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Third person POV

The girl woke up from a coma a second ago and immediately felt pain in her head making her wince and cry out loud causing someone to wake up besides her who she hadn't notice yet and when the guy saw the girl finally awake he immediately calls a doctor and also his family.

"She's have an amnesia as I expected since the impact of her head was really hard so I suggest you to be careful with her,don't stress her or make her do anything in a month,tell her some stories when she was young and I'm sure she could get her memories back after that"the doctor announced and the family immediately saddened but still managed to nod,so many things running in their head.

"Who are you?"the girl asks the man who just smiles at her sadly."I am your father xandra, "the man said with a very thick korean accent."f-father?"the 12 years old girl ask with a confused look and tears ready to fall "yes baby,I'm your father"the man said and hug her as tears fell from both of their eyes shocking the whole family in the room,when they pull away her "father" started introducing the whole family to her.

After the introducing part where she finds out that she's the only girl in the family and also has a big family, she was a bit overwhelmed.

After a week, Lee Hyun-woo,her father, explained to her that they are going back to Korea since that was the whole plan before "that" happened, "xandra,baby? Are you okay?"sandro ask her "yes!I'm okay"she replied with a sad smile on her face which hurt Sandro Lee before nodding with a small smile that didn't even reach his eyes before leaving her in the plane room so she could rest.


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T FOUND HER YET?! IT'S BEEN A FUCKING MONTH AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T FIND HER YET" the angry man growled at the pi he hired to track a girl which he hadn't find yet. "Mr.Russo,sir i-i wi-will find her I swear to my life" the man's lips trembled as he said those words "you better cause she still haven't found In two weeks I will kill you a-ah no! I will torture you first till you slowly die" Russo said with a smirk making the man pale but still nod before excusing himself and leave the room.

I'll find you very soon my princess. We will find you

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