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"Are you sure that you are just alright?" I asked twice to my only daughter

"Yes, daddy! I am alright, I'm just worried about my friends and the..the school! How about the school?! What's going to happen to the school?!"

After the attack, we had just found out that they had bombed one of the buildings at the school, and a few other buildings were also damaged cause of the gunshots that hit the walls

"One building was bombed, a few buildings were damaged, and they are renovating the school, so the students will either be homeschooled or changing school, and I want to know what would you want. Do you want to go to a new school or be homeschooled? They said it might take at least a half or a year to fix the school" I said, sighing quietly seeing her sad face

"Don't worry, everything will be alright "I said pulling her for a hug.

She put her hands around my hips as she started to cry

After all the crying I managed to make her calm as we were the only ones in my office right now.

"I just started school, it's probably because of me that's why it happened " she sobbed and that made my heart ache seeing my only daughter like that.

"It wasn't your fault, it's the bad men's fault. Baby, don't cry, you can still study even if it's online. I'll help the school recover it so they can rebuild the school faster." I said looking down at her while holding her chubby cheeks and staring at her cute eyes as she stared at mine too.

"R-Really? You'll do that?" She asks sniffing adorably making me smile

"Yes, love. I'll do anything for you" I honestly said making her smile widely.

She wrapped her arms around my hips tighter due to her happiness

"You help them, okay Dad? I love you so much!" She said while hugging me causing me to laugh as I remembered the old days when she was just a teenager and she's always like this every time she get what she wants.

"Dad?" I heard her voice causing me to get out of my daydream

"Yes, baby?" I ask

"Thank you for everything," she said and got out of my hold then jumped up and kissed my cheeks as a thank-you before getting out of my office happily.

I chuckled before sitting on my chair and taking a look at a few pictures on my table.

A picture where my daughter was just 15 years old and was sleeping with his brothers.

A picture where my wife and I together with our daughter playing on the beach.

And the last picture is our family photo. We were all smiling widely and Xandra was side-hugging me and my wife while her brothers were just beside us.

Oh, how much I wanna go back to when our Xandra was just a kid who loved to wait for me and her brothers when we went home after work.


I went to my room and since it was boring I thought of painting but I wasn't in the mood to paint so I decided to do archery with my brother, Chan-young. If Vince had been here then I'd asked him to do archery with me but he had gone home already cause he was busy but we still talked to each other when he got time.

I saw Oppa Chan-young in the living room watching with Oppa Dong-Hyun.

I tiptoed into the living room while they were still busy watching  I was about to scare Oppa Dong-Hyun when he turned around with a smirk on his face.

"You almost got me there, baby sister," he said making me frown before sitting beside him.

"Do you need something, Annie?" Asks Oppa Chan-young and I smile at him.

"Oppa let's do archery I haven't done it in decades," I said dramatically and they laughed at me

" Alright, then change your clothes first!" Opp Chan-young said seriously

Huh? What's wrong with my clothes?

I'm wearing a black sando and a maong shorts that reach my thighs and the Sando is tucked in.

"But my clothes aren't that bad," I said confused

"Yes it isn't bad but it's too short, your shoulders are exposed and so are your legs" Oppe Dong-Hyun

"At least change your shorts, just wear pants or leggings!" Oppa Chan-young

They said... I sighed painfully, they are being like this again. Ugh, why am I still not used to them like this?! This is seriously annoying

"You guys are very annoying!" I yelled at them before running back to my room to change my shorts.

"Do not run up the stairs!" I heard them both yell and I just rolled my eyes before walking up the stairs.

After changing my shorts, I went to them and they were already waiting for me on the staircase.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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