's parking lot where we were staying (in the rooms, not with the cars) and assigned Niall to sign-in duty while me and Liam got bagged and Zayn and Louis got to run around the front to sign some autographs and take pictures.

Niall ran ahead, accompanied by one of our new security guards, Eric, who had to sprint to catch up to the Irish boy...his eating certainly didn't affect his energy negatively, he was faster than even Liam sometimes!

Speaking of Daddy Direction...

Liam texted something, I leaned over his shoulder to read it :

From : Liam Payne

To : Mr Hungry

Subject : Cool it!

                                    Hey, Eric's new, he doesn't know all of your little tricks yet Nialler.

                                     Cut him a little slack please. xxx

From : Mr Hungry

To : Liam Payne

Subject : RE: Cool it!

                                           Sorry Daddy! Don't worry, he's caught up to me now....

                                            At least that's what he thinks ;)

Liam sighed and put away his iPhone. 

"Alright Harry, let's get a trolley and bring these bags up to our rooms."

"Room." I corrected. "Management couldn't book more than one on the same floor, so we're sharing!"

This may sound odd, but if we couldn't all have rooms close to each other in a hotel, we started to get uncomfortable. Partly because it made things much easier for fans (Directioners don't intrude on our privacy) to track us down. Also because we tended to play musical-hotel-rooms at night. Niall would end up with Liam, Zayn would move into Niall's now empty room, Louis would come to me, then we'd both join Zayn before he got fed up with our giggling and leave to share a room with Niall and Liam who would decide they wanted to be by themselves so they'd go to Louis' room.

Confusing, isn't it? Simon thinks so whenever he's with us.

"Okay, what room number?" Liam asked, obviously pleased that we could just pair off on the couch (me and Louis probably), in the bedroom (him and Niall) and (for Zayn) the bathtub.

"Let me see..."

From : Hazza

To : Mr Hungry

Subject : Pink Elephants...In Panties

                                          Hey, what room # are we? ps. Liam's breathing down

                                          my neck, say 'hi' for him or sumthin. <3

From : Mr Hungry

To : Hazza

Subject : RE: Pink Elephants...In Panties

                                                                        69 ;)

From : Hazza

To : Mr Hungry

Subject : RE: Pink Elephants...In Panties

                                                                     Ok thaaaaanks <3

"Liam, he says '69' to you..."

Liam's face went beet red and he took a deep breath before answering.

"Room number 69 then, thanks a lot mate."

I didn't miss the note of sarcasm there. I grinned mischievously.

"No problem my friend!"

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