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She's here, she's alive but doesn't remember us.

Kai, Noah, Liam, althea, my sister Lyra and I were sitting with Andrea and Alexandra or should I say Liana Kai was talking to her but her phone rang and she said she have to take it so we waited for her while Lyra look at me like she was about to cry because she was back and I see anger in her eyes as she looks at Liana's back as she disappeared.

I hate her, I hate my little sister Lyra because she was the reason Liana ran away, she framed Liana's nanny she stole something from us which is big money and my dad and older brother killed her in front of Liana and after that day she wasn't in the house anymore with a letter in her bed

" I hate you, I hate you all you killed my nana you killed her I hate you all so much especially you Lyra because of you they hate me for something I didn't even do! They killed Nana because you framed too.

I wish you weren't my family"

After reading that letter my mother turns towards Lyra who was scared and crying as we look at her with hatred "Were you the one who killed yours and Liana's nanny huh? Were you even the one who kept bullying her?! Did you frame the nanny that she loves too?!" My mom shouted at her as she grabbed Lyra's shoulders and shake her before yelling again she continued yelling until Lyra shouted

" YES! YES! I DID THAT I FRAMED HER BECAUSE ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION WAS ON HER'S SO I KILLED THE STUPID PUPPY AND FRAMED THAT BITCH LIANA AND I FRAMED HER STUPID NANA SO SHE WILL BE FUCKING LONELY AND I EVEN BULLY HER AT SCHOOL BECAUSE THE ATTENTION OF THE TEACHERS ARE ON HER!!" My mom froze just like we did and suddenly mom hit her "YOU WONT FUCKING CALL HER A BITCH MY FRIEND WAS RIGHT SHE KNEW YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DID ALL OF THAT BUT I DIDN'T BELIEVE HER AND BROKE MY FRIENDSHIP WITH HER" my mom yelled before she fainted my dad carried her back to their not before looking at us said "you're grounded and you will not be using OUR money until she came back and do not expect us to forgive easily"my dad spat at her even our brothers look at her with too much hatred a-

"Angelo!" Noah called cutting me out of my thoughts "yes?" I asked "xandra,she looks like the girl in the painting In your house" and all my friends agreed with him

"come on, why the fuck xandra even have a portrait in your house"andrea said

"that's none of your business" Lyra said angrily shocking my friend

"well it is my fucking business cause it's my friend were talking about"andrea said standing up and

"I'll be looking for my friend xandra she might be lost"she said directly looking at lyra's eyes and about to go when kai stood up  and said

"wait,I'm coming with you" "were coming too"althea said I also stood just like the others except lyra who look at me shock

"y-your coming with them? What about me?!"she said in frustration

"you can handle yourself" I said before walking out of cafeteria door with the others.


"Amore mio" I blush when I heard his husky voice "Baby? Are you there?"He asked "Vince" I said a little bit angry because the past few weeks he became very busy

"you sound angry, why are you angry? Did something happened hmm?"He asked gently

"Y-You didn't call me these past few days I even tried calling for you but you weren't answering my calls" I said trying trying hold back my tears

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