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GENTLE READER, IT is said that fools rush to judge while the wise watch and wait. Years ago, Miss Henderson, once thought to be on the shelf, triumphed over many a deb to marry Earl Fraser. Miss Dunham had been spinsterhood until she married Baron Ely. And Miss Ophelia Hall, at the ripe age of three and twenty, still managed to capture the heart of none other than the Viscount Bridgerton. The truth is...that which some dismiss as common rock, time reveals to be precious stone. A fact the new Baron of Kent and his family are learning this very week. At other times, what appeared to be priceless, under pressure, shatters like glass.
What this author knows to be true is that diamonds are not the only gems that sparkle.

"It is quite a lovely day, is it not?" Kate smiled slightly as she walked arm in arm with Phillip.

The man was watching his younger brother run off with a kite behind him as they walked through the park. "It is, the joys of spring and summer. The best time of year in my opinion."

Kate looked at him, a small chuckle crossing her mouth as she nodded in agreement. "While I do agree, there is something about winter that makes life feel so...calm."

"Do tell." Phillip spoke, looking back at the woman beside himself, he was curious as to what she meant. For himself, winter was an awful time, he would be busy with Christmas and since they would be away at their ancestral home, George would become relentless and become everyone's problem.

Kate looked back in front of herself, watching George not too far away. "There is never much going on, most events are unwelcome due to the weather. We live near the mountains, and the snow is so beautiful."

Phillip let a smile rest on his lips as he listened to her speak. "I suppose the snow is quite...calming. Until you let George go out and place, usually getting a cold afterward because he refused to come back inside."

"Why on earth would you let George, of all children, to go outside during winter?" Kate laughed out, imaging the young boy throwing himself into piles of snow and launching snowballs at his elder brothers.

Phillip gave her a look. "You have met the boy, correct? He is full of energy, and it gets worse during the winter when he cannot play with Gregory and Hyacinth."

Once again, the pair found themselves at another ball. But they did not act as though they were on the market as they had done in the previous years, in fact, to outside eyes, the pair looked at though they were moments away from becoming engaged.

Elsewhere at the ball, Thomas stood with Benedict and Colin, for a while they had been undisturbed until a gaggle of young ladies decided to engage all three of the men. "Good evening Mr Bridgerton, Mr Bridgerton, Mr Hall."

"Ladies!" Benedict fake smiled, looking between the three women. "And more ladies!"

They all let out a laugh at his antics as he turned to pick up his glass, Thomas gave him a small playful smirk as Benedict looked very out of place and uncomfortable. "They've taken to hunting in packs."

One woman turned to Benedict, a hoping smile on her lips. "Mr Bridgerton, I have yet to see you in the dance floor."

Colin smirked mischievously. "What say you, brother? Time for you to dance?"

"Yes." Benedict almost huffed at his brother, putting his glass back down in annoyance. ",iss Stowell, may I have the next dance?"

Thomas and Colin chuckled to themselves as they watched Benedict take to the floor with the young woman, the man looked very annoyed and that put a smile on the two men's faces. Then Penelope Featherington came into the room and Colin left Thomas' side to speak to her.

Kate sighed lightly from the side lines of the ball room, Phillip had left her for a moment to speak to some acquaintances he knew, but Kate had needed herself a drink. Now she waited for her escort to return, she found this season to be so very different. She didn't need to look after Edwina, nor Ophelia, but she felt lonely. The only time she didn't was by Phillip's side, she wondered to herself what made him so different to any other man she had spoken to, this season or last.

Then a figure appeared beside her. "Good evening, Miss Sharma."

Kate turned to see a young man with dark curly hair, he bowed her head at her and she curtsied back. "Good evening..." She trailed off upon realising she didn't know who the man was.

"Ah." He chuckled softly upon noting her confused look. "I'm Lord Bennet Holmes."

"Lord Holmes, a pleasure." Kate attempted to be polite to the man, but she could sense something odd behind his tone of voice. His name also reminded her of a letter Ophelia had sent to her some time ago.

"Pleasure is all mine, Miss Sharma. May I have the next dance with you?" He asked, offering his hand to her.

Kate gave him a small, unassured smile as she placed down her drink and took his hand. The pair went to the dance floor and began to dance, it was pain stakingly awkward as neither knew what to say to the other. Kate also kept her eye out for Phillip, rather wanting his company in the moment although she knew the ton would see her as being impolite to dance for a third time with the man.

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