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onika maraj

My first day at TSU and I was shitting bricks. I already walked into the wrong class and I tripped going up the stairs. Don't ask me how.

I finally found my class and I was super late. I opened the door and everyone's heads turned to me. It was the first day of school and it's college so so have to be an adult so I didn't say anything.

I shot the professor an apologetic look and found a seat in the very back. I was sitting by the wall and the prettiest girl was sitting next to me.

She was brownskin, she had three or four bantu knots at the front of her head and the rest of her hair was straight back. She was pretty.

I guess she noticed me staring at her because she looked at me and smiled. If I was her, I would've asked me if I had a problem. I hate it when people stare at me.

"I love your hair." She was whispering because the teacher was talking about the syllabus.

I should've been paying attention but I didn't really care, this could've been an email before school started.

I'm glad she's not rude and stuck up, most of the people I've had interactions with so far on this campus have been.

I pretty much stay to myself but if someone says something to me I'm going to say something back. I already have some people I don't get along with here.

"Thank you, I love the way yours is styled." I love half up half downs.

"Who does your hair? I need to go to them."

"Me, I actually do hair."

We moved into our dorms about a week before actual classes started so I had time to get comfortable and make a work space. I do hair out of my dorm, I already have customers. Social media is the key to everything now.

"Really? Give me your number or Instagram, I have to book an appointment with you."

"I can put it down in your phone if you want."

"Yeah sure. I'm sorry, I completely forgot to ask you your name."


"I'm Teyana." She put her hand out and I shook it.

Just like that, we became friends.

We started texting about hair and it led to normal conversation. We would spend the entirety of the classes we had together texting or writing notes.

We became friends fast but I liked it. She would keep me and my clients company while I did hair and we would study and do work together.

You would've thought we knew each other for more than a week and a half.

That next Friday, she invited me to a party. I was exhausted from school and doing hair but I wanted the full college experience so I agreed.

After my last class, I went home and took a short nap. After the sun set, I got back up to get on the shower and got dressed.

I was wearing something way too short. Nobody cares, everyone's a slut in college. Hoes come out of the house in damn near a bra and panty set and nobody bats an eyelash.

Teyana walked into my room with a bottle of Hennessy, my roommate must've let her in.

"Let's pregame, hoe!"

"Then who's driving?" I barely know how to drive, I don't know who allowed me to get one. They need to be fired immediately.

"Hmm. Well  if I drink while I drive, the alcohol won't hit me until I get there. It's only a couple minute drive."

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