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     OPHELIA COULDN'T SLEEP that night, knowing that either Antony or Simon could die, or even both of them. She stayed awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling as she wondered what she could do. Eventually she threw the covers from her body and pulled on a cloak over her night gown and pulled on her riding boots, she snuck downstairs, thankful that not even the maids or servants were awake. She headed to the stable and quickly saddled up Casper, she got on her beloved horse and immediately got him into a run, hoping to make it to the duel in time to convince them that the men were being stupid.

On the way there, she actually managed to catch up to Daphne and Colin who were also riding out to the duel. As they got closer, Colin and Ophelia jumped off their horses before fully reaching the two men while Daphne decided to ride straight in just as Antony fired his pistol. Daphne's horse reared at the sound and threw the girl off.

"Daphne!" Simon shouted.

"Sister!" Antony shouted.

The two men ran to the girl, along with everyone else. Antony pushed everyone back. "Stand aside!

Daphne stood up, unharmed by her brothers bullet. Ophelia let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you hurt?" Simon asked her. "Tell me!"

"I am perfectly well, no thanks to you idiots." Daphne responded with a huff.

"What are you playing at?" Antony questioned.

Daphne glared at him. "Says the man who just shot at me!"

"You just rode into the middle of a duel!"

The girl looked at Simon. "I require a moment with the duke."


"I require a moment with the duke!"

Benedict held his brother back from stopping the small meeting. "Make it brief."

Ophelia sighed as Antony looked at her. "You really wished to harm him? Run away from your family?"

The man sighed. "As I told you last night, he dishonored my sister, I could not let that slide. What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping to convince both you and Simon of how daft you all are. An illegal duel was not your smartest moment, Antony. You should be lucky that I will not tell anyone of this."

Benedict and Colin glanced at each other. They had never seen Ophelia act like this, she was a strong willed woman.

"We should resume before someone should find us." Antony spoke.

"You shall not." Ophelia said, making almost everyone look at her but her words were ignored by all but Daphne.

"Ophelia is right, there shall be no reason to resume. The duke and I are to be married."

Everyone rushed home after Daphne's announcement, in order to not be question on their whereabouts. Ophelia put Casper back in his stable before sneaking inside of the house and back up to her room, only to find Thomas outside of her room.

"Sister." Thomas said in slight surprise. "What are you doing up so early?"

She shrugged. "I just needed a small walk around the home."

He nodded slowly, not truly believing her lie but deciding not to question it further. "Father is sick, the doctor says he should be fine but will be on bed rest for a few days."

"Does the doctor know what he has?"

"Not as of yet, but he does not seem worried about it."

One may say modesty is a virtue, yet this author is hardly a virtuous woman. It is therefore my great pleasure to announce the news others questioned, but I never doubted. The diamond of the season has made her match, officially betrothed to the Duke of Hastings. The bride, undoubtedly, is giddy with anticipation over the impending nuptials, and event that will apparently take place sooner rather than later. Of course, there are only two reasons to procure a special license and race to the alter: true love, or concealing a scandal.

Ophelia walked downstairs, now in a simple pale green dress. She walked into the drawing room, seeing her elder brother reading the latest Whistledown paper. She shuffled across the room, sitting down beside the table of morning treats.

"Have you heard of the engagement, Ophelia?"

The girl looked over, pretending to be curious as she popped a grape into her mouth. "An engagement? Must be a good one if it listed in Whistledown."

"Between the Duke and Miss Bridgerton." Phillip placed the paper down. "I had thought that the Prince would have proposed before him. Perhaps that means you are to be the one the Prince now focuses on."

"Oh, I must congratulate Simon and Daphne. As for the Prince, I am sure he will make his intentions clear. He did seem rather close to Miss Cowper while I was not in society."

"Only because you were not there."

Thomas entered the room. "I am to visit Miss Thompson this morning. I shall see you both this afternoon."

Phillip nodded his head as he left. Ophelia looked at her eldest brother. "You're acting like father."

"Father is currently ill so I am taking over his role until he is better."

The girl nodded as George came into the room with his marbles. "Where is Thomas?"

"He just left to visit Miss Thompson, why don't you see if you can play with Gregory and Hyacinth?" Phillip suggested. "Ophelia can take you around."

The girl stood and nodded, she placed on a shawl before taking her brother around to the Bridgerton house. A servant let them inside and then called for the two youngest Bridgertons. Gregory and Hyacinth raced downstairs and the trio of children went into the drawing room to play marbles together. Ophelia followed after, taking a seat and watching the children. She assumed that Violet and Daphne were out getting a wedding dress and other items for the wedding and following honeymoon.

Eventually the pair came home, they were delighted to see the girl and the youngest of both households playing together. Ophelia congratulated Daphne in the presence of her other, although she was there when the engagement happened. Once Violet had left, the two young women sat together.

"Antony has gone to get us a special license. For us to marry, I only hope we have been granted one."

"You and Simon have been courting through the season, I do not see any reason for it to be denied. Even Lord Berbrooke managed to get one without even proposing to you."

Daphne nodded. "I do hope this won't end up all wrong."

Ophelia placed her hand on top of hers. "Simon is a kind and loving man, although he does not like to openly admit it."

The Bridgerton girl nodded, calming herself down. "Yes, you know him well. I will still have a wonderful life...as a duchess."

The door opened and Antony and Simon walked by, motioning for both women to join them. The two left George, Gregory and Hyacinth is the drawing room and joined the two men.

"Denied?" Daphne said in shock as Antony explained that they were not given a license.

"The archbishop of Canterbury did not think he owed me an explanation." Antony sighed.

"If we are to wait weeks for this wedding, it gives Cressida Cowper, not to mention Whistledown and anyone else, far too much time to uncover the truth of what happened in that garden. Simon-"

Daphne was interrupted by an announcement of an arrival. "Lady Danbury."

Violet smiled as she and Lady Danbury came into the room. "Welcome!"

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