29 - A Wedding And A Promise

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Niall's POV

"God, Harry, I can't do this!" I groaned, fumbling with the tie draped loosely around my neck. Harry batted my hands away and proceeded to tie the knot perfectly in a matter of seconds. I scowled at him.

"Sorry Ni," He chuckled, "I can't help that I'm a genius!"

Harry had gotten out of the hospital five days ago, much to everyone's relief. The day after, we'd made a big show of the five of us going out together since none of us had in over a month. We'd done two interviews in the last three days, but that was it. The public knew of mine and Emeline's wedding, so we were able to get a few days off for that.

"I can't believe I'm getting married in an hour..." I mumbled. Harry wrapped his arms around me comfortingly and I pressed my head into his shoulder.

"Niall, you love Emeline, right?"

I stepped backwards, mouth hanging open.

"Obviously I do!" I exclaimed, shocked that he would even ask that. "She is my everything, Harry."

A smirk crossed his face and I narrowed my eyes.

"You sneaky little shit." I growled, fake punching him in the arm. Harry laughed and ducked out of the way.

"No fighting boys!" Liam popped up in front of me, glowering at Harry. "Harry, he has to stay neat and clean for his wedding in less than an hour!"

Louis bounded into the room, dragging Zayn behind him.

"Everybody's reeeeaaaady!" He trilled, flashing me a goofy smile. "How's the broom?"

"I think you mean groom." Zayn rolled his eyes. Louis tapped his chin with his index finger to give the appearance that he was thinking hard.

"Nnnnope! I definitely mean broom."

"I'm a bit nervous, dunno about the broom though." I loosened up a bit from Louis' teasing. I grabbed a broom and pretended to talk to it seriously. "How are you, Mr Broom?"

Louis stole the broom and chucked it to the other side of the room where I was getting dressed.

"CONGRATULATIONS NIALLER YOU'RE GETTIN HITCHED!!" He screeched, tackling me in a hug. I almost fell over, stopped only by Liam placing himself behind us to steady me before I hit the ground.

 "Louis." He warned sternly. "If I have to tell you one more time..."

"Fiiiiine." Louis let me go and jumped on Harry's back, letting the younger boy carry him out of the room.

"I'm so happy for you mate." Liam said, grasping my hand tightly in his. "I'm going to go and check how much longer until we go out, okay?"

I nodded, letting go of my best friend reluctantly and watching him leave. Now it was just me and Zayn. I smiled tightly and felt my strength slipping away. Half a second later I was enveloped in the warmth and familiarity of my best man.

"Hey, hey." He hushed me soothingly, tubing circles on my back. "It's gonna be okay. Why are you upset?"

I sniffed, wriggling closer to him.

"What if she decides she doesn't want me anymore?" I whispered shakily.

Zayn traced the planes of my face with his long fingers, looking at me worriedly.

"You don't really believe that love, do you?" He asked in a gentle voice. I relaxed into his arms, my head clearing.

"I guess not." I sighed. "I'm jut so nervous, Zayn."

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