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Everybody inside the cafeteria is either gossiping or typing on their phones and filming the argument that will surely soon become a fight in the cafeteria.

Andrea Russo confessed that her so-called daughter wasn't her daughter as she was just adopted, she didn't gave birth to twins, she only gave birth to one daughter and it was Liana Russo, her one and only daughter, but of course life is unfair to everyone, 7 years ago, Liana Russo went missing and After a few months of searching it was reported the she was dead, but the family believed that she is still alive since there were no bodies found.

That news is all over the world since their family are well-known, they also introduced Lyra as their daughter unlike Liana, it was so shocking for everyone since some people didn't know that they have another daughter and that they almost looked alike in the photo when they were about 3 years old. An unknown user had posted a few pictures of the two of them when everything was just fine.

Alexandra's mouth was a bit open as she looked in the pictures, she really looked like the kid Liana. Lyra who was standing looking at her phone, suddenly her body started shaking and her phone fell as tears kept on falling from her eyes, her 'Mother' just told the whole world the truth and she couldn't believe it. Angelo was clenching his jaw and his hands form into fist when he saw the news and those picture from Allen's phone. The two cousins looked at Alexandra who still has her eyes on the phone

"I-It really looks like Alexandra" Kai said looking at Alexandra then back to the photo.

" Is Liana really alive?"
"Is Alexandra really Liana?"
"I think Alexandra really is Liana"
" I think so, maybe she is just pretending not to remember them so she could get revenge"

Whispers and Whispers were heard then Lyra suddenly snapped, it was so fast that Kaia didn't even noticed her move. Lyra who looked up quickly then slapped Kaia so hard making her fell on the ground, as Kaia's friends were about to fight with her, she turned around and went to the table beside them.

She took the phones of the students who were sitting in the tables before throwing them to the ground and crushing it with her own heel.

A volleyball captain suddenly screamed as her phone got destroyed by none other than Lyra, she glared at Lyra who's still taking people's phone and crushing it, since they were still afraid of her, they didn't dare to fought with her, but the Volleyball captain had enough of her shits, She walked towards her then grabbed her hair before making Lyra look at her, then she slapped her twice before Lyra knee her stomach causing the volleyball captain, Jennifer to let go of her.

Lyra punch her in the nose and was about to go above Jennifer when she fell on the ground, but a girl pushed her away and that was Katrina, Kaia's bestfriend.

Lyra cried out of pain when her left hip hit the metal table. Kaia and Ashley went towards Lyra with their boyfriends behind them and stared at her groaning in pain while clutching her left hip.

" Never knew you were adopted" Ashley chuckled Kaia looked at her seriously before holding her chin to make eye contact with her before slapping her.

"That's for the students you've bullied just because of your surname that wasn't even yours" Kaia said and slapped her again but in the left cheek

"That's for Ashley" She said, for Ashley because Lyra used to bully her when they were freshman. She slapped her again left and right

" That's for Liana" Yes, Kaia and Liana were bestfriends for two years, those two years were enough to make them realize that they are platonic soul mates.

Some knew that, some didn't that's why the students who didn't know that were in another shock. Who knew that this heartless woman would be friend to Liana.

The cafeteria's doors suddenly opened causing students to look at the entrance and saw five of men in suit and looked like bodyguards.

Those five bodyguards ran to the table of Alexandra and her friends.

Alexandra recognized them as her bodyguards

" Young lady" The main bodyguard, called Nam forwarded a phone to her, while the four guards are busy looking and looking for any threats, students were silenced and just watching and filming.

Alexandra took the phone and saw that her father was on call

"Appa" she started

"Princess go back home with Nam, now" her father's voice is serious causing her to be nervous

"But Dad, I still have classes" she said

"Princess please just go, I already explained it to your principal"


"I'll tell you when you got here, okay?" Her father's voice were soft and gentle.

"Okay, saranghaeyo (I love you)" She said softly

"I love you too princess, go now, be safe" He said before hanging up.

She turned towards her friends before saying

" I'm sorry, I need to go home. Angelo everything will be alright, don't worry" she smiled at Angelo who nodded at her with a small smile.

" Young lady, your bag is already in the car" Nam explained and she just nodded and turned around before walking towards the doors. She was beside Nam and another bodyguard called Naju while the two are behind them and the other one is infront of them. It was their always positions if something bad happened. So they could protect the Young Lady.

But then a gunshot was heard.

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