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Lee Jung-woo

I was awoken up by someone's cry? My head was throbbing because of the alcohol I opened my eyes and saw it was still dark maybe it was only midnight then I look at the person who was crying and saw it was my little sister,my little flower fucking crying!

I hate it when she cries,we all does.

"Xandra? Why are you crying?hmm?"she was startled at my voice cause she didn't saw me already awake. I stood up and went beside her and slowly pulled her at my chest and calm her down.

"Oppa...."xandra sobbed and hugged me tighter while I just hold her feeling guilty because I knew it was me who caused her to cry.

After a while,she calmed down and stopped crying,then she pulled away.

"I-im sorry baby,I didn't mean to make you cry I was just too angry at myself because I wasn't there or any of us to protect you" I shuttered,I never shuttered but I always shutter when it comes to my little sister.

"I-its not your fault,I'm sorry"she said

"Why are you sorry,hmm?"I asked her softly

"Because first day o-of school a-and i-im already s-suspended"she looked down and muttered

'I disappointed all of you didn't i?' That i almost didn't heard

trying to control her tears. She thought we were disappointed at her but it was us! It was us who disappointed her,we promised her that we will always protect her.

We all promised to protect her from this cruel world.

I tried to control my tears but I couldn't hold them especially when it's about my little sister or any of my family.

"Flower,you didn't disappoint us infact it was us who's disappointed on ourselves for not being able to protect you" I explained at her holding her chin making her look in my eyes as tears fell from our eyes.

"Y-your not disappointed a-at me?"she asked,her lips turning into a pout that we loves about her.

We hate children ever since before except for her,ever since she came she changed everyone,our whole family changes because of her.

"You will never gonna disappoint us,we love you so much" I whispered the last words I told her and hug her again she cried loudly and hug me back.

I pulled away and carry her on my bed and cuddle with her,

" don't cry,I hate seeing you crying" I said she just laughs and hug me more then after a couple minutes of being silent and just cuddling I heard her soft snores causing me to laugh softly and I slowly get out off the bed then took off my white sleeve and change my pants into shorts and then i toothbrush,after that I go back to the bed and cuddle with her letting my eyes close as I fell into darkness.


I woke up with arms circling my waist,my head was touching my older brother's chest.

I furrowed my eyebrows remembering what happened last night my cheeks were still hurting a bit,thankfully the scratch on my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore.


I talked to my family about yesterday and also about me thinking that they were disappointed at me but they said they wasn't,they also told me that Mr.Choi who was driving to the school to pick me up got into an accident,that they just find out after the accident in the school.

I told them that I will visit Mr.Choi later and they got a little angry because of my condition which definitely irritates me because it's not like I'm gonna die and it's just a scratch and it doesn't even hurt anymore which a little lie because my face still hurts a bit from the slaps that Lyra threw at Me. But in the end they still agree because of my puppy eyes.

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