Chapter 1

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"Skylar! Wake up and come eat please, you're taking too long today!" Mom yelled from downstairs. Ugh it's Monday. I hate Mondays, I mean everyone does but I hate them the most.

"Do I have time to take a shower?" I mumbled to myself. I checked down at my phone to see that it was 7:29. Damn it, I only have half an hour. I decided to drop it and get dressed.

One thing to know about me, you cannot rush me in the shower.

"Skylar??" Mom yelled again.

"I'm coming! I have to unplug my laptop, I'll be there in a sec!" I finished putting on my uniform and shoes as I headed down the stairs.

"Finally." My mom sighed, "I was about to come upstairs to get you."

"You know you aren't supposed to walk around too much, the doc said so." I told her. Mom had a surgery on her ankle a couple days ago, it's been a little hard for her to walk around in a boot.

"Yeah, I know." She glared at me, I felt a little guilty but I couldn't hold back a laugh. It's fine though because she laughed with me. "Okay silly, eat your breakfast." She said while handing me a plate of waffles.

"A little something to make your Monday a little less terrible." She winked. Wow, the most amazing person ever.

I headed out the door for school, still chewing on a piece of my waffle, I had 10 minutes to get there, I wasn't too worried though, I live really close by. I went over my schedule for the day in my head.

{History, English, Study Hall, Choir, Lunch, and Math} And of course I'd have my other classes tomorrow. But the thing I loved the most about todays schedule, was that I could torment Atlas all day. Perks of having the same classes really kicked in.

Atlas is my fated 'enemy'. He's the one person I'm most eager to see, but for the wrong reasons. Atlas and I have always had a rough relationship, since as long as I can remember, we've been treating each other like shit. I would never really hurt him, that's not my thing, but I'll play some relatively harmless pranks like key his locker... or car. I'll tell the teacher he's copying my work, (he sits next to me in 2 of my classes), or I'll spill water on his computer and call him bitchy names. That's about it though. And I'd say he roughly does a lot of the same stuff to me.

So it's not terrible, but we very clearly don't like each other. For reasons I don't know, it's just how we work.

I got to school and opened my locker, as I finished putting my things away, my locker slammed shut. Almost taking my fingers with them. I cocked my head to the side in a flash to find Atlas and his friends crowding around.

"Real fucking funny Atlas, you almost cut off my fingers." I said with a bitchy tone.

"Yeah, it was funny wasn't it guys?" He glanced over at his friends who gave me the 'I'd be so embarrassed to be you' kind of smirk.

"Get your ass to homeroom before I kick your face in." I snaked.

"Yeah yeah, see you later whore." He gawked. He and his friends left and I looked down to my hands to see the tips of my fingers covered in blood. I sighed, "Fuck."


I made it through to choir, literally my favorite class. Mr. Dober was my absolute favorite teacher, there was nothing he couldn't do to make class fun. Not once have I known him to be sour, he's the one teacher at every school that all the students seem to love.

I walked into class early, "What's up Mr. Dobes?" I said enthusiastically, prepared for an enthusiastic answer. And yes, I do call Mr. Dober 'Dobes'. We all do, and he likes it. He says it makes him feel like part of the group.

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