11 - Paradise

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I woke up, and instantly realized that there was something different. Something small and warm was lying across my chest and something else was tickling my chin.


I remembered, then. After Alanna and I had come back to the hotel from dinner, we had sat down on the couch to watch Harry Potter  with Niall, Louis, Emeline and Eleanor. I had ended up asking Alanna to be my girlfriend and she had said yes. We must have fallen asleep part way through the 6th movie because the last thing I remember was a wardrobe catching fire.

The warm spot shifted, and I realized that it was Alanna's head on my chest, and her hair was tickling my chin. I reached up and stroked her hair gently. She mumbled something unintelligible and wrapped her arms more tightly around me. This felt more right than anything ever had.


"I'm sorry, love. Did I wake you up?" I smiled down at the girl lying next to me.

"No...I dunno. Do you have any coffee?" She sat up and started walking towards the small kitchen.

"No, we'll have to go out for some." I told her. No matter where she went in the room, my eyes never left Alanna.

"Okay...but I have no extra clothes to wear." She tugged on the dress she'd worn last night that was now quite crumpled, looking a bit uncomfortable with the thought.

"Don't worry about that," I told her, "You and Emeline look about the same size, I'm sure you can borrow something of hers."

"Of course she can!!" A cheerful voice called from behind me, making me start.

"Emeline! I wasn't ready to wake up yet." Niall pouted underneath his girlfriend, who was bouncing on top of him, trying to get him up.

"It's 11:30 Ni, time for wakey wakey." She told him happily.

He rolled his eyes and pulled her tightly into his arms, holding her captive there.

Emeline squeaked.

"Heeeeelp me Alanna!"

My girlfriend (I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!) laughed and shook her head. Emeline's eyes widened and then glinted evilly.

She turned her head and blew a big breath on Niall's face.


We were all in stitches on the floor as Niall gasped for air dramatically and Emeline rolled off of the couch successfully.

"Morning breath is a deadly weapon." She crowed triumphantly.

Niall shook his head.

"I love you Em, but I have to agree with you. Have some gum or breath mints."

Although he didn't seem to mind when she walked straight up and kissed him.

"Break it up!" I pulled the two of them apart after about 1.5 minutes. "Alanna needs clothes, Emeline."

The two girls headed into the bathroom (which apparently Perrie, Eleanor and Emeline had already taken over last night) and Niall and I set about making our version of breakfast (chocolate syrup on cheerios with marshmallow bits mixed in) for the two of us and Louis when he woke up. The girls preferred room service.

About a half hour later, Alanna and Emeline re-emerged from the bathroom, both fully dressed.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep." Alanna nodded.

I pulled on a clean hoodie (already changed) and grabbed my wallet and keys.

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