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     "WHY IS IT of such concern?" Ophelia asked softly.

Antony sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Lord Berbrooke has already asked for Daphne's hand in marriage."

The girl scoffed. "Lord Berbrooke? Why would you allow that man to wed your sister?"

Of course, Ophelia had a different view of that man than Antony did, she had seen what Daphne had to do out of self defense. Antony looked at her in confusion, wondering why she hated the man so.

"He is of good lineage and does not have a speck on unkindness nor debt nor gambling. He would be a good husband and father."

"I would check again, and in all honesty, he is not a fine looking man." She mumbled the last part, leading against her fathers desk.

The Bridgerton shook his head. "Why do you women have to be so picky?"

Ophelia looked over at him. "As if you men don't think the same, I've heard plenty of you speak about women as if we are just objects for you to pick and chose. Why should I not be allowed to do the same?"

The man stared at her, she was right, he too had heard many men speak about what they wanted in a wife, and most of the time it has involved handsome looks in order for their children to be just as handsome as the parents. He sighed softly.

"I will simply ask one last time, do you know anything about Daphne and the Duke."

Ophelia shook her head. "I do not, but perhaps you leave them to it. In the end, you will see what comes of. All you can do is warn your sister."

Antony nodded at the words but hardly took them in, he bowed his head at Ophelia. "Good afternoon."

The young woman stood straight, bowing her head back at him before he left. A few seconds later she left her father's study and joined him, and her three brothers in the drawing room.

"Antony and Ophelia, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-" George was cut off when Thomas pull him toward his body and placed his hand over his mouth.

Ophelia have her twin a thankful smile and looked at her father, who asked; "What was that all about?"

"I heard shouting, I was afraid you'd be hurt." Phillip added, looking at her with concern, scanning her for injuries.

The girl shook her head. "Lord Bridgerton just seemed curious to if I know what is happening between Simon and Miss Bridgerton. None of which I do."

"But they came to speak to you today." Phillip said in a questioning tone.

"They are both friends, just because they had spoken to me does not mean I know why they are courting." Ophelia did not like lying but in order to protect her friends, she had to. 

That night was another ball. Ophelia walked into it, her arm linked with her eldest brother's. She wore a cream coloured dress, embroidered with all sorts of jewels. She wore a small crystal tiara with matching earrings and a necklace. Her hair was once again up in a fancy up do that she could never have done herself.

She stood on the side line with her brother as she watched the first dance of the night commence, her eyes mostly staying on Daphne and Simon, although her eyes often drifted to Lord Berbrooke who was stood with an odd smile and a black eye. Ophelia smiled slightly, she had no idea that Daphne was capable of having so much power packed into a punch.

Once the dance has finished, she noticed how Benedict has swooped in to ask his sister to dance while Simon was whisked away by Antony, Berbrooke following moments later. She then noticed a presence beside her. She turned to see Colin, who gave her a smile. 

"Mr Bridgerton." Ophelia smiled, her head tipping down.

He offered his hand. "Miss Hall, my sister has asked me to have a dance with you?" He has a slight questioning tone in his voice.

The two joined the others on the floor, preparing for the dance. "Right yes, I do hope you don't mind. It was a favour."

"A favour?" The music has started and the pair began to dance.

Ophelia nodded. "You see, I have been told that you and your brother are very interesting and I wanted to get to know you more. I have yet to meet an interesting suitor, beside one who always seems to disappear."

It had been a while since Ophelia had seen Lord Holmes. It was as if he never existed at all. 

Colin nodded slightly, spinning Ophelia around. "Well, I am sorry to disappoint-"

The girl cut him off with a shake of her head. "I've already noticed how distracted you are, Mr Bridgerton. You want to know if Miss Thompson is here. A lot of people seem to enjoy her company and she is rather beautiful."

The two spoke a little longer until the dance ended, Ophelia bowed her head and stepped away from the Bridgerton only to be swept up by another. Antony caught Ophelia's arm and gently took her to the side, away from people but not too far to cause any suspicion.

"You knew?" He asked.

"Knew what?" Ophelia responded, her face screwed up in confusion.

He had a scowl on his face as he spoke his next words. "About Berbrooke and Daphne, the night at Vauxhall."

Ophelia licked her lips and nodded. "Simon and I were taking a walk, we over heard Berbrooke and Daphne, by the time we reached her, he was on the ground."

Antony looked over her face, studying her. "He did not do anything to you, did he?"

The Hall girl looked at him, this was the most caring he had been to her. "No. He was practically delusional the whole time after Daphne had punched him, we left him there like that."

He nodded, letting out a small breath he didn't notice he had been holding while waiting for Ophelia to answer. "Good."

And with that, Antony left the girl, storming away to sort some business, at least that's what Ophelia decided he was doing. The night just seemed tense after the encounter, Ophelia was distracted and did not dance with anyone else. She wandered around until she found her father, asking him if she as allowed to go home. Once they had found her two brothers, the family left the ball.

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