Chapter 3

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I got home and changed out of my uniform, and put on a pair of sweats and a baggy graphic tee that said "Sublime" across it. In all truth, I wear Sublime merch because it's trendy, I otherwise know literally nothing about it.

I walked downstairs and told mom that I was headed out to work on a project with someone.

"Wait wait, do their parents know you'll be over?"

"I think so, he just told me to come over so we could get it finished. Sorry it's so last minute, he told me today." I said guiltily.

"Who's 'he'?" She asked, 'protective mom mode activated'.

"Atlas." I said.

"Oh the Sarsamo boy!" She exclaimed. She and dad are friends with his parents, it's why I've basically known Atlas my whole life.

"Yep, that's him." I sighed.

"Okay you can go, he's a nice boy."

"Thanks." I said. Please, nice boy my ass. As I turned to the door and put on my shoes my mom called to me.

"Oh, Sky babe when will you be home?"

"Ummm I don't really know, we just planned to work on it until we got it down." I told her.

"Okay, don't stay too long, you wouldn't want to impose."

"I know mom. I'll see you later." And I walked out the door.


I got to Atlas' house and rang the doorbell, I heard from inside just saying to come in. I walked in hesitantly and said "Hello?" to find someone.

Atlas' mom came around the corner and greeted me happily. "Ah Skylar! It's so good to see you! You've really grown up since I saw you last."

"Yeah, it's been a couple years hasn't it?" I smiled. She nodded her head in agreement and proceeded to show me the kitchen.

"I'll call Atlas down for you and you guys can work on that homework thing you have alright?"

"Yeah sounds good." I said shyly.

She walked around the corner and called Atlas who was upstairs, "Atlas! Skylar's here!"

"Okay, I'm coming." He said.

He came downstairs and walked into the kitchen to see me in an unfamiliar state, I'm pretty sure he's never seen me without my uniform.

"Hey, wanna come upstairs? We should get started sooner than later." He said to me.

"Hey, don't be rude. At least offer her a snack or something." His mom chimed in.

"Oh no, please Mrs. Sarsamo, I grabbed something to eat before I came over. I'm alright." I assured her.

"Are you sure? Just know that you can come down and get something if you want." She told me. I nodded my head and got up from the table, following Atlas upstairs.

Once we got inside his room, a blast of cologne hit my nose. This room smelled like there were fifty Atlas' crowded around. I decided to say nothing of it.

I sat down on his bed and he grabbed his guitar off the stand.

"Wanna just get to it?" He asked.

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