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ONCE THE DANCE had finished, Kate bowed to the man, but he followed her to the side lines to take himself a drink. "You are a wonderful dancer."

"You are quite well, yourself." Kate spoke, not making eye contact with the man.

Thomas stood alone, a drink in hand when he overheard some young women speaking about another woman taking help from a man to find herself a husband. Due to the suspicious behaviour from Colin and Penelope, Thomas couldn't help but think the gossip was about the pair. However, his thoughts moved when he heard a woman let out a scream.

The members of the ton ran into the ball room to see Phillip Hall on top of the young Lord Holmes, punching him as Kate yelled at the man to stop. Thomas ran in and quickly spotted his brother, he raced over and pulled him off of the Lord. Everyone in the Hall Family had a dislike for Lord Holmes after he abandoned Ophelia during her first season, but Thomas never expected for Phillip to hurt the man.

"You stay away from her." Phillip growled, trying to get out of his brother's grip.

Another man helped Holmes to his feet, he wiped his nose and found blood on the back of his hand. "I simply asked for a dance."

Phillip nearly launched himself out of Thomas' arms, but Benedict quickly came to aid the younger brother. "You think I would let you near Miss Sharma after what you did to my sister? You have no care for the young ladies in this room, you wish only you raise their hopes just to abandon them!"

"And clearly she is spoken for." Holmes argued, motioning to a shocked looking Kate. "Only a man who wishes to marry her would speak as you do."

"Miss Sharma and I are not engaged, but I would rather kill myself then allow her to marry a man such as you."

Phillip finally shoved himself away from his brother, glancing around the ballroom to stare at all the faces before storming out of the ball. Kate and Thomas were quick to follow, it was clear that the next edition of Lady Whistledown would speak of this sudden attack on Lord Holmes by Lord Hall, over a woman, a spinster.

But there would also be talk about Colin's aid in helping Penelope Featherington finding herself a husband. Thomas was correct in his assumption that the gossip was about one of his closest friends as he had watched Colin almost chase after the young woman as she, too, ran away from the ball.

By the light of the moon, it is easy for one to mistake the night as a place of safety. Which is why, perhaps, both Featherington sisters snuck away early last night with their husbands. But one must never forget, that despite the cover of night, there are still eyes upon us all at all times. We know there is one young lady who most certainly wishes her plans had remained in the dark. Penelope Featherington, who was so certain that she would not find a husband on her own, that she had to enlist the help of Mr Colin Bridgerton. And while we knew Miss Featherington's marital prospects were slim at best, this recent scandal will certainly make any further hopes disappear.

This author would not be surprised if Miss Featherington should wish to return to her familiar shadows once and for all. Perhaps a return to the shadows is for the best. After all, a small taste of the light can lead to that most dangerous of emotions. Hope. And once hope is lost, a lady may become reckless.

Meanwhile, I would not easily forget a second scandal to fall upon our ton by a very familiar family. Mr Phillip Hall, while showing some rather positive attributes one gentleman should carry, seemed to have forgotten his surroundings when he attacked Lord Bennet Holmes last night. Perhaps the Lord had become overwhelmed upon seeing a man who had once taken an interest in his sister, or perhaps he found it unbearable the man was speaking to Miss Sharma. Either way, Lord Hall will likely be viewed very differently by the ton until some other scandal shall erupt, but I wonder how Miss Sharma is taking the situation? A spinster who now seems to have the attention all on her as two Lords fight for her hand, so much happening around a woman considered to be on the shelf.

Dear readers, shall we take bets on to who shall be the first to marry the spinster? All my bets are clearly on Lord Phillip Hall.

"Are you quite mad?" Thomas barked as he closed the door to the study behind himself and his brother. "You were the one who told us to act with some manners while Miss Sharma is here and yet you just attacked a man at a ball!"

Phillip sighed, his hand slightly bloody and achy. "I'm fully aware of my actions, Thomas."

"What compelled you to do such a thing? It cannot simply be due to what he did to Ophelia. You and I both know he does not deserve such a beating over that, even our sister would agree."

"I'm not sure." The Lord whispered, holding his hand gently, his mind was wandering as he couldn't seem to get his own heard around his actions.

He had no real reason to attack Lord Holmes, but something about seeing the man speaking to Kate made his see red. Thomas sighed heavily, closing his eyes for a moment before he left the room to get some air. Phillip sat down at his desk, leaning his head back slightly.

The was a light knock at the door and Kate made her way inside, Phillip didn't even look at her. He could tell by the footsteps who it was. Kate held in her hand a small pot with some water and a rag in it. She walked over to the man and placed the item on his desk, this finally made him look up.

Without a word, Kate sat on the edge of the table and took his bloodied hand, she dipped it into the water and began to clean it. Phillip simply watched the woman, somewhat confused by her actions. He half expected her to be yelling at him just like his brother had been, but she didn't.

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