Chapter 19

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{Feel free to play the video at the top when I tell you😉😉}


My fourth? No, my fifth? I've had a lot of soda tonight, I'm bored.

No, I'm a coward. I'm avoiding Skylar because I'm weak, so fucking weak for her. She makes me want to die, but she's also the reason I'm here right now, alive.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't wanted to go find her. I haven't seen her once tonight, partially because I'm afraid she looks even prettier than my mind can comprehend, and partially because I'm afraid I'll devour her as soon as I see her.

Is she having fun? Is Nate really who she wants? I hate that I have doubts, I hate that I can't force myself to be upfront. A mental battle I'm having with myself that I can't win in either direction.

I need another soda. I walked down the balcony stairs and headed to the drink stand when I spotted a vibrant royal blue dress waltz across the floor, the wearer flaunting silky blonde hair and a mischievous yet adorable smile.

I was right... she looked even more beautiful than I could imagine.

She walked over to a table and pulled up the body of her date, leading him to the center of the dance floor. His smile as she dragged him away made me realize... that should be me.

The fucking drink can wait. I walked over to see the two of them hand in hand, her head rested on his shoulder as they twirled around with each other. My jealousy grew all the more when she glanced at me for a split second, and then leaned up to his face.

Was she about to kiss him?

Suddenly my body didn't feel like my own anymore. I grabbed the closest drink to me and walked up to them, 'tripping' over a shoelace and 'accidentally' spilling a coke all over Nate's suit.

"Oh my god, fuck I'm so sorry." I said.

Nate shook Skylar off of him and glared at me. It was like he wanted to kill me, but then we both looked at Skylar who was just stunned. He softened his gaze and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's cool." He turned back to her and took her hands, "Where were we?"

"Don't you wanna go wash that out?" She asked quietly as he started spinning her around. Acting like she wanted to get rid of him.

"Yeah, it'll stain or something. Wouldn't want to look weird." I chimed in, he let go of her again and gave me an annoyed look. He clenched his jaw, "Sky I'll be back." He said looking over to her and then walking toward the exit. That should occupy him for a while.

When I turned back around to Skylar, she was already looking at me lost for words.

"You're welcome." I said sarcastically as I stepped in front of her and adjusted my coat.

"What? What are you talking about?" She asked angrily, trying to hide a smile.

{Play it now, I have no idea how well it'll fit (probably won't) but use your mind, I'll add lyrics for guidance.}

I refused to answer and took her hands, squeezing them gently as I felt them tingle within mine. "Shh shh the song is starting." I suggested with a upbeat tone.


~I summoned you, please come to me~

"Remember when I taught you how to sing? Let's teach you how to dance." I looked into her quizzical eyes and gently brushed her bare shoulders with my hot hands.

She shivered lightly and I interlocked our fingers, "First rule to dancing, act like you know how to dance." I whispered deep into her ear.

"What- that's not the-" Without another word I twirled her around me.

~Come, lay me down~

She searched my face with desperation as I lead her in box step around the floor, she kept fumbling around in her heels. It was so damn cute I couldn't take it anymore.

As soon as the beat drop hit, I lifted her up and her dress sparkled freely under the lights. I spun her around, her laugh thrilled me and I brought her down, guiding her as our bodies synced up in circle around the room.

People gathered as I pulled her close to me and could almost hear the way her heart beat for mine.

The lights dimmed down and we were all each other could focus on. Her eyes never left mine as she grabbed tightly onto my hands. "How's my pretend dancing."

~All night long, till morning comes~

I laughed quietly and rested my head on top of hers as we danced freely within each other's grasp, "Pretty shitty."

She nudged my chest and pulled away from me, spinning herself out into the darkness.

The guitar played as I stood alone turning in every direction as I searched for her in the shadows of the other people.

~These burning flames, these crashing waves~

She stepped back into the light with another person, it was too dark to tell who. She danced with him around the room eyeing me down the whole time, like she wanted to make me jealous.

She placed her hands on him, guiding his hands down her waist and around her ass. I knew she saw the way I was watching, but she loved my aggravation all the more.

She laced her fingers up his arms and cupped his face, like she was going to kiss him. I slid in and snatched her away like candy, losing the boy back into the crowd of darkness.

~In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night~

"You little fucker." I whispered slightly smiling at her cocky face. She stepped on my foot and smiled back.

I grabbed her waist and hoisted her up as she freely extended her arms like an angel, taking in the sensation of the lights.

~All night long, till morning comes~

I brought her down and dipped her as she looked at me with serene eyes, eyes I've lost myself in countless times with hatred and adoration.

Eyes that I lose myself in still now, and in this moment. The guitar soloed and I moved slowly with her. "I'm losing my mind, Skylar." I admitted.

"I lost mine a while ago." She looked at me lovingly.

~And just call on me ah, just call my name, like you'll need me~


I grabbed her chin and devoured her in a kiss, a kiss that felt surreal. The world was spinning around us. Our lips fit like puzzle pieces and as I tried to pull away hearing the cheers of people around us, she refused to let me go. She clasped her hands around my back and pressed her body against mine. She felt like lava.

When she finally looked up at me, I was engulfed again in her sparkling blue eyes, eyes that welcomed me into every piece of her. And I wanted right then and there to embrace every piece I could take. I stood there with her, in the dark with the whole school around us. But we were alone, they didn't matter, she did.

I get it now...

I love her.

{Finally he gets it. Brace yourselves loves, it's only getting better from here.}

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