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     "EDWINA, BREATHE. IT is just nerves." Mary spoke to her daughter as they entered an empty room. "We will call for tea, and once you have something in your stomach, you will be strong enough to go back out there. The Viscount-the Viscount will understand, yes Kate? Ophelia? Perhaps you might find that tea?"

"It is not tea that I want!" Edwina shouted. "What I want it the truth. Suddenly your words fail you, Lia?"

Kate looked between her sister and friend. "Edwina? Ophelia?"

"I am not sure what is going on." Mary added.

"I shall tell you what is going on, mama." Edwina said. "After a life time of filling my head with nonsense, of all this talk of great, gallant notions and looks between lovers--"

Ophelia stepped forward. "Edwina-"

"You have feelings for him! All this time, you wanted him for yourself! Most likely since last season!"

"That is not true."

"You cannot deny it now, Lia. How could I have been such a fool? You lied to me, again and again. I fooled myself into believing you had only the purest of intentions, that your only desire was for me to be happy."

"You are no ones fool." Ophelia said, walking towards her. "That is the truth."

Edwina also stepped forward. "Do you love him?"


"You told me you hated him. But that only meant you feelings...your feelings were strong. Do you love him?"

Ophelia struggled to answer. "Edwina, I-"

Mary Sighed. "That is enough. No good can come from this at present. Let us all take a moment to calm ourselves, shall we? Go. Anywhere else, Ophelia."

The girl glanced at Kate, who had a mixed look of disappointment and sympathy. She watched as Ophelia ran out the room and past her brothers, trying to find a place of refuge. Which ended up being a storage room, that she found when hiding from Antony. She threw her bracelet in anger, hearing one of the jewels smash against the floor. A sob escaped past her lips as she slid down the door. She pulled her knees to her chest. She had really messed up now.

She didn't know how long she was in the storage room, but once she had calmed down, she picked up her now broken bracelet and sighed. It was still able to be worn so she put it on and took a deep breath before walking out of the room. However, she didn't get very far as she turned the corner to see Antony. She turned on her heel and went straight to the storage room, but of course, Antony followed her.

"You cannot be here." Ophelia said to him as he walked in. "This is my place of refuge."

He glanced around. "A closet?"

"Yes. It may not be grand, but it met my main requirement when you were not present. So go and leave me in peace."

Antony refused to let her open the door. "We must speak."

"Do you realize how improper this is-"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "I have just met with Miss Edwina. She was harsher than I knew her capable of being."

"You cannot fault her for that."

"I concede I do not know her as well as you do, but that is why I am coming to you. You must do something."

"What would you have me do, Antony? More plotting and scheming to...get her to comply? Edwina has finally become aware to all of it. In one way, I should be proud."

"So you intend simply to cease to help her, and hide in a closet as she ruins her life?"

"I should not have helped her in the first place, she has Kate and I stepped in simply because I knew the ton better than them both. I have ruined her life." Antony stepped forward as she spoke, but she shook her head. "You should not be here."

She went to walk out but Antony grabbed her wrist, looking at her broken bracelet. Their hands fell into each others and their eyes met.


After a few more moments of staring, Ophelia shook her head, pulling her hand from Antony's. "Goodbye, my lord."

She hadn't realised that her bracelet had once again slipped from her wrist and landed in Antony's hand. He looked at the object and noticed the missing jewel. He wanted to return it to her but knew that she wished to be away from him. So he pocketed the object, planning to return it when it was a better time.

Ophelia gently knocked o the closed door and was met with Edwina's face when it opened. "What?" The younger girl said.

"Has Mary-"

"You seem to know all. How could I possibly offer any insight of my own. She is off, getting some air with Kate." She opened the door to allow Ophelia in.

She walked into the room and a maid left, closing the door behind her. "Edwina, you must know I never intended to wound you. I know I should have told you more. I should have told you everything. Yes. Yes, I once had feelings for the Viscount. But they were no match for the love I had, and continue to have, for you. And you must know that I will do everything in my power to ensure your happiness. Sister or not. I wish to make things right. My feelings for Lord Bridgerton do not matter anymore. We do not have a future together. But you...you, Edwina, were born to be a Viscountess."

Edwina nodded. "The Viscount said the same. I half expected to discover the two of you prepared it ahead of time."

"I am not too proud to admit when he is right. You deserve this."

"Why? Why me and not you?"

"You view your youth and naivete as a hindrance, but it has shielded you in many ways. You do not remember many things in your life. Your Appa dying, when your family began to struggle. I have simply grown up when many things got in the way of my life, Edwina, my mother dying, my father dying. And because of my abrupt leaving last season, I have no one interested in me. It is a matter of who gets luck and who doesn't. I am the one who doesn't. I also gave myself this season to make sure you were able to marry safely. I helped the Duchess the same way last season so she did not have to marry a vile man. I would do it all again if I could. I would do it for your sister." She paused. "Say something, anything."

Edwina swallowed. "I do not know which pains me more. Your betrayal or your pity."

"Edwina, you are my best friend-"

"And that is all I am. You are not my sister, Lia. What I am, is a grown woman. And for the first time, in my life, I am able to make a decision based on what I would like. I have already imagined the life I would lead with Lord Bridgerton as Viscountess at Aubrey Hall. It lives in my own mind, and it is mine to do with as I like. So if I choose to marry Antony, it will be because it pleases me and no one else. I need you to understand that. If I go though with this wedding, it will have nothing to do with you."

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