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Third Person POV

It's been 2 days since the attack on the school and the whole school is being renovated so all students are like on a break because there won't be school for a whole month.

The attack on the school caused 6 deaths of students, They didn't massacre the whole school they only killed people who were standing in their way and it wasn't their plan The only plan was to kidnap the mafia princess.

Alexandra has been seeing a therapist since she started getting nightmares, and her family has been very helpful as well. Even though she got traumatized, she still has a beautiful smile every time she talks to someone.


Ever since the attack on the school, I started getting nightmares, so my parents made me see a therapist, and it's been nothing but helpful to me. I didn't know what was happening but all I knew was that they wanted to abduct me and kill me since I was the mafia princess of our mafia, yes I had known about it since like 2 years ago.

I should have been used every time there was a sudden attack wherever I was, but I just couldn't, I had been almost abducted two times, but my bodyguards always protected me from anything bad s------

"Love, what's wrong?" I heard Vince's voice before I saw him in front of me

After the attack, Vince came when it was already evening and he and the others have been taking care of me, I hope I'll be better soon. Vince is so busy but had to cancel all of his work just so he could stay here for me for 3 days. 3 days is short, but it's worth it.

"Love?" I smiled hearing his gentle voice before saying I was okay

"Are you sure? You've been staring at the wall for a few minutes now," he said worriedly

Is this the mafia boss they feared?

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just thinking of something," I said, smiling, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion

"What is it? Do you want something?" He asked, and I nodded my head as a no.

"Are you su---" he was about to ask but I cut his words

"Vince, I'm fine," I said giggling as I looked at his worried face

He sighed before kneeling in front of me as I was sitting on the bed

"You can't blame me for being worried, This happened a couple of times now and the reason was that they wanted to get you," he started and hugged my waist and he continued

"I just want to marry you then keep you locked away from everyo---" I cut his words off by laughing softly

"What's funny?" He asked confusingly

"I'm laughing at you because my family will not let you do that" I giggled flicking his nose softly

I thought he was going to laugh too but his eyes turned cold as he looked at my laughing state

"Well I can always kidnap you and bring us to one of my islands and then I'll impregnate you so you cannot leave me or escape me," He said making my laugh stop at what he said. I laughed nervously because of the seriousness of his voice when he said those words.

"Stop joking" I laugh nervously but he remains serious and cold

"I'm not lying though," he said seriously.


When I heard about what happened in the school, I canceled all my meetings and went to my private jet so I could get to her fast.

I was so damn worried that she'll get hurt. It already happened twice before and she almost got abducted the second time. So her father strengthened the security and I had four assassins follow her every time she went to school but I removed them because I knew that she'd be safe with her 10 bodyguards. I wasn't wrong because they protected her.

Here she is, telling me that I will not dare to kidnap her and impregnate her just so she cannot leave me.

"I'm not lying though," I said seriously and she suddenly looked scared. Sorry, my love but it is the truth. When she turned 18 all I wanted to do was to marry her and impregnate her but I didn't dare do it when she told me that she wanted to finish her studies and become a model but I never wanted her to be a model because her body is only mine that's why I planned to get her pregnant after we get married.

"Vince, I want to know about my friends, are they fine? What about Lyra? She was badly crying back there in the cafeteria " She said changing the subject but I didn't it.

"Your friends are fine, and about Lyra, I think she's going to move to her real parents in Germany" I explained caressing her hand

"Is she going to be fine?" She asked worriedly

She is always like this and I hate that she might get hurt every time she worries about someone or something because she'll surely do anything just to help them and I'm afraid she might get in trouble because of that.

"She'll be fine, don't worry," I said kissing her reddening cheeks


Sorry for the late update, I've got a busy schedule, and I don't know when I'll update again after this

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