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"PLEASE, GEORGE." PHILLIP sighed as the young boy was insistently asking about his brother and Kate.

"What? You fought a man for her. You must be in love!"

"I was protecting her." He argued back. "Now, please, go find your governess now."

George pouted and crossed his arms. "Weird way to protect someone."

"George!" The warning tone in Phillip's voice finally made the youngest Hall leave the office and find his governess.

Phillip let out a heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment. He wasn't in love with Kate, was he? No...he simply enjoyed her company and didn't wish anything bad on her. Yes, that was the reason he was mad at Lord Holmes, that and what he had done to Ophelia.

The door to the office opened and Kate stuck her head inside. "Is everything alright? I heard shouting."

"Yes, everything is well. Just George being his rather annoying self." Phillip spoke, sitting back up in his chair.

Dearest Gentle Reader. A question. What is the primary force that guides us along our paths? Is it our minds...or our hearts? When heart and head are in conflict, every choice may feel like agony. One person in whom thought and feeling are united is her Majesty Queen Charlotte. After their meeting at the Hawkins ball, it seems the queen's sparkler, Miss Francesca Bridgerton, may indeed be poised to become the new Marquess Samadani. Of course, whatever maketh our collective hearts swell may yet make them break. The season is still early and oft has a kind of its own.

"I have been building my collection since 1790 and thought it only fitting to share it after all these years."

Phillip scanned the massive collection of books as Kate was off doing the same on the other side of the room. She suddenly appeared by his side with a copy of Romeo and Juliet in her hands, Phillip gave her and odd look, wondering why she was so excited to have found such a specific book.

"Do you enjoy Shakespeare?" He asked, watching as she happily opened the book and began to read while stood beside him.

Kate hummed and nodded her head. "But this one specifically, it is such a beautiful although tragic tale."

Phillip turned back to the other books, his eyes catching the title of Orpheus and Eurydice. He frowned slightly as he remembered the tale being a favourite of his previous wife as well as the oddly specific tale of the love he shared with Annie.

After the death of his beloved wife, Orpheus was no more the same carefree person he used to be. His life without Eurydice seemed endless and could do nothing more than grief for her.

However, unlike Orpheus, Phillip could not simply head into the underworld and retrieve his wife. And unlike Orpheus, he did not seem stuck in grief. Ever since Kate had come into the picture last season, life seemed...happier and more carefree.

Kate looked up from her own book to see Phillip just staring at the book in his hand, she glanced at the title and frowned slightly. She knew only little of Annie and so understood that the story would hit rather deep for him. She reached out and gently grabbed his arm, offering a small sense of comfort.

The man looked up and offered her a smile, to show he was okay. The day ended not too soon after, the pair heading home. While Kate went to bed early, Phillip found himself reading his own copy of Orpheus and Eurydice, finding himself trapped between the story being his future and the story being his past.

He wondered if he was doomed to follow the tale, be strung up on Annie until he himself had joined her in the underworld or if he was able to free himself and enjoy a carefree life with someone. And the only woman he could think of was Kate, he had never met another woman like her but he felt to alive when he was with her.

Thomas walked into the house, ever so slightly drunk as his shirt was half undone. "Brother! What are you doing still up?" His eyes attempted to find the clock but he couldn't read it if he tried.

Phillip watched him carefully, finding some amusement in his brother's drunken state. "Quieten down, Thomas. I was thinking, how drunk are you?"

"Not drunk at all." He slurred out, a large grin plastered on his face as he stumbled into the seat.

"Mhm." He crossed his arms and watched as Thomas very quickly fell asleep on the chair. He sighed softly and headed up to his own room.

But instead of going to sleep, the man found himself digging through and old trunk. He pulled out some old dresses, allowing himself to breath in the scent that still lingered on them before he would place them on his lap to continue his digging.

Eventually he came across what he was looking for, a sealed envelope addressed to him in his late wife's handwriting. He was given it by her just before she passed, but drowned by grief he never opened it. He locked it away with many of her other things and this had been the second time he ventured inside the locked trunk.

He took a moment to just stare at the letter, he was scared to read what was inside, but he was always curious as to what it said. He stood up, placing the dressed back into the trunk and heading to the small writing desk tucked into the corner of his room. He grabbed the letter opener and gently sliced the letter open.

'My Dearest Phillip,
I know that by the time you finally decided to read this, I shall be long gone. But do not worry, although I am gone I shall be with you in spirit, my love. Saying goodbye is hard and I, nor anyone else, expect you to recover so quickly. Take your time to grieve, take your time to heal.
But I must ask you do not allow yourself to be consumed by guilt when it is time for you to remarry. We shared another kind of love, Phillip, one I would consider other worldly, but I know you can find love again. It may not be the same but it shall warm your heart and make you feel like you again.
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me. I understand that it's selfish, but I will never let you go. But find someone great. I hope you find happiness, I wish you all the best.
The most love,
From your Dearest Annie.'

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