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It has been 2 weeks after the fight, and I am getting ready for school. Vince and his family went back to Italy to handle their business but promised that they'll be back soon. SOON. They didn't give me a specific date, though.

I went downstairs and saw my parents.

" Alexandra! What did I tell you?" A frown on my father's face as he spoke, I giggled

"Not to run on the stairs," I said, pouting.

He sighed and ruffled his hair before hugging me.

" You're an adult now, I remembered you running to me when I went home and you waiting at the door waiting for me to come home," He said and started to tear up when my mother hit his shoulder and said

" Stop that, you're looking like a lost boy," Mom said causing me to laugh.

"Enough now, Xandra why don't you eat now?" She asked

" No, Mom I'll just make myself a sandwich and eat it on my way to school cause I'll be studying in the library since I was not in school for two weeks" I explained

"Alright then, don't stress yourself" She smiled at me as I nodded my head.

"I'll make your sandwich, why don't you go up and get ready, hm?" I smiled widely before nodding and as I was about to run upstairs I heard my father's voice.

" No running!" I huffed before walking up the stairs.

Arriving in my room, I went to the bathroom and do what I needed to do before going back to the dining room to get my sandwich and say goodbye to my parents.

But when I got there, they weren't there. I just saw Ji-hoon Oppa drinking his coffee and working with a lunchbox beside his laptop.

"Oppa, where are Mom and Dad?" I asked him and went towards him and grab my lunchbox.

"There was an emergency at the company and they were needed there. And I will be dropping you off" he said and stood up and close his laptop and drank his coffee in one gulp.

He ruffled my fixed hair and laugh at me when I glared at him

" I just did my hair!" I said before following him outside.


After my brother dropped me off at school, I went straight to the library and take my books out of my bag and get my glasses, and started studying while eating my breakfast.

My first class starts at 8 am and I have been studying for 1 and half hours. 30 minutes left before my class starts so I decided to stop and go to my first class which is history.

As I walked by the hallways, a few students were looking at me while some are just minding their own business or talking to somebody.

When I arrived at my first class I sat down on my seat after smiling at my friends I think Andrea is my only friend here right now.

"Xandra! I thought you weren't gonna come" I heard Andrea says

"Yeah, we thought that you didn't want to go here because of what happened," Liam said I looked at them confused

" Uh, I was studying at the library since I missed two weeks' lessons" I explained to myself as I looked at the three of them

Liam, Andrea, and Althea.

"Well, are you okay now? I heard you got scratches?" Andrea asked I smiled at her before saying

" Yes, I am fine now, thank you for asking" Suddenly Andrea huffed

" Lyra's a bitch, everyone knows that, they just didn't want to go against her since her family is well known," She said before turning her back away as our teacher walks in.

I didn't understand Andrea, I think Lyra is just upset and was probably panicking when her brothers fought that's why she attacked me.

I let go of that thought and focused on the lesson.

Alexandra Where stories live. Discover now