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     OPHELIA FOUND HERSELF smiling after a dance with Simon, he had noticed her glum look and decided to at least attempt to make her smile, and he was successful at that. The two stood to the side as the dances continued.

Simon turned to his childhood friend. "Ophelia, you know, if anything is to happen, you are welcome to stay with me and Daphne."

The girl smiled softly at him. "You were always a generous one. But we do have a plan, my brother decided on it."

"The offer is always there for you."

"You should go dance with her." Ophelia said to him, noticing how he was looking at Daphne who was speaking to her mother. "I know your marriage has not been perfect but it is obvious you love her." 

"I just don't think I can offer her everything she wants."

Ophelia grabbed his arm. "You have offered her everything, Simon. Love, friendship. Even without children you can have a happy marriage. I assure you."

Simon gave her a smile. "I do not know if I would be the man I am today without you in it."

"Because obviously I made your life better, Simon. Now go dance." She joked, leaving his side to join her brother.

The siblings watched as the two got onto the dance floor and began their waltz. Others began joining and Ophelia noticed the outstretched hand of a very familiar face in front of her. Lord Holmes.

"I am sorry to have left." He spoke. "I do hope someone had not taken your heart."

Ophelia stared at the man, and unsure of what to say, she just took his hand and the two joined in on the waltz. She once again found herself smiling, even when it had begun to rain. Everyone stopped dancing, Ophelia glanced around before noticing George at the top of the stair case with Lucy at his side. He looked like he was crying.

Ophelia's smile dropped as she ran over to her brother, pointing towards George and Lucy. Without so much as a goodbye to Simon, Daphne or Lord Holmes, the siblings ran through the rain, being watched by almost everyone. Thomas picked up George as they passed him and Lucy before racing through the Hastings home and out to the carriage. The four got in and they gt home as quick as they could.

No one bothered to think about Ophelia's now muddy dress, or the floors now wet with rain. The only thing on their minds were their father. They did not need George nor Lucy to tell them what was happening, it was the looks on their faces. 

They almost burst into their fathers room, his wheezing much worse than ever before. George held tightly onto Thomas' arm as they neared the bed, beside stood Phillip, his eyes red and puffy as he had already been crying. He had stopped in order to appear strong for his siblings, but it hadn't worked.

William raised his hand, grabbing onto Ophelia's as it was the nearest hand he could find. "My beautiful children." He hoarsely said. "I am going to be with your mother soon. I shall miss you all dearly, but I ask of you to remain strong. Phillip, look after them for me, whether you marry or not, you are to always be there for them."

Phillip kneeled beside the bed and nodded. "Of course, Father."

"Thomas. I am sorry for all that has happened to you, and I am sorry I was not there to help."

The boy shook his head. "You have no need to apologize, I should be sorry for causing such strive about a painting."

"You had every right to be upset, I, too, am sorry." He had begun to have tears in his eyes. "Ophelia, my dearest daughter, I am sorry that I will never take you down the isle and see your wedding, but I will always watch over you, right beside your mother. I just hope you take my advice."

Ophelia had already begun to cry. "To find a husband in ones dearest friend, I remember father."

"George, I have not been able to spend much time with you, I will miss watching you grow into a young man. Listen to your siblings, they will always do right by you. You will be a strong young man."

The boy nodded, his voice cracking as he spoke. "Of course, papa."

"I love you all." William smiled weakly, his hand tightening around Ophelia's before he decided to finally let go.

His hand went limp in Ophelia's, who let out a pain filled gasp followed by a sob. "Papa."

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