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After showering I exactly did what Vince had told me, I took the clothes I had taken from the closet so I could just dress up here scared to see Vince face which probably still held anger

I walked out of the bathroom and my eyes instantly connected with his,I gulp when I saw his eyes were on me darkly as he was sitting on my bed

"Come here love" his voice was rough and in angry tone and I literally shivered at his voice and I obeyed him slowly walking towards him,when I was close he pulls me and made me sit on his lap causing a small yelp escape my lips

"You know,I really hate what happened earlier at dinner"he spoke again

"W-why?" I ask stammering lightly he caress my cheeks slowly "you were sitting so close to that Russo boys" he suddenly hold my cheeks a little tight

"I.... A-Angelo is ny friend" I told him but it only made him angrier and tighten his hold on my cheeks that will probably leave mark

"Don't you ever say his name again and I don't want you to be near him again" he demanded and I felt a little anger in my heart.

Angelo is my friend,I don't know why I felt like I have to protect him

"But he is nice and he's my friend" I said standing up and stomp my left foot like a kid as I always do when I get annoyed or angry at someone

"But he's a boy and I don't like him" he said lightly glaring at me Gosh why did I said yes to this possessive
Guy I glared back shocking him slightly since i barely glare on someone

"But he's a freaking gay" I exclaimed but he still shook his head not agreeing and gently hold my waist

"Baby,I don't like it when you have boys as your friends and besides he is the reason why that bitch hurt you" I gape at his words

"Vince,you have been cursing since last night and I hate it" I said "Okay princess I won't curse again" he said and pull me in the bed as he lays us both on the bed

"Vince it's not his fault and he is a gay and my other friends that are boys is just a friend too" I told him softly as I caress his hair that is now on top if my breast

"Fine babygirl but If I found out that someone is liking you from those boys I won't hesitate to beat him up" he said

"I'm sorry for that love,we argued again" he said looking up and kissing my lips

"It's fine and I'm sorry too for being angry" I said a little upset he told me that It was fine and I shouldn't say sorry being angry since it's normal for everyone.

I forgave him and kiss his head

"I love you Vince" I said smiling I felt him smile on my breast and replied " l love you too xandra" he push his head a little deeper on my breast and said

"Goodnight love"

"Goodnight Ace"


Hi guys, I didn't write a long chapter today since I'm very  tired and sleepy.

Maybe I'll do a long chapter again next time

Your author♡

Alexandra Where stories live. Discover now