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" Dad, you need to see this now," my eldest son barged into my office when I was doing some paperwork. He walked up to me with his iPad, and he forwarded it to me.

It was news that Andrea Russo just announced to the whole world the secret they'd been hiding for years.

"And here too." He scrolled down

A two-year-old picture of my dear Alexandra and a child. We adopted my Xandra and did a background check on her, and we found out that she's a mafia princess, we could've given her back, but then we found out that she was neglected at their house so we decided to adopt her.

" Could it be that the 'dead' Liana Russo wasn't dead at all? Did the Lee family have been hiding her as Alexandra Lee?"

"Who the hell posted this shit?" I asked angrily, Jung-woo looked at me with the same expression as mine.

"Sandro is working on it now," he said, clenching his jaw

" Where is she now?" He asked, referring to his sister

" I already told Nam to get her home," I said, and just then, my phone started ringing

"It's Nam," I informed him and picked up the call, and I  put it on speaker

" Nam?" Instead of Nam's voice, it was my daughter

"D-Daddy..." I heard her sobbing on the other line panic rose in both of us, I saw my son stand up and called someone.

"Princess? What's wrong?" As I asked her, we heard gunshots from the other line.

" Da--- aah,"  I heard her shout, and then the line died.

" Dong-Hyun and Chan-young are going there now,"

Ryan Russo

"Andrea! What the hell did you do?" I shouted at my wife, who looked at me with tears on her face.

" I just did what I needed to do a long time ago!" She yelled back

" Delete it, now!" I said

" Even if I delete it now, you can't do anything because it's already been in the news! It's all over the world now. " She chuckled and sat down

" I'll deal with you later," I said and was about to leave when she spoke

" Where the hell are you going?" I heard her ask

" To fix the mess you made," I said and continued walking.

I was about to open my car, and my oldest son, Lorenzo, came running

" Dad! Someone attacked the school. "

" I had a call from Angelo, he said that somebody's attacking the school, there's like 100-200 armed men," He said

" Where are they now?"

"I told him to hide for now. He is with Allen and Elijah and their friends, " He said

" Lyra?" I asked

"She's with them,"

"What about Liana?" I asked, referring to Alexandra

"Angelo said he didn't know where she was." My heart dropped. The thought of her getting hurt feels like my heart getting ripped.

" I already sent our best guards, Gio, Marco, and Kiel went with them," he said

" We'll go there now!" I roared.

Alexandra Where stories live. Discover now