Chapter 9

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It's been a week since the 'incident'. I went back to school after my sick day, but Atlas hasn't been in school. I suppose I should be grateful, he continues to put off the uncomfortable situation for the both of us, but I won't lie... it's kind of agitating. He won't come to school and face it, which proves how much of a pussy he is, and it's nerve wracking for me to have to be on guard everyday and wait for him to walk through the classroom door.

I've contemplated a million times if I should just text him. I mean I have his number, but what would I even say?

Oh and I'm sure you're all wondering what happened to Nora. The truth is, I've been waiting for Atlas to show up and deal with him first before getting anyone else involved, and then I'll murder the shit out of her. So no, my friends don't know anything about this, and I plan to keep it that way.

I met up with the girls at lunch and Nora started up about Finn again.

"Guys should I just break up with him?" She asks us. We all glance at each other and say nothing. Nora looks at us like we're insane and says, "What? Come on!"

"Yes." We all say in unison.

"I should break up with him?"

"Girl we've been telling you that from the start! You just refuse to listen to us." Sadie says infuriated.

"Well..." Nora pierces her lips together.

"Mhm. You know you guys are toxic." Mattie says.

"We love you but Finn is just a walking red flag." Georgia says.

"I love him though." She argues weakly. We all sigh heavily in defeat.

"I give up." Georgia says. Sadie and Mattie nod in agreement with her. Nora just turns her head and forgets about it. She glances at me for a quick second in hopes that I'd have a different response, considering I haven't said much.

"No." I reject her before she has a chance.

"Okay. But what did you do with Finns toys? If I can just get them back then he won't be pissy anymore." She asks.

"They're gone, threw em out." I said raising my eyebrows and taking a sip of my water. Her eyes widen.

"WHAT?" She yells. The group turns toward our quarrel. She glances at them real quick and turns to me, lowering her voice. "Tell me you're joking."

"I'm definitely not joking. You think you can leave those little shits in my house? If my parents found those..." I closed my eyes and staggered my breath for dramatic effect. "If my parents ever found those bitches, I wouldn't live to see tomorrow." I warned them.

"You won't live to see tomorrow either! Finns gonna be so mad!" She said through her teeth.

Oh she has no idea.

"Shut the fuck up, you have no idea. Tell him to buy more and make him keep them this time." I said bitchily. She gave me a confused face.

"What are you so mad for?"

"I-" at stopped myself, I can't tell them. "Nothing, never mind." I brushed it off. She rolled her eyes and ignored it. I ate my sandwich and the bell rang a few minutes later.


"Okay everyone, have your homework out please so I can collect it." My history teacher announced before making rounds to everyone's tables. I did as he said and just as I finished writing my name at the top of the paper, it was snatched out of my hand.

"Lemme get a pic of this real quick for later." They said, I turned around to see Atlas holding his phone up to take a photo of my homework. Instantly I snatched it back before he got the picture and gave him a disgusted look. "Aw come on Skylar, I'll let you suck me off again in exchange." He said smirking.

No way he just said that out loud. Was he unfazed by all of it? Does he think of me as one of his sluts now?

"What did you just say?" I asked, looking around to make sure no one heard.

"You did me good last time, if you want, we can set up another session and you can 'help' me with my missing work."

"It's your own fucking fault you missed school, do it your-fucking-self." I bitched.

"Is it really my fault though?" He whispered close to my ear. I flinched from the feeling, but he took it as a sign of shyness. "Mmmmmm?" He hummed. I didn't answer.

I know it shouldn't matter because it's him, and that I should be happy that he's not 'disgusted' by what happened or anything... but it actually hurts more that he doesn't care.

I stayed silent the whole class, trying to ignore my surroundings, but it wasn't working. I asked the teacher if I could go to the nurse and he signed my planner. I walked laps around the school trying to clear my head of everything. Maybe I should stay out of the classroom until it ends, I'll go get my things after Atlas leaves.

I ended up doing just that. The bell rang and I walked in a few moments later to grab my books. But Atlas was still there. The fuck?

I quickly walked to get my things and I said nothing as I walked past him, avoiding eye contact. He grabbed my wrist and caressed it, I froze in my tracks, thank god the teacher wasn't in the room.

I was getting uncomfortable being alone with him, I tried to pull my hand away but he held on tighter with each attempt. I tried one last time before he broke the silence, "Skylar stop it. You don't have to ignore me."

"Why not? Nothings changed has it? Can't I ignore you when I feel like it?" I asked. If he was going to pretend like he didn't care, then so was I.

"No, you can't. And do you seriously think nothings changed?"

"It hasn't changed for you has it?" I asked sarcastically. "We still hate each other okay? Down to the bone. But if you're going to treat me like I'm one of your little sluts now, then maybe things have changed."

"Aw is that what you think? You're one of my little sluts now? Skylar you were always a slut, I've known it since the beginning. The only difference is that now I've had a taste of it, and I like it, so what's so wrong with wanting to continue?."

"You little fucker, always thinking of your dick. I guess that's why you turned into such a big one. You really think I'd agree to that?"

"But won't you? I mean I'm sure my friends would love to know that you had sex toys living in your room, being such a masochist and all. And I bet it would make a fascinating story for your friends as well."

"Are you blackmailing me into sex?" I asked grossed out, just when I thought he couldn't stoop any lower.

"That depends, how well is it working?"

"It's not."

"Hm, well how would your parents react to us? Wanna let them know what's been going on up in their daughters bedroom?"

He's got me cornered. "You really are a dick." I scowled at him. He pulled my wrist close to him and leaned his head up to mine.

"A dick that you'll be sucking on later." He winked. Good lord, I'm in so much shit.

{Hi guys! How do we like it? What's your take so far on these two? Please vote and comment, these next several chapters are going to take a lot out of me;)...}

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