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     "NO. ONLY ME." Ophelia replied, stepping down from the ladder with the book in hand.

"Could you not sleep?" Antony asked. "If your lodgings are not comfortable-"

The girl shook her head. "No. It is the storm. I have always found them unsettling."

That was the half truth, of course. She did indeed hate storms but she also had Antony on her mind.

"My father used to read to me during storms, before him my mother did." She walked over to the window beside the door. "Now it reminds me of them."

Antony decided to walk over too, silently asking for the book Ophelia had, she gave it to him and he ran his hand over the cover. "This is my fathers library. These books were some of his most treasured possessions."

He handed the book back and Ophelia looked at him, she had one question on her mind. "How did he die?" She asked softly.

He let out a deep sigh. "He was stung by a bee."

Everything then clicked to Ophelia, the reason he was so panicked and the questions he asked when she had been stung a few days ago. "Antony, I am...so sorry."

"To see a great man felled by such a small creature, it was, um...it was humbling, to say the least."

She didn't know what came over her as she reached out and placed a hand on top of Antony's. He looked back at her, staring into her deep brown eyes. His own eyes softened when he realised this was her way of offering comfort. Although to him, this should be the other way around. Her father had passed less than a year ago and yet she was offering comfort for his father who passed eleven years ago.

He didn't realize what happened next as he hugged her, a moment of weakness made him almost collapse into his arms. Ophelia was shocked by his actions but she understand why he had done what he had. She gently wrapped her arms around him, running her hand up and down his back as he held her close and buried his face into her shoulder.

The two almost broke apart at the sound of a thunder clap, but Ophelia clung to him for a moment, having been frightened by the loud noise. Antony rested his hands on her back, gently calming her by whispering into her ear that everything was fine.

But eventually, everything must stop. The two pulled away from each other and a comfortable silence fell over them. She looked down at the book his her arms and Antony reached forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked up at him, he let his arm fall back to his side.

"You're free to use the library if you wish." He spoke. "Goodnight, Ophelia."

It wasn't often the girl heard Antony say her first name, but it felt so right to hear it from him. Antony bowed his head and left the room, leaving Ophelia alone, with her mind racing along with the beating of her heart.

Ophelia found it almost impossible to sleep that night, even after the storm passed. She stayed up reading the book under the moonlight and even when she got back into bed, she tossed and turned. Of course, sleep does take over at some point and she only knew that when a maid came in to get her up and ready for the day.

The girl decided to wear a light periwinkle dress to the ball that night, as usual, decorated with jewels. Her hair was put into a complex up-do with a tiara. She wore a crystal necklace and matching earrings. She walked down with The Sharma's and Lady Danbury, her brothers stood behind them. 

Antony came up to the small group. "Miss Edwina, might I have this dance?"

"Certainly, my lord." Edwina smiled.

Ophelia hid her disappointment and stood beside Lady Danbury on the balcony. "Have you been enjoying your time alone with the Viscount?"

The way the girl looked at Lady Danbury made her specify her words. "Yesterdays hunt. It went well, I take it?"

"Oh, yes. Of course, yes. Quite well indeed." She looked over the dance floor, watching Edwina dance with Antony.

When Ophelia finally made it down the stairs herself, Edwina had finished her second dance with Antony and stood beside her sister. The Hall girl joined them.

"Lord Bridgerton has gone to get me a lemonade." Edwina said to the pair. 

"How very thoughtful of him." Kate smiled.

"We've just finished our second dance. I am certain he'd not have asked me for two of he did not have intentions for the evening."

Ophelia gave her a small smile, she was happy for her yet had some jealousy. "I am pleased to hear that."

Edwina turned to her. "I need you to dance with him."

"What?" She asked in shock.

"If he is going to declare himself before the end of the ball, as I hope, he shall need to ask you for your blessing. He has already asked Kate."

"Then why does he need my blessing."

Edwina grabbed her hand. "I see you as a sister, Ophelia, and I want you to approve of him. You are ready to grant him your blessing, are you not? This very well be my last chance."

Antony joined the trio. "Miss Edwina."

"Lord Bridgerton." She answered, taking the lemonade from his hand. "Ophelia, Kate and I were just speaking. Ophelia wishes to take to the floor."

Antony nodded. "Ah. Well, I am certain that-"

Edwina cut her off. "With you." She took the glass from Antony's hand. 

He nodded again and looked at Ophelia, for a few moments the two just stared at each other before Antony offered his hand. "Miss Hall, may I have this dance?"

She took a small breath and then his hand. "You may, my lord."

The two walked onto the dance floor, dancing to the music and barely taking their eyes off each other. To everyone else, it was obvious there was something there. To Edwina, she was just happy to see her friend and her possible husband not hating each other. Ophelia couldn't help but glance at his lips throughout the dance which was very tense, for them and others.

"Do you have something to ask me, my lord, in regards to Edwina?" She asked in the middle of the dance.

"If I were to ask for her hand, would you give me permission?"

The two spun slightly, now facing Edwina and Kate. "I want her to be happy."

"And do you think I can make her happy?" He questioned.

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