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Third Person

But then a gunshot was heard

Everybody shouted at the sound and started running and hiding. The gunshot was toward Alexandra but since the guards were behind her luckily the guards are big so it didn't pass through her, the gunshot hits the guard's shoulder, a gunshot wound hurts like hell but the guards appointed to her aren't that weak, they've gone through so many things before and a gunshot is nothing to them, all that matters now is their Young Lady's safety.

Alexandra held into Nam's arm when she heard the gunshot, terrified. They were just about to reach the doors of the cafeteria when Alexandra stopped them

" Mr.Nam, my friends are in danger please help them too" Alexandra cried, Mr.Nam instructed the guards to fire because it wasn't only one man but it became more,

" Sorry miss, but you're our top priority," Nam said before pulling her, just then the windows of the cafeteria shattered as a few more men came all dressed in black and armed. Soon enough they started firing at them so they went to the nearest table and they used the table as shields.

" We need to leave," Naju said scared not because of him getting hurt or dying but because of the Young Lady's safety.

The cafeteria's door opened and it was Yang, another guard of Alexandra, he was all sweaty and he got blood, but not his blood. He ran towards the table where Naju and the others are.

" They shoot the tires, there's too many, Jun and the others are fighting with them, but I don't think we can make it, there's too many" He explained scaring Alexandra more. She started shaking. They clenched their jaws.

" I'm almost out of ammo," South said

" Damn it! I'm out!" North said (they are twins)

Nam passed him another gun.

Then he called his boss then give the phone to Alexandra to help them.

"D-Daddy..." Alexandra sobbed shakily, she was terrified

"Princess? What's wrong?" Her Father asked on the other line

" Da--- aah,"  she was just about to answer him when she saw a student's body fall on the ground near her because of a gunshot wound, she saw blood coming out from his stomach and she screamed and the phone fell from her hand. She put her hands on her mouth as she made eye contact with the student who looks like running for his life but got shot.

" Young Lady!" North yelled at the thought of her getting hurt, he turned around to ask her what happened but his eyes moved to the student who was now bleeding and his eyes were wide open and weren't moving, he knew the student was dead.

He covered Alexandra's eyes and hugged her as she went on sobbing. She didn't know why this is happening, who the men were and why are they like targeting her.

" Jun! Jun! What's happening there?!" Naju yelled I'm the earpiece

" Kwan got shot twice, and Dae is with him, Red and CK...... they got shot thrice or maybe more but I'm sure they're not dead. I think you can make a run outside there's only like 11 to 14 men here,  " Everybody heard him

North made eye contact with Nam and nodded at him, they planned on getting out

" Hana" Nam started counting

"Dul" he continued

"SET!" Then yelled, North carried a sobbing Alexandra in his arms not caring about the gunshot wound on his shoulder while the others are covering them so they could go out safely.

They got out but Nam got shot in his right leg, Naju helped him run.

"D-Dae has been shot in the chest and the shoulder" They heard in the earpiece as they continued running towards where Kwan and the others are. Alexandra's cries grew louder when she saw Kwan and Dae's situation, they were getting weaker because of the gunshot wound.

Nam was getting frustrated because men kept on coming and coming until they got surrounded by them.

"Fuck!" Nam cursed at the realization

"Give us the girl and nobody will get hurt," The leader said as he stared at Alexandra who was all red because of the crying and hair mess.

South put her behind them to protect her

"That will never happen" Nam sneered glaring at the men who are currently pointing their guns at them.

The man chuckled loudly and then got serious again

"Don't make me----" he got cut off when he felt pain in both of his legs before he even heard the sound of the gunshots

"Make you what?" Dong-Hyun's dangerous voice was heard and all the men who were surrounding them turned their bodies only to get their throats or head hit by blades, it was the assassins who are with Dong-Hyun threw that straight to their throats or heads.

Alexandra clutched North's wrist and mumbled the word

"Oppa" she sobbed quietly

Chan-young walked toward the leader who is now groaning and crying and knock him off with the back of his gun.

"It's just a gang, the fifth-largest gang 'Snakes'" Chan-young said and was about to go to his sister but he saw Dong-Hyun going there, and as much as he want to hug her, he decided to do it later and give them a moment as Chan-young knows about his condition.

Dong-Hyun walked toward her sister and her guards who were surrounding her left to give them space.

He hugged her tightly as his eyes teared up, and she hugged him back

"I-I was so scared princess, I thought something bad happened to you" A tear fell from his eye as he said those words. Dong-Hyun has separation anxiety ever since he was kidnapped when he was 11 years old, that's why he tends not to get too close to people but when Alexandra came and not even weeks he become too attached to her and won't even let her get out of his sight. But he's been seeing a psychiatrist after very long convincing.

"Why did you guys take so long to come here? I thought I was going to die" Alexandra sobbed on his chest

"We will never let that happen"

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