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Alexandra Lee

"JADE" I yell before she looks at me and yells "ANNE" I ran towards her as she runs towards me, we jump at each other and fell on the ground and roll around before we stop and laughed happily "I miss you" she whispered and I blushed "I-I miss you too"i shuttered she looks at me and laugh again "you still didn't change,your still shy and innocent"she said squishing my cheeks making me blush more "s-s-stop j-jade"i said slightly patting her hands on my cheeks.

Jade and I talk a lot about our life after what happened when she left and it was so fun because I finally have my girl bestfriend, I never had any girl best friend and boy bestfriend that is just a teen because all of my friends are old,my family never let me go alone everywhere for some reason I don't really know even when I started going to real school at korea when I was 18 I only had a few talks to guys and girls because of my bodyguards anyways me and jade are eating fruits under the flowertree while reading a book...

I'm lazy so I'm just gonna skip where Alexandra goes home.

I got home at 8 pm I know it was really a long day my brother and parents got home when I was already asleep so we never got to talk about our days because I fell asleep....


Mom woke me up earlier saying that they all have decided to enroll me to a famous school where jade studies too and I just finished showering,I put on the outfit my eomma pick

Mom woke me up earlier saying that they all have decided to enroll me to a famous school where jade studies too and I just finished showering,I put on the outfit my eomma pick

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I pick up my bag and one of the cards my appa and brothers gave me

I pick up my bag and one of the cards my appa and brothers gave me

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go to the dining area and saw them waiting for me " good morning everyone" I greeted them with a happy smile and I received a bunch of 'good mornigs' from them as eomma placed pancakes on my plate "고마워 엄마(thank you mom)" I said happily as she chuckled and put pancakes to my brothers too...

"So ah,xandra Jade is not coming with you cause she said that her class is still afternoon"appa said as i was just gonna ask about her,i slumped my shoulders "b-but s-she said t-that she's coming with m-me" I shuttered as tears formed into my eyes ready to fall making my family panick "we know that baby,but her schedule change that's why Mr.Choi is coming with you"my older brother said softly kissing my forehead while I just nod my head sadly.

They walk me to the car as I was just about to get in the car when my appa suddenly pulled me back "a-appa! You startled me"i said he just laugh like everyone else and kiss me on my forehead "here,you can buy everything you want"appa said handing a black card making my eyes widen and quickly put it back into his hand "아빠는 항상 나에게 매일 하나씩 줘, 당신은 항상 그렇게 할 수 없습니다 지금 내 서랍에 너무 많은 카드 컬렉션이 있습니다(papa you always give me one everyday,you can't always do that now i have so many collections of cards in my drawer)" I told him sternly making him chuckled again "come on xandra just accept it"my brothers told me even my mom agreed with them making me frustrated "but daddy we will be poor if you keep giving me one"i said sadly and look down then I heard laughter making my cheeks red "h-hey! D-dont laugh at me"i said glaring at them they even laugh harder when they look at my face making me more angrier and turned towards mom "eomma!" I said and run towards her ang hug her as I cried because they were making fun of me.

"Lee Hyun woo! Stop this instant your making our daughter cry"mom yelled at them making them stop and look at me and I just pouted looking at mom she looks at me and I gave her the look that would scare my father

"if you keep on making her cry you will sleep in guest room for 2weeks"mom threatened dad and he paled and said sorry "I'm sorry baby we didn't mean to make you cry, we're just worried that you will not be able to buy food in the school" daddy said and the others also said sorry "I'm sorry daddy,but you shouldn't have laugh at me and I already got one so you don't have to give one again"i said and hug him...

They all said sorry and I forgave them and they bid me goodbye as I get in the car,Mr.Choi drive safely.

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