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onika maraj

I was walking home from class when a car honked behind me. I ignored it, I was just trying to get to my dorm.

"Onika Tanya Maraj!" Oh, it was Bey. I started walking even faster.

I was doing this for no reason at all. We've actually been good, we just hang out and occasionally kiss. I still make her work for it.

We're basically in a relationship without the title. I like what we're doing right now.

Bey was driving slowly next to me and I was ignoring her. "Onik-"

"Can you stop saying my full name like that? Damn."

"Get in, stop being difficult."

There was a crosswalk and she drove right in front of me. I was going to walk around it but there was cars starting to come behind her and she wouldn't move.

I got in her car and threw my bag in the back. "Don't ever do that again."

"What? Try to give you a ride? I can't have my girl walking around in the Texas heat."

"I'm not your girl."

"Yes you are, shut up." She put her hand on my thigh and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't tell me to shut up, I'll slap you."

"I'll slap you right back, I'm still a girl."

I slapped her just to see. It wasn't hard, she probably barely felt it.

She didn't do anything, just like I thought. She just kept driving.

"Right, pussy." She would never hit me even if I hit her first.

She squeezed my thigh, "Let me get some of yours baby."

"Never in your life."

"We fucked last night."

"In your dreams, maybe." We haven't had sex since we started talking again.

"I think about us having sex to fall asleep so you're not wrong."


"I asked if you were hungry, I'm not taking you back to your dorm."

"Yes you are. I'm tired."

"I'm not ready to leave you, I want to spend a little time with you. At least come get lunch with me, I know you're hungry."

"Where are we going?" She was right, I haven't eaten yet today.


"Sure, I need to get something for Lauren though." Lauren is always getting me food. Sometimes I get in my mode when I'm doing hair back to back and forget to eat.

She always buys me food or makes me something, I need to return the favor.

"I don't mind getting her fine ass some food."

"That's exactly why Tey was beating your ass. Stop playing with me." I'll do more than push her head into a window.

"I thought you just said we weren't together?" She was smiling like something was funny.

"I don't give a fuck, don't call her fine or say anything about her."

"I'm single, right? Why are you playing with me? You're my girlfriend and until you're say that, I can do whatever I want."

"Just because we're not together doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, dumbass. We're working towards a relationship."

"How? A title wouldn't change anything, you already act like my girlfriend and I act like yours. Just be mine."

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