6 - Recording Studio

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  • Dedicated to Kelly, for writing me the best TBH ever

♫ "...now I've lost myself in your eyes" ♫

I walked through the recording studio's doors (already knowing I was late) to hear Zayn's smooth voice gliding over the last few notes of one of our new songs. Liam cast me a very disapproving look as I came in. Oops, everyone else was already there!

"Hey guys," I said tentatively. "Sorry I'm late, it's just..."

Zayn rolled his eyes at me.

"You were sleeping in again."

I bit my lip.

"Erm...basically...yeah." The others chuckled at how, even though we do several interviews a week on average, I often still speak slower than a snail can move. Alright, maybe Niall's was a bit more than a chuckle.

"Ease up mate!" Liam grabbed Niall's arm as the blond boy nearly fell over, clutching his stomach. Guess laughing isn't so good for hangovers...


To : Mr Hungry

From : Nialler's Boo <3

Subject : xox

                                                   hey Nialler! I'm so sorry babe, but my

                                              dad just called and said I have an interview for

                                                       college lined up for tomorrow. Gtg.

                                                             I LOVE YOU! xoxoxoxoxox

Niall's face fell as he checked his phone. I managed to sneak a peek at the screen before he turned around. Ouch! I know it's really hard on him having a girlfriend who's in highschool. But he really loves Emeline, and I'm happy for them that they've been finding a way to make it work.

To : Nialler's Boo <3

From : Mr Hungry

Subject : RE: xox

                                                                Ok sweetie, good luck!

                                                         I'll miss you. I love you so much <3

I sat down next to Niall and put my arm around him as he leaned into me. The two of us often found comfort in eachother if something was wrong. Being the two youngest members of One Direction seems to be an important quality in our close friendship.

I felt something wet on my arm. Oh no, was Niall really crying? There should be a law against Niall crying, it just breaks your heart seeing his face crumpled like that.

"Shh, it's okay." I soothed, patting my Irish friend's back comfortingle. "Niall, don't worry! Emeline wouldn't leave unless she had to, she loves you."

He sniffed.

"I-I know, It's just that, sometimes it's so hard with her being in s-school all the time...and she never has any t-time for m-me!" As Niall said this, he turned so that his face was completely hidden in my new blue Jack Wills hoodie.

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