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     "MAMA TELLS US that Lady Danbury holds the first ball of every season, my lord." Edwina spoke in a soft voice.

Everyone had taken their seats, George sat on the floor with Newton. Phillip sat beside Mary, Thomas beside Edwina and Ophelia next to Kate, they were having a small conversation between themselves, until Edwina said that, as both girls were still looking for husbands, they were curious as to what Edwina was asking about.

Phillip nodded. "I heard she had appropriated a conservatory for this year's festivities."

"It is so good for us all to be so close." Mary smiled. "But the conservatory will make for a most spectacular entrance to society, indeed. I cannot tell you how eager the young ladies are for the upcoming season."

Ophelia looked at the girls. "The Queen will be in attendance to the ball, as you, along with myself, were not presented to the Queen, we shall do it at Lady Danbury's hall."

Kate looked back at her. "I would have thought you would have gone this season."

"I want to leave a surprise. No one, other than you and Lady Danbury are aware of our arrival back in London for the season. We hope to catch interest this season, especially since we are all on the marriage market, beside George of course."

Phillip cleared his throat. "I have everything arranged. The piano is tuned, the instructor is hired and dance lessons begin at noon, followed by a short but comprehensive visit from a French tutor I have secured."

A servant came into the room. "Lady Danbury, my lord."

The woman herself then stepped into the room, smiling at the Sharma's and Hall's. "Good morning, Lord Hall. Lady Sharma. I have come to see the girls."

Kate glanced at Ophelia who ushered her up along with Edwina, the two stood in front of the fire place, straight as the could so they would be seen as practically perfection under the watchful eyes of Lady Danbury.

"Exceptional posture." She commented. "Beautiful smiles."

Mary smiled. "Yes, they are."

Ophelia stood, making Lady Danbury tea as she spoke. "The age of the elder miss may raise concern. Any suitable gentleman will require some persuading, whether we like it or not, as she will already be regarded as an old maid at the mature age of..."

"Six and twenty, Lady Danbury." Ophelia replied. "Or had you forgotten that Kate and I are so close in age."

Ophelia had debuted a lot later than other girls, she was twenty-two when she debuted, now twenty-three. Edwina was nineteen, making her the youngest out of the three girls.

"But it should truly be of no concern, as I assure you I am not here to find a husband for myself, only for my sister, who, indeed, stands quite tall and smiles rather exquisitely. Even more so when she speaks French, I rather think." Kate spoke, she nodded towards her sister who then began to speak in French. "She is accomplished in both Latin and Greek, in addition to Marathi and Hindustani, of course. She not only plays sitar and maruli, but pianoforte too. And as for her dancing, well, it is quite remarkable, if I do say so myself. And I do say so, considering it was I who taught my sister the cotillion, the quadrille, the waltz. Self-taught, naturally, but still quite remarkable nonetheless."

Lady Danbury hummed in impressiveness. "Well-"

Mary than spoke. "Kate feels quite passionately about her sister's prospects this season."

Kate turned to Phillip. "I do hope you did not go too much trouble, finding all those instructors?"

He shook his head. "Not at all."

"My mama did not err in her description of you, Lady Danbury, a woman of such grace and kindness." Kate first spoke to Lady Danbury and then turned to Ophelia. "I am sure we have much to learn from you, such as the preparation of this most excellent tea."

Ophelia looked at her, a knowing look on her face. "Might Newton require a walk before he makes a mess over our fine carpets? I shall join you." 

"Indeed, delighted to make your acquaintance, Lady Danbury. My sister and I do look forward to your sponsorship this season."

The two girls walked out of the Hall home, Newton clipped onto his lead. They walked along the streets, nodding their heads as lords and ladies who passed by.

"I think you laid it on a bit thick." Ophelia commented. "Lady Danbury will try at nothing to see you married."

Kate looked at her. "And why is that?"

"She got the duke of Hastings to marry, the man who swore he would never do so. Although, he did find his true love."

The woman shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I do not wish to marry, I only wish to see Edwina do so and perhaps you too."

Ophelia shrugged. "I did not marry last season, who is to say I shall marry this season?"

"Yes but last season did not go in your favour, so I heard. Your brother being duped by Miss Thompson and then your poor father. It was an unfortunate season and I will try to make this season much better for you."

"You will stop at nothing, will you?" Ophelia chuckled.

She smiled. "Not until you and Edwina are married."

Ophelia loved seeing Kate again, it was like she finally had an older sister, someone to be able to speak to and be around that wasn't full of testosterone. The two eventually finished their walk and went to get ready for Lady Danbury's ball.

The Hall girl decided on wearing a light grey dress with her pearls to match. Lucy had taught her how to do her hair and actually quite enjoyed doing it alone. It was quite peaceful to learn how to decorate her hair in anyway she wanted to. When she finished, she left her room and went to she the Sharma sister.

She knocked on the door and Kate called her in. "Wow, you two look beautiful." 

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