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     "WELCOME! IS EVERYONE as famished as I?" Violet chuckled, looking at all the young men and women.

The four looked between themselves and Lady Danbury noticed their glum looks. "Now, this is far too grim a mood for the celebration I was counting on. What on earth is the matter?"

"Antony?" Violet asked, looking at her eldest.

The Viscount sighed. "We have been denied our request for a special license."


"The archbishop did not see a need." Simon replied.

Lady Danbury's eyes lightened slightly as she realised why they had not gotten the license. "It is not the archbishop. It is the Queen. Perhaps she has taken your rejection of her nephew to heart, or perhaps she is simply bored. Either way, it does not bode well for your daughter's social future, nor any of the Bridgertons for that matter."

"Surely we must be able to do something." Violet said. 

"Give her what she wants." Lady Danbury replied. "Attention. Appear before her yourselves and make a personal appeal. But she will not respond to begging, and she can sniff out even the faintest whiff of insincerity, so do not lay it on thick. Tell her you are in love, plain and simple and true. You can do that, can you not?"

Daphne and Simon nodded in silence.

"Good. Now, where is the dinner I was promised?"

Ophelia looked at Violet. "I suppose I should take George home now, thank you for your hospitality."

The woman waved her hand. "Nonsense, you should stay for dinner, you and George. Invite your brothers around too, if you wish."

"I do not wish to take up room." She replied, pulling on her shawl that had been in her hands the entire time. "Plus my brother will want us home, thank you again."

Violet decided to respect her wishes. "Do give your father my prayers for a speedy recovery."

"I will, good evening everyone." Ophelia headed to the door after getting George to say goodbye to Gregory and Hyacinth. 

The door opened to a lot of rain, the girl paused while George ran out and straight home Perhaps a shawl was not the best cover for rain such as this. Antony had noticed her hesitating at the door and walked over with one of his umbrellas.

"Here." He spoke, holding it out to her.

"Thank you, my lord but I do not need it, I am only a few houses down, remember."

"I don't want you to catch a chill, Miss Hall. Please, you can return it another time."

Ophelia gently took the object and opened it up as she stepped outside. "Thank you, my lord."

He nodded his head as the girl turned and made her way home, the door shut but he still hid the smile he had on his lips.

The next day had rolled by, Daphne and Simon had been able to secure the license from the Queen, Simon had finally admitted that he did love Daphne, even if he never showed it. The Hall family had been invited to the wedding although Phillip and William would not be attending as William was still sick. The wedding was beautiful and Ophelia dreamed that her wedding would be just as beautiful as this one.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life."

Ophelia looked at her two friends, they seemed unsure of their decision, but Ophelia hoped that everything would turn out well for them.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife."

The reception was held at the Bridgerton home, it was filled with many people and it seemed like Daphne and Simon wanted to be as far away from each other as possible. Both staying on either side of the room while they thanked people for being at the reception and for congratulating them on their marriage.

Ophelia stood to the side as she noticed her brother lead Miss Thompson away from the party and down a hallway. They were alone but she trusted her brother to not do anything with Miss Thompson. But she did notice the small worried look on Penelope Featheringtons face, as if she knew something about Miss Thompson that others did not.

By the end of the party, Ophelia, Thomas and George stood nearby the Bridgertons as Daphne and Simon left for their honeymoon. The family bid Daphne goodbye as Ophelia, Thomas and George did the same to Simon.

"Do treat her well." Ophelia said, pulling away from their hug. "I think she believes she made the wrong decision."

"I will always treat her well, she is my wife and now my responsibility."

Ophelia fixed his jacket and nodded. "Good."

Simon chuckled at her action. "You know, Ophelia, you will be a good mother one day."

The girl smiled. "If I am to marry any time soon."

Daphne walked over and Ophelia turned her attention to her, giving her a hug. "Thank you, for everything, Ophelia."

"I do feel as though I am the matchmaker of this couple." She chuckled. "Have fun, you two."

The two got into their carriage and soon left. The Hall's stayed for a little while longer at the Bridgerton home before leaving for their own home where they were greeted by Phillip.

"How as it?" He asked.

George smiled widely. "It was most beautiful brother, I hope Ophelia has a wedding just as wonderful."

Phillip looked at his sister. "Perhaps this season."

"We will see, brother." Ophelia responded.

Thomas had been quite since the party, having only said a few words to Simon before he left. He has a secret but he couldn't tell anyone just yet. 

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