The word of Gavin's death spread around Hawaii almost as quickly as the news of the Japanese invasion of Hawaii. Everyone gathered at a diner in Hawaii to celebrate his life. Lucy did her best to try and comfort Delilah, and so did Nancy, someone who wasn't good at expressing emotions. The girls all crowded together to comfort the mourning Delilah. Delilah tried her best to not cry, and she was silent for the entire time that Peter was making a speech of how great Gavin was, Delilah wanted to be strong for Peter because Peter was already struggling enough and Peter was also already emotionless, to begin with. Which didn't do well for when it came to giving a speech for your dead brother.
Peter then hung up a photograph, with his name.
With a Photograph of Gavin with the words:
Lieutenant Gavin Kelly
August 8th, 1917- April 18, 1942
Killed in Action
Beloved Friend, Brother, Son and Pilot
As Peter made a toast, Dominic looked at him and Peter looked at Mike and later looked at Delilah, hoping Delilah would look at him, to at least check on him to make sure that he was alright. And maybe the other way around too. Peter was just hoping it was a bad dream, and he was going to wake up shortly and Gavin would return alive, he tried to pinch himself to see if he would wake up, and it was still the reality. He was in denial about it still, the denial wasn't going away. He looked down at the ground and looked up trying his best to not break down right there, especially in front of his friends, and in front of Delilah. He didn't want to be seen as weak.
"To Gavin Kelly." Peter toasted.
He was saying goodbye to his big brother. And his best friend. And Delilah was saying goodbye to the love of her life.
That night, Peter went to his house and just sat down and stared at the wall, wondering what was next. He didn't know what to do anymore in regards to his life in Hawaii, he didn't know if he wanted to continue to fight in the military anymore, with the reason for him joining the military gone. So he didn't know what to do in regard to the Military anymore, he didn't know what his purpose was anymore. Should he have given up? Should he go home? back to New Hampshire, and grieve with the rest of his family.
But what about Delilah, she had been a part of his family for almost a decade, he couldn't just forget about her. But he had to figure something out. He was blank, he didn't know what his next move was for his future. But he needed to do something. Was he going to throw away all of the hard work he put in the past few months, or years? He didn't know anymore.
Mike opened the door to check on him. He saw him packing a bag. And Immediately, he knew that Peter wasn't doing well.
"Peter?" Mike asked him, "What are you doing there?"
"I'm going." Peter replied in an angry, "Back home."
Mike was confused. He didn't know what he meant, but Mike thought he meant home as in Hawaii, and responded with a "you are home."
"I mean home back to New Hampshire." Peter responded, "I can't do this anymore!"
"So you're giving up? On everything?" Mike asked.
"I don't know what else to do. Gavins gone. And he's the reason I joined up in the first place. And now that he's gone. I got nothing!" Peter cried
"Please." Mike said begging almost, "you worked hard. And you an amazing pilot."
"My folks need me right now and I have to go check on them, I don't know how long I'll be or when I'm coming back."
"That's it."

Imperial Love: All My Love (Gavin's Story) Book One
Historical FictionGavin Kelly is enlisted in the military and joins the Doolittle raid after the Pearl Harbor attack, he is forced to leave behind his love Delilah Stewart, a smart and vivacious nurse, and his sarcastic and kind younger brother Peter, who had just jo...