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DEAREST READER. WHILE most seasons of our fair marriage mart follow a predictable pattern, this author likes it most when there is...a surprise. It is said that surprise is one part secrecy and one part speed. And last night an announcement came with great speed, indeed. Regardless of how it happened...it is surely a wonderful time for the happy couple.

Phillip sat in his office, reading the latest Whistledown, being rather surprised that Colin had become engaged to Penelope just the night before. At the same time, however, he was delighted for the pair as it had been obvious to many that the two were madly in love with one another. He smiled slightly as he set down the paper just as the door to his office opened.

Ophelia glanced out of the carriage window, her hand resting lightly on her very slightly enlarged stomach. Anthony seemed to notice her slightly worried state, she had been since she found out she was with child. She removed her eyes from the outside and turned to see Anthony staring at her longingly.

"I hope you're having pure thoughts, considering we're returning to our family home, Anthony."

He smirked softly and leaned in closer to her. "I am simply enjoying the view of my ravishing wife and soon-to-be mother of my child. I am eager to tell the family. So much so that I can shout it for all of Mayfair to hear!"

Ophelia chuckled softly and grabbed his hand. "I am excited too, I cannot wait to tell Phillip."

As the pair entered the house, Violet, Hyacinth, Francesca, Colin and Gregory were jumping at the chance to greet them home. "Oh my dears!"

"Finally you arrive!" Hyacinth smiled wildly as she tightly hugged her brother while Violet gently wrapped her arms around Ophelia.

"I could get used to such long journeys if every return was like this." Anthony joked. "Brother."

Ophelia happily hugged the remaining family, all of whom were very ecstatic that the pair were home just in time to find out about Colin's engagement. Benedict rounded the corner and caught his brother off guard as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "Brother, good day."

Benedict turned to Colin, a playful smirk on his lips. "I read a curious piece of news in Whistledown this morning."

"What is it?" Ophelia asked as Anthony wrapped an arm around her.

"Brother you must tell them." Hyacinth spoke, excitement in her voice as she nearly jumped up. "You delay so I shall. Colin is engaged to Penelope Featherington."

Violet let out a soft chuckle. "Hyacinth may be the most excited of all of us."

Benedict pulled his younger brother into a side hug. "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

Ophelia left Anthony's side to hug Colin. "Oh what wonderful news!"

Colin, with a large smile, hugged the woman back. "Thank you, I am in high spirits."

"It seems...we brothers have much to catch up on, indeed." Anthony spoke, pushing both Colin and Benedict to his study while Ophelia linked her arm with Francesca.

"Did I miss anything else?" She asked, looking at the Bridgertons.

However, Gregory, who had not been allowed to follow his three older brothers, sighed. "I am one of the brothers as well."

"I think of you as the family pet." Hyacinth states, a small smirk playing on her lips.

"Why?" The boy whined. "That is no unnecessary."

Meanwhile, George ran into his brothers study, not bothering to knock on the door. His eyes landed on a very close Phillip and Kate, the pair looked a tad disheveled, as if they had been arguing but he had heard no shouts.

"Ophelia is home." He spoke, looking between them suspiciously. "I saw her and Anthony outside the Bridgerton Home."

Kate smiled and stood from her spot on the edge of the desk. "Wonderful! Shall we invite her around for tea?"

"Absolutely." Phillip nodded, standing from his desk chair and fixing his jacket. "Now, where's Thomas?"

George shrugged. "He said something about going to the gentleman's club."

A sigh escaped the man's lips. "Of course. I shall go get him, Ka-Miss Sharma would you send an invite to my sister?"

Kate hid a small smirk and nodded. "I shall, would you like to include Anthony in the invite too, my lord?"

"Yes, yes." He nodded, leaving the study quickly.

George watched his brother leave and then turned back to Kate, his brows raised in a questioning way, yet he said nothing. Kate gave him a look, chuckling to herself before also leaving the study and letting George be alone with his thoughts of the events that had just occurred between Kate and Phillip.

Ophelia gently ran her hand over Anthony's back as he rested his head against her stomach, her thoughts were slightly racing due to the new information of Colin's engagement. Anthony turned his head and kissed her stomach gently, before then trying his hand at going further down.

"Anthony we cannot." Ophelia sighed.

He looked up, confusion on his features. "Why not?"

Ophelia paused for a moment, her eyes drifting over to Dash, their sleeping dog. Anthony followed her gaze and sighed slightly before grabbing a pillow to rest his head against as he cuddled closer to his wife.

"It's not the right time to tell them." She spoke after some silence. "Especially because of the betrothal and Francesca's courtship with Lord Kilmartin. We can keep our secret a little longer."

"Is this the only reason you wish to delay our news? You are happy, I hope?"

Ophelia pressed her lips against her husbands, which he happily returned. "Very happy, extremely happy. Now, I must plan a betrothal party, a good one."

"Anything you plan shall be amazing." He complimented, pressing his lips against hers once more before she made her way downstairs.

Ophelia was quick to speak to the staff about her plans, but it was clear she didn't entirely know what to do other than some things. As she walked into the drawing room, she asked for more tables. "And have cook make some extra fruit jellies, Gregory and George's favourites. Thank you."

The older woman looked around the room to see a lonely looking Eloise, staring out of the window. She nodded to the staff, who all quickly left, and made her way over to the girl.

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