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Seeing her hurt wakes my beast and I fucking scared her but I was just so angry that I wanted to kill the person who did that to her. But I'll just talk to her brothers later.

"Baby why don't you put on a.... bra"I told her since I don't want anyone seeing her without that thing I'm the only who's gonna see her like that.

"But why? Its night and I'm used to that"she said cutely blushing.

Fuck! She's so fucking cute.

"I know baby,it's just there's men downstairs and I should be the only one who sees you without it" I explained to her and she blushes

"B-but it's just you and our family downstairs"she said looking at me innocently

Fuck. Her beautiful innocent eyes is killing me

"Marco and jaze is also downstairs baby" I told her she agreed and I waited for her.

We walked down stairs and go to the dining area.

"Why were you guys late?"Her brother,ji-hoon ask us and i couldn't help but snapped at him

"I was asking about the bruises in her face"i glared at them,they just look at me stunned until my mom stood up "what do you mean bruise?!" She panicked and rush to my girlfriend and Slightly check her cheeks.

"We'll talk about this later" I said in a stern voice when I saw xandra looking hungry.

I put some vegetables,pork and rice in her plate,I don't want her to be so skinny.

"So xandra,how are you?" Jaze ask her slightly smirking,he knows that I easily get jealous.

My xandra looks at him "I'm fine"she said smiling

"Do you remember the guy,Sean when you guys visited Italy?" Marco asked her and I tensed so did her brothers but didn't say anything
"Uh..... I do,why are you asking me that?"she ask innocently

"Well you see,jaze and I saw him last week and he asked about you and your number so me being kind I gave him your number"Marco explained

"What?!" I ask loudly

How dare him give her number to him?!

"Yes,I gave him xandra's number did he texted you?" Marco ask xandra while I glare at him

"Why would you do that Marco?"xandra ask softly not letting his brother talk

"He said that he wants to be friends with you" Marco tells her nonsense

"Really?" My innocent xandra asked excitedly really wants to have new friend

"Yeah but your family and boyfriend might not like it" jaze said sadly faking just to get me jealous

And I a fucking jealous

"Oh! Can you please just tell him that my family doesn't like me being with guys even if it a lie" she said sadly and we all look at her surprised

After a lot of talks the dinner was now done.


Xandra and Matteo goes to her room to play with him while me and the others are inside Jung-woo's office.

"Mind telling us what happened?" I ask in my cold angry voice

"The Russo, two of Ryan's son fought for no reason and their daughter started a fight with Alex saying that she was the reason her stupid brothers fought" Dong-hyun said angrily

"Russo? As in the third strongest mafia?" My father ask

"Yes! And we talked to them so tomorrow night we'll be having dinner with them" her dad said

"We'll be discussing about the fight" Her mom said before telling us to go to our rooms and I agreed cause I really wanted to see my girl again.


"Alex is it true that someone hurt you?" Matteo ask and I sigh before setting him in my lap

"It's true teo" I said and then he suddenly get off my lap and stood infront of me with his cute face getting all angry

"Who did it Alex? I will surely beat their asses" what Teo said shocked me because

"Teo! Don't say that,your too young" I scolded him he looks unfazed and

"I'm not young! Ace said I'm a guy now" he yelled causing me to back away from him a little

Gosh!! I will literally pull his ears

"I know that Teo but for me your still a baby" I said he looks at me and

"I'm not a baby"he said getting angry again

"But your My baby" i told him smiling lightly his ears suddenly turn red and before he could say anything the door was opened and it was Vince with an angry look in his face.

"Matteo go to your room"Vince said in a stern voice shocking me since it's like the first time he used that voice to teo infront of me but teo didn't look shock just unfazed and walked out of the room,it was like he was already used to it.

After closing the door Vince walked towards me and suddenly stood me up and push me to the wall and started kissing me roughly,he just kept on kissing while I kept on trashing from his hold since I'm not used to him kissing me like that it was always soft and gentle.

My eyes got teary when I was almost out of breath I started hitting his chest..

He stopped and and I pushed him away and I Finally let my tears out as I saw the look he has it was anger.

Just anger nothing else...

"Whats wrong with you?!"I shouted and then his looks changed instead of anger it was now regret, sadness and worry.

He instantly get a hold of my hand as I look at him with
tears in my eyes

"Oh God. Baby I didn't mean to hurt you! I was blinded by my anger I didn't mean to hurt you" he explained as he held my cheeks with gentleness

"Why were you angry?" I ask him and then his eyes darken again,he held my hands tightly but not enough to hurt me

"That girl's family is coming here tomorrow"he said I stilled.

"What girl?" I ask him

"The girl who hurted you" he answered as his knuckles turning white again

My hand started shaking and my eyes started to tear up, I look up to him,

"B-But why?" I asked him he held my left cheek and wipe the tear from it

"I don't know baby,but I promise I will just stay by your side and won't let them even touch your hair" he said and that made hug him

"I love you Vince" I confessed and picked me up and lay me on the bed

"I love you too xandra,I started to love you since the day I met you" he said and stood up to go to my closet where he put his clothes

He came back wearing only a black short and that made me look at his exposed eight packs leaving me drooling.

He laughs at my face and that made me look away from him and go under the covers hiding my red face,I heard him laugh before feeling him getting under the cover and hug me.

"Goodnight my love"

"Goodnight vince"

I whispered then darkness took over Me.

Alexandra Where stories live. Discover now