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     OPHELIA STOOD IN the hallway of the royal palace, waving her fan other her face. She was quite warm but that may be due to the thoughts she was having of Antony Bridgerton, remembering all their intimate touches. She had been invited by the Sharma's to the royal palace to see the Queen, she wasn't paying much attention as to why. She heard the door open and in walked Antony. The girl had barely been able to look at him since his engagement to Edwina. 

"Miss Hall." He spoke as he walked past her, their fingers instinctively wanting to latch together.

"Viscount Bridgerton." Queen Charlotte spoke. "We thought you might not be joining us."

"Nothing can keep me from my beautiful bride." Antony spoke.

Ophelia looked around the corner to see Antony kiss Edwina's hand, she also noticed Lady Danbury looking at her. She took a deep breath and walked into the room, taking a seat beside Kate.

"Now. Tell me of the wedding plan." Queen Charlotte began. "There is no talk of a special license, I would hope."

Everyone laughed politely and Mary shook her head. "Of course not, Your Majesty."

"I believe a modest family affair would be most fitting. Perhaps back in the country, at Aubrey Hall." Antony suggested.

"In the country?" The Queen laughed. "No, that will not do. You must have it here, in town. In fact, I shall host the nuptials myself."

"That is most generous, ma'am."

"Most generous." Mary agreed.

"But not at all necessary."

Queen Charlotte waved him off. "Nonsense. She is my diamond, after all. It is only right that I give you both a wedding worthy of that title. Besides, one could almost credit me, myself, with bringing about this most illustrious match. I shall oversee every detail."

Ophelia and Antony looked at each other and the girl could feel her hands shaking slightly at the memories that flashed in her mind. Even back to when they met last season, at Somerset House, the duel between him and Simon.

"Can you believe it, Didi, Lia? It is like a fairy-tale come true." Edwina smiled.

"You deserve nothing less, Bon." Kate replied.

"Nothing less for a true love match." The Queen smiled.

The frenzy of competition. The thrilling delight of hazarding your all. I am referring not to the lure of London's luxurious gaming halls but to a gamble with far higher stakes. Matrimony. For once that particular wager is placed, it cannot easily be undone. A fact, which I am sure, is met with both regret and sheer relief.

Ophelia joined Edwina, Antony, Kate, Lady Danbury and the other Bridgertons on a promenade down by the river. She had heard that Lady Danbury had invited Mary's parents, the Sheffields over, with the consent of Phillip of course. She was unsure why Kate was so against them being over but she had no choice in the matter. The girl walked silently beside the maid that joined them, walking Newton. 

"Lady Danbury." Ophelia turned when she heard a familiar voice.

"Mr Dorset."

Ophelia handed Newton's lead to the maid and slowly walked over to Lady Danbury, passing Kate who gave her a playful wink.

"What a pleasure to see you here today." He smiled, noticing Ophelia. "Miss Hall, perhaps you would be so kind as to accompany me on a turn around the lake?"

"I am rather tired."

"She would be delighted."

The girl gave the woman a small glare at her answer before she left, leaving Ophelia alone with Dorset.

"You're still angry with me over that business at the races. I wish to apologize and throw myself at your mercy."

The girl paused for a moment of thought, she should get over her feeling for Antony. He was practically wed to Edwina now and she did not want to cause a scandal that would put not one, not two but three families under a lot of burden.

"Very well, my lord. A turn would be most pleasant." She gently took his arm and the pair began to converse as they walked to the lakes edge.

She didn't notice how Antony looked at the pair as they got into the boat. He was jealous himself but he didn't want to admit it. He was engaged now. To Ophelia's friend, her sister, figuratively. 

Ophelia dipped her hand into the cold lake, her hand swilling around it. "It is most refreshing on the water. These days, it is so hard to find even a moment of peace."

"One of things I enjoyed most when I visited India. Many think it a bustling, noisy place, but I found the country most tranquil in nature."

"Perhaps you should be talking to Miss Sharma about such topics. I have never been to India myself."

"I thought you may have, considering your close relationship to the Sharma's."

She shook her head. "Many things got in the way, unfortunately. I am glad they were able to come here. I had missed them dearly."

"I thought you said you had not been to India." He questioned.

She smiled a little. "I have not, but they had once come to Scotland, only for a few days, I became quite close to Kate and Edwina. We exchanged letters after that. I see them as sisters."

"I will admit, I am surprised one of your brothers did not decide to propose to one of them."

"We have known each other far too long. I highly doubt my brothers see them as anything other than sisters too."

Their boat ride came to an end and as Dorset tied the boat to the dock, Edwina and Antony walked up to them.

"I see you are smiling, Lia." Edwina pointed out. "See the amusements London has to offer."

"There's water, too, in Scotland."

Antony looked at the tie. "That knot will never hold."

"It is perfectly adequate." Dorset spoke.

"Then I must question your nautical skills, Dorset." Antony replied. "Allow me."

As Antony tied the boat, Dorset got out and went to offer Ophelia a hand to help her out of the boat. But Antony decided to do the same. The girl looked at the outstretched hand. She gently took it and with his help, got out of the boat safely. But he did not let go of her hand. 

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