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I woke up with a gasp when I felt a heavy weight on my upper body and knew it was Vince. He was sleeping peacefully and looked innocent when sleeping, but when he was not, he looked like something else.I decided to stay and watch him sleep until he woke up, but I felt myself needing the toilet and carefully stood up not wanting him to wake up and when I almost free myself his hand caught mine and pull me back to bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked, and his voice was husky

"Bathroom, I need to pee," I said, blushing. He opened his one eye and let go of my wrist while saying the words

"Alright,but come back quick. I want to sleep while hugging you. " he says, and I stood up quickly, rushing towards the bathroom and doing my business.

After 5 minutes, I finished and got out of the bathroom to find him still sleeping. I sighed as i saw the clock, which was now at 5:30am, I walked towards the bed and gently shook his shoulder to wake him up, but it was no use so I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen and saw no one except a maid cleaning something on the counter,when she saw me,her eyes held fear and bow down a little

"G-Good morning, Miss," she said,I smiled and greeted her back before opening the refrigerator door to look for ingredients I'm going to cook.

After getting the ingredients out of the refrigerator, the maid, whose name is Andrea and is now at her 30s. She looked at me and saw what I was holding, and as if she knew what I'm going to do next,she panicked

"Miss,I can cook whatever you want for breakfast. You don't need to cook, and you're not allowed to. Your father wouldn't like that and will punish me for letting you do something like that." She said as she took the ingredients from my hands. I giggled slightly.

"I can handle them Mrs.Brown and you don't have to worry about my father. I'll handle him too," I said, smiling and telling her to rest, and I'll cook breakfast for my family she was hesitant but still agreed in the end.

Soon,I began mixing all the ingredients for pancakes, and after that, I started cooking the pancakes.

After 1 hour

After I finished cooking, I started to place it on the table

I beamed widely as I looked at what I just did,It was perfect. Now I'm just gonna wait for all of them to wake up, I picked up a bacon that was on the counter, which I prepared for myself to eat while waiting for them.

After a couple of minutes,I heard footsteps, and I began smiling, but that faded when I saw my brother's with the others behind him with a hungry look on their faces.

I smiled at them and about to say something when my dad beat me to it

"Did you do all of this?" I nodded my head, smiling at them

"I told you, xandra,you're not allowed in the kitchen,you aren't allowed to cook," my oldest brother scolded me, and I pouted.

"I know, dad,but I really wanted to make breakfast for all of you," I said, and just then, Vince walked in with a frown on his face but it vanished when he saw me and walked towards me ignoring our family.

He hugged me, and he put his head on my neck, and I felt him sniffing me.

After our hugging session,

"I told you to sleep again,I wanted to cuddle with you," he said childishly. I giggled at him.

"I'm sorry,I wasn't just sleepy again, and you wouldn't wake up, so I thought of making breakfast for all of us." I beamed at him the he frowned again

"You weren't allowed in the kitchen love,what if you had gotten hurt?" He asked worriedly and looked over my hands if they were any cuts or something.

"Okaayy.... let's talk about this later. We're hungry, " Mommy said and took a seat next to dad.

I looked at matteo and got the plate where the small pancakes were,

"Teo,look,i made this for you,"I said and placed it in front of him

"Thank you, Xandra!" He said cutely before shoving a piece inside his mouth.

We were talking and laughing about something while eating while Vince was just silent and continued eating but also feeding me even tho I told him I could do it myself.

Alexandra Where stories live. Discover now