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I woke up when brother chan-young tickled me on my sleep, I pout when he said that we are now going back to americaI don't know why but I'm gonna miss korea.

"오빠! 나는 샤워를 할 테니 나가주세요.(oppa! I'm going to take a shower so please get out)"I said slightly pouting making him chuckle a bit "알았어 하지만 빨리 알았어?(okay but be fast okay?)" He said patting my head while I nod.

I took a shower and look for my outfit, found it!

I picked this since it will be cold outside since its winter and I'm pretty sure that Mrs

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I picked this since it will be cold outside since its winter and I'm pretty sure that Mrs.Choi already pack all of my stuff since I heard appa telling her to pack my bag last night so I just go down and saw them already with my suitcases and theirs too "좋은 아침 아빠(good morning papa)"I said as I run down the stairs with a smile on my face,when they look towards me they were smiling but when they saw me running down the stairs the smile on their faces vanished and turn into a glare "알렉산드라 앤 리! 계단에 있을 때 뛰지 마세요! 당신은 당신의 어머니와 같습니다! 나에게 심장 마비를주고 싶어?! 맙소사 둘 다 너무 장난꾸러기(Alexandra Anne Lee! you do not run when your in the stairs! you are just like your mother! do you wanna give me a heart attack?! God your both so naughty)" Appa said and my brothers agreed while eomma just chuckle as I pouted my lips

"아빠 저는 괜찮아요. 미국으로 돌아가서 신이 났어요. 그러면 Jenna와 농장과 말을 볼 수 있을 거예요. 말을 타고 Jenna와 다른 사람들을 농장으로 도우면서 보고 싶어요!!(dad I'm okay I'm just excited since were going back to the america then I'll be able to see Jade and the farm and the horses i miss riding horses and helping jade and the others to the farm!!)"I ranted and hug him as I reach the tiles While the others joined our hug "나는 당신 모두를 사랑합니다(i love you all)" I said and smile widely as they replied that they love me too.

After our family hug my older brother Jung-woo gave me his big jacket because he said that it was very cold outside but it wasn't even that cold since its almost summer but still I wore it I don't want my oppa to be upset.


I woke up In a unfamiliar room with Ji-hoon oppa besides me hugging the heck out of me! "Ji-hoon oppa y-당신이 나를 부숴(Ji-hoon oppa y-your crushing me)" I said blushing when I saw myself only wearing my pj's HAHA wait?! What?! Who changed me?! I look in the window and saw it was already dark,i look in my watch and saw that it's already 4 in the morning I shake my brother to wake up but still not working so I kept on shaking him until "크산드라? 왜 깨워?? 아직 이르다( xandra? why are you waking me up?? it's still early)" I heard his voice but still closed his eyes and I smile before getting on top of him and started pulling his hair I know it's childish and also will hurt him but I really want to eat and I'm scared because I don't even where am I? Where are we? Aren't we just on the plane? What happened? M-maybe were already in America and in the mansion already!! YAY!!!

"오빠! 오빠! 배고파요 일어나주세요(oppa! oppa! im hungry please wake up)" I said pouting after I pull my hands away from his hair hehe he finally woke up! He looks at me and chuckle when he saw me pouting "you are so cute!" He said in English while squishing my slightly chubby cheeks and I blush since I understand what he just said since I took English lesson before "s-stop it o-oppa" I said with a korean accent he laughs and stood up and carried me on his back, I know right I told him I'm heavy but he said and I quote 'your not heavy in fact you are just light as a feather' by the way I'm only 5'3 while my brothers,My dad,my cousins,my uncles and my grandfather are all in 6ft.

After we ate breakfast the others woke up and eomma told me that tomorrow is my first day of my new school which scares me, I have so many what ifs in my head everytime I goes to school.

My parents and oppa all left after kissing me a goodbye kiss on the forhead before they've gone to work. They all left me with so many bodyguards and maids and finally I'm going to the farm and I'll be able to see my first best friend,Jade. she and I met when we were both 15 in Korea because her grandmother works as a cook in our home but they both have to go back in america when we were 17 so I haven't seen he in two years that's why I'm so excited.

After taking a shower I look for some good dress and it's summer in America so I just picked this

Arriving in the very big farm of ours,i bolted out of the car ignoring the shouts of my bodyguards and maids I run to the farm house and about to open the door when a hand caught my wrist and turned me around,I look up since I couldn't see the fac...

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Arriving in the very big farm of ours,i bolted out of the car ignoring the shouts of my bodyguards and maids I run to the farm house and about to open the door when a hand caught my wrist and turned me around,I look up since I couldn't see the face because I was short, when I saw who it was I smiled and jump into him " 최씨(Mr.Choi)" I shout happily and hug him

and he laugh before hugging me back. Mr.Choi was my bodyguard before and also my best friend and also Mrs.Choi's older brother but my appa send him here I don't know why but I already forgave appa about that. "Ms.Lee I miss you too" He laughs and open the door for me and there I saw..........


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