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Me and Andrea are now walking to the cafeteria since it was lunchtime and we are chatting as pass-through the door of the cafeteria

" I don't know why he did that, he said I reminded him of his deceased sister, who was Lyra's twin" I whispered because there were many people here and they might hear what we were talking about

" Really? Oh, yeah! I remembered when I got transferred here, I think it was Liana's 1st death anniversary, they were a fight in the cafeteria. When I got there I saw Lyra's older brother fighting with someone" Andrea said shocking me " He almost killed the guy by punching him many times. It went viral and Lyra's brother almost got arrested if it weren't for his parents" she continued

"Really? He must have loved Liana so much" I said shrugging, as we sat down at our table since the others aren't here yet.

"Maybe, but I also heard that Liana was the black sheep of the family, I mean a few students said that Liana was bullied here before" Then she put her mouth close to my ears and whispered " It was said that it was Liana's siblings who bullied her a lot in school and that she was neglected in her home" my eyes widened and just as I was about to ask her something, my eyes darted towards the doors of the cafeteria as it was loudly opened revealing our friends but with two more familiar guys.

Wait! Isn't that Allen and Elijah?!

They walked to our table and sit on vacant ones

" Hi, Xandra!" Elijah being the bubbly one greeted me happily

" What are you two doing here? You said you guys study in Paris? " I asked bewildered as I put fries in my mouth

" Well, we moved here a while because of the family business," he said smiling, I just nodded and continued eating my lunch, I want to talk to Jade now, I haven't talked to her for a while, and since she came back to the Philippines we can't talk long, because whenever I called her, she would tell me that it's midnight in the Philippines.

I was brought back to reality when I heard

" Lyra! Is it true that you're adopted? Was it true that Liana is an actual Russo while you're not? It wasn't suspicious that you two weren't twins since you guys looked like a bit " Derek, my classmate in science suddenly came to our table with five other guys and three girls who looked very mean.

Since Derek's voice was so loud everybody started whispering and some even started filming.

" This is going to end very badly" I heard Liam whisper

"Back off Derek," Angelo said clenching his fist.

" Come on Angelo, does it hurt that you got deceived by this whore" one of the girls said as she patted Lyra's head.

Suddenly Lyra stood up and looked at the girl, glaring at her

" That's not true!"


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