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     DEAREST GENTLE READER. Did you miss me? As the members of our esteemed ton lazily sojourned in their rustic retreats, this author was doing but one thing. Honing my skills. Or should I say, hatching my plans? No, even better. I was sharpening my knives for all of you. Questions abound as to this author's identity and means. Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed. There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. Through, this one you will be able to unearth. I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be. Your move, Your Majesty. 

Ophelia had missed the crowded city of London, the gardens of their city home. But she had dearly missed her horse, Casper. He was one of the first things that she visited when she arrived home. Deciding to take him out on a well deserved ride. Other things can wait, she thought as she pulled on her cloak and riding boots before heading to the stable and saddling up Casper. She hopped onto him and headed out to the open fields and woods nearby. She got Casper into a run, passing by a certain Lord without realizing. 

"Whoa there!" The lord called out. "Are you alright miss?"

Due to the passing wind, Ophelia could not recognize the voice she had heard, but she did hear one, deciding to ignore it as she kept riding. Unless that lord was persistent, he would not follow her. But, it seemed, this lord was persistent, and he raced after her. He got closer and closer but had stopped when Ophelia and Casper leaped over a hedge, while he had not bothered to follow.

The girl came to a stop of the hill, finally looking back to see who had been following her. A small smile crept onto her face as she met the eyes of Antony Bridgerton. He just looked shocked to see her. No one was aware that they were returning to London for the season and he did not expect to find out in such an odd way. She held up her chin and rode away, eventually coming down to a walk. But, just at that moment, Antony had managed to catch up to the Hall girl. 

"Enjoying your victory lap?" He joked, riding up beside her. "You'll not be afforded such an ample head-start this time, I assure you."

Ophelia looked at him, he had changed a little since she last saw him. "Apologies, my lord. I did not mean to cause any concern."

"Does your maid know you are riding astride?"

"I have no maid." She shrugged.

Antony looked at her in confusion. "You are married?"

Ophelia looked at him, how was that the first thing that popped into his head? "No, I am not married. Lucy married, she is with child. I am on my way back to Mayfair."

"Then you are going the wrong way, Miss Hall." He smiled. "Has it really been so long that you have forgotten your way?"

The girls own smile dropped into a look of confusion as she glanced around the woods. "It has been long, perhaps a race back, my lord? See if you lose this time and perhaps you would accept it."

"I can accept when I lose." He scoffed lightly. "But we had not made an agreement on where our finish line was, so how could I have lost?"

"Who said it was a race in the first place?" She smirked. "I was simply out for a ride when you decided to follow. You are lucky I know who you are. Strange men who ride after me are a cause for concern." Ophelia turned her horse around, looking back at Antony. "Are you coming?"

"Perhaps a walk back?" He suggested, turning his horse around.

She thought for a moment. "What is the time?"

Antony pulled out his pocket watch. "Almost eleven, why?"

"We have some visitors for the season, a close friend of my mother and I will be late. Goodbye, my lord." She bowed her head before taking off into a run to get home as quickly as possible.

By the time Ophelia arrived home, she saw the family friend and her two daughters in the window as she passed by. She quickly put Casper in his stable and took off her cloak, handing it to a servant as she passed. She smoothed out her slightly muddy dress before entering the drawing room. She was met with her own family and the Sharma's.

Mary Sharma was a close friend to her mother as they grew up. She married someone of lower standing who already had a daughter, Kate Sharma. But together, Mary and her husband had Edwina Sharma. Kate was just three years older than Ophelia, Edwina just a couple years younger than the two. Phillip had invited them to stay as they were making Edwina's debut this season. The home was certainly big enough to house the three family members. The two families had met before but only for a short amount of time, Kate and Ophelia had become quite close over that short amount of time.

"Apologies." Ophelia said walking into the room. "I do hope I did not keep you waiting long. I was just out with Casper."

"Casper?" Edwina questioned.

"My horse, I have not seen him since last season. I seemed to have gotten lost on our ride this morning." She half lied as she tucked her muddy dress behind her.

Phillip glanced at his sister, placing his hands behind his back. "It is quite alright, sister. They had only just arrived."

Kate smiled at the girl as she come over to hug her, then Edwina. She kissed Mary's cheek instead of a hug but the Sharma's appreciated the love they received from the Hall's, especially after the scandal that had fallen on the family when Mary had married someone of lower standing.

"Where is Newton?" Ophelia asked, remembering the small puppy she had seen.

At that moment, the small corgi waddled into the room, heading straight to George who kneeled down to pet him. George loved Newton when he first met him, and now that he was bigger, it was better. Phillip, however, does not really care for dogs, let alone corgi's, so he held a mild distasteful look on his face as the dog waddles in and began to get hair all over the room.

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