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     IN A TOWN filled with ambitious mamas and fortune-hunting gentlemen, marrying above one's station is an art form, indeed. But Miss Daphne Bridgerton's advance from future duchess to possible princess is an achievement that even this jaded author must applaud. Though this author cannot dismiss the Duke of Hastings quite so soon. He may have let the diamond slip through his fingers for now, but I shall wager he is not a man to ever hide from a fight. 

Ophelia had begun to catch suitors attention once again, due to sudden appearance at the ball last night. A few suitors had already visited the Hall home to ask more about Ophelia, but as usual, she found each one to be boring. She had kept her mind of marriage and suitors for a while but now she was back into it, her mind kept drifting back to a certain Bridgerton.

She hated how she saw Antony now, as only weeks ago she saw him as an ass who would never be able to touch her heart, now it as was if he had a hold on it. But he was a rake, everyone knew, Antony won't settle, not for a long time. 

That night was once again a time to go to a ball. And once again, Ophelia decided to try and attract as many suitors as she could, especially now since the Prince was pining after Daphne. She no longer had the Prince wanting her, nor Cressida, but that was his choice. But as usual, Lord Holmes had not been seen since his last visit, which did hurt Ophelia but she minded her own business.

The dress what a lovely deep, royal blue with similar shade jewels embroidered on the dress, she also wore some black crystals to keep the dark theme in her outfit. Dark meant mysterious and made people curious about her and hopefully that would bring more suitors.

As we all know, there is nothing this author loves more than a scandal, and tonight's soiree promises more than it's fair share, courtesy if the recently widowed Lady Trowbridge. Some may call her celebrations too provocative, and I would caution any young lady from getting caught up in the sensual nature of her fetes. For one scandalous move between an unwed couple, a wayward touch, or heaven forbid, a kiss, would banish any young lady from society in a trail of ruin. 

Ophelia walked into the ball, holding onto Thomas' arm. He had come around a bit more since the argument at the art gallery, the tone of the Hall House was not as tense as it was before. Her brother looked around, seeing Miss Thompson with Lord Rutledge and deciding to attempt to save her from the much older man. He bid his sister a good bye and went over to Miss Thompson, asking her for a dance.

Phillip and William had stayed home that night, helping Simon with the last of any finances as he was leaving the same night, they were also looking after George. Leaving Thomas to watch out for his sister while also trying to find himself a bride.

The Hall girl stood to the side, admiring the band who played for them. It was unusual to see men in such heavy makeup and more feminine clothing but in a way, at least to Ophelia, it was beautiful. Her eyes then scanned the floor, Miss Phillipa Featherington was dancing with Mr Finch, her brother was waiting for Miss Thompson to finish her dance with Lord Rutledge and across the floor stood Daphne, wearing a rather expensive looking necklace. 

Eventually the Bridgerton girl had made her way to the Prince, who wrote his name on her dance card. Ophelia had only then noticed that Benedict was no where to be found, he had yet to dance with her like Daphne had arranged, but in all honestly, she knew why. Benedict didn't have the responsibility his brother had, he did not need to marry and so he was likely enjoying his life, something Ophelia wished she could do herself.

Thomas eventually decided to take matters into his own hands with Miss Thompson and finally rescued her from Lord Rutledge just as the dance ended. A Lord Wayne had asked Ophelia to dance and so they did, right beside Daphne and the Prince, as they danced Ophelia couldn't help but notice had distracted Daphne was and as the song came to an end, Daphne left the Prince who was obviously about to ask for her hand in marriage. 

Ophelia bowed to the Lord and was about to follow Daphne when she spotted none other than Simon, leaving to follow Daphne. She watched carefully from the window, in hopes to not rise any suspicion. The two seemed to be having a somewhat heating conversation, most likely about the sudden ending of their ruse. After a few moments, Daphne walked away and Simon followed. Now Ophelia decided to follow them, she left the ball and followed their voices as she had lost them in the garden. When she finally came upon them, at the same time as Antony Bridgerton, she had seen Simon and Daphne kissing and touching, Antony yelled and threw a punch at the Duke. 

"Antony!" Both Ophelia and Daphne yelled as the Viscount stood above the Duke and began to pummel him. 

When he was finally pulled off by Ophelia, he was breathing heavily. "You will marry her."

"What?" Daphne said.

"Immediately. We can only hope no one, other than Ophelia, has seen you take such liberties, and that my sister is saved from further mortification. You will marry her!"


Simon refused to meet anyone's eyes. "I cannot marry her."

Antony looked like he could murder. "You have defiled her innocence and now you refuse her hand? I knew you were a rake, Hastings, never thought you a villain."

"I cannot marry her."

"Then you leave me no choice. I must demand satisfaction."

Ophelia looked at the man. "A duel? You cannot, it is illegal."

Antony snapped towards her. "He dishonored my sister, Ophelia. He dishonored her and me and the Bridgerton name." He turned back to Simon. "I have misjudged you, indeed. You have duped all of us, but I shall not see my sister pay for my own misdeeds. We will settle this as gentlemen."

Simon nodded. "I understand. I shall see you at dawn."

"I do not understand." Daphne spoke. "You would rather die, than marry me?"

"I am truly sorry." He whispered, looking at Daphne.

"We need to go, Daph, before anyone should see us." Antony grabbed onto Ophelia's arm, trying to get her to join them but she pulled away.

She kept her eyes on Simon and Antony seemed to understand that she needed to speak to him. The two Bridgerton's left and Ophelia sighed.

"You knew you loved her, you broke her heart once and now you do it again!" She whisper shouted in order to make sure no one heard. "You were to leave tonight, none of this would have happened. None of this would have happened if you hadn't made that stupid vow to your father. You are not like him."

Simon stood there and listened until she stopped speaking. "I shall leave half of my estate and money to your family, half for Lady Danbury. You and your family have always been kind to me, Ophelia."

The girl paused, realizing he was serious about the duel, her eyes began to tear up. "Simon, this is madness, marry the poor girl. I can't know that I stood by while you either die or get yourself arrested for murder."

"I cannot marry her."

"Cannot or will not?" She spat out, her voice mixed with many emotions. "You are so much better than your father yet you refuse to see it. Please, call of the duel and marry Daphne."

"She wants what I cannot give, Ophelia. And I cannot let her live a life of misery with me when I know that someone else can give it to her."

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