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It was now the night, Lyra's family coming over and I'm already getting ready because my parents told me so and I don't want them to be upset.

After the shower I was about to go to my closet to pick whatever I'm going to wear tonight

"You should wear this love" a voice behind me spoke I turn around and saw Vince holding a white dress in his hands

"Where did you get that?" I asked slightly laughing "I bought this for you when I was still in Italy" he said and gave me the dress and kiss my forehead

"Put this on and go downstairs after you've finish" after he said that he left to let me dress.

After a few minutes I finished, I didn't put anything on my face and just put my hair into a ponytail

And after that I make my way out of my room and directly go to the dining area.

"Alex! You're here!" As soon as I opened the door of the dining area I heard Matteo's voice and that brought a big smile on my face

I saw Lyra's family with a few more people I don't know maybe their other relatives?

"Love, sit next to me" I heard Vince's voice calling me
I greeted them with a small 'good evening' and kiss my brother's cheeks and my parents after that I sat next to Vince as I kiss his cheeks

"Don't do that in front of us Xandra" my dad spoke rolling his eyes causing my mom to laugh and Vince's mom to My cheeks turned red

"Stop that already Hyun-woo, it's normal since they are already in a relationship," Mom said slightly laughing my dad was about to speak but got interrupted by a not very old man who was with Angelo's family

"You're letting your daughter have a boyfriend at a very young age?" He was very familiar to me.

Vince's hand hold around my thigh tighten a bit
"You're letting your granddaughter have sex on every other guy" I was shock at what my dad just said about Lyra and immediately looked at their family their faces didn't have any reactions but Lyra's face does and it was anger and embarrassment

"Mr.Lee Lyra is not my granddaughter in fact she's not even a real Russo" Angelo's grandfather said staring into my eyes as I look back

"We don't care about that, but the next time you will tell us something like that I don't know what I'll do to you" Vince spoke with a very dangerous voice and that make me hold his hand tightly when I saw his knuckles turning white as his hold on my thigh tighten and I held back a wince because it was hurting and I'm pretty sure it will bruise later but I don't care I just don't want a fight over such a small thing.

"That's enough" Lyra's father stood up "We are not here to fight we are here to talk about the kids and business" he look at me and said

"Liana, I am very sorry about Lyra's action a-" I cut him off

"It's fine Sir, it's in the past now and I've already forgiven her and Liana isn't my name, it's Alexandra," I said honestly I decided I would forgive her before my family could protest I gave them the look and they remained silent and angry I guess but I'll just talk to them later.

The maids came and bring our foods

"What the hell is this?!" Lyra ask in disgust touching the tteokbokki with a fork and it kinda offended me because that's my favorite food and ITS A FOOD she shouldn't disrespect a food.

"It's a tteokbokki, a Korean food if you don't like it there is other foods" Sandro said rolling his eyes and taking a piece of tteokbokki and shoving it in his mouth.

"Why don't we start eating," my mom said and we start eating while Vince kept on shoving food on my plate mostly tteokbokki since he knows that is my favorite

"Vince stop shoving foods on my plate" I scolded him he just chuckles "Baby I don't want you to, be skinny," he said and I blush when he calls me that I mean he always calls me anything sweets and I always blush every time he does that.

"But I'll be fat," I said "So what? you are still my baby," he said and I was about to say something else when my brother Chan-young cut me off

" Oh please, let me eat peacefully stop flirting in front of me" That made my cheeks get red even more and I kick his foot under the table and he fought back a wince

"Xandra! Come sit here" my father suddenly demanded glaring at Vince but Vince wasn't affected by it as I was about to stand up and sit on my father's lap Vince held my arm

"She's my girlfriend and she's sitting ,next to me," Vince said looking into my father's eyes

"Well she's my daughter so she's gonna sit with me" my dad fought back as they continue to fight I stopped them when Angelo's family were looking like they are out of place so I said "Stop it, dad and Vince, I'm gonna sit besides Angelo" what I said made all my brothers angry

"No princess you're not sitting with him!"
"No way in hell!"
"씨발 안돼!"
"You will not!"

"Boys let her be, besides Angelo won't do anything to hurt her right Angelo?" My mom butted In and Angelo nodded his head in excitement while his family face lightened up

I stood up and look at Vince's face with now anger on his face I just smile lightly and kiss his nose and make my way to Angelo as his brother move to another sit.

We continued eating while Vince was still keeping his gaze at me anger still blazing in his eyes with jealousy but I shove it off and answer Angelo and his family's questions as I learned their names I thought they were mean but they weren't they are kinda like my family.

Tendeddinner ended and we wave Angelo's family outside as they left now I'm walking into my room with Vince behind me after saying goodnight to everyone

Vince still hasn't said a word after the small argument earlier so I feel nervous about what he will do or say later......

Opening my room he slightly push me inside and close the door behind him with a thud then look at me, into my eyes, and said

"Go shower and wash cleanly to remove that guy's touches before I do that myself" he spoke deadly which made me shiver and go to the bathroom to do what he told me before he became super angry and trust me you don't want to see him angry...


Hey guys, Christmas break had began and I'm starting to do more chapters I don't know if it's fine with you guys to do short chapters but I'll try to make long chapters.

Thank you for reading my nonsense story!

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